Using silx from Python Interpreter#

This is a convenient package to use from Python or IPython interpreter. It loads the main features of silx and provides high-level functions.

>>> from silx import sx

When used in an interpreter is sets-up Qt and loads some silx widgets. In a jupyter / IPython notebook, to set-up Qt and loads silx widgets, you must then call:

>>> sx.enable_gui()

When used in IPython, it also runs %pylab, thus importing numpy and matplotlib.

Plot functions#

The following functions plot curves and images with silx widgets:

The ginput() function handles user selection on those widgets.


Those functions are not available from a notebook.


plot(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

Plot curves in a Plot1D widget.

How to use:

>>> from silx import sx
>>> import numpy

Plot a single curve given some values:

>>> values = numpy.random.random(100)
>>> plot_1curve = sx.plot(values, title='Random data')

Plot a single curve given the x and y values:

>>> angles = numpy.linspace(0, numpy.pi, 100)
>>> sin_a = numpy.sin(angles)
>>> plot_sinus = sx.plot(angles, sin_a, xlabel='angle (radian)', ylabel='sin(a)')

Plot many curves by giving a 2D array, provided xn, yn arrays:

>>> plot_curves = sx.plot(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, ...)

Plot curve with style giving a style string:

>>> plot_styled = sx.plot(x0, y0, 'ro-', x1, y1, 'b.')

Supported symbols:

  • ‘o’ circle

  • ‘.’ point

  • ‘,’ pixel

  • ‘+’ cross

  • ‘x’ x-cross

  • ‘d’ diamond

  • ‘s’ square

Supported types of line:

  • ‘ ‘ no line

  • ‘-’ solid line

  • ‘–’ dashed line

  • ‘-.’ dash-dot line

  • ‘:’ dotted line

If provided, the names arguments color, linestyle, linewidth and marker override any style provided to a curve.

This function supports a subset of matplotlib.pyplot.plot arguments.

  • color (str) – Color to use for all curves (default: None)

  • linestyle (str) – Type of line to use for all curves (default: None)

  • linewidth (float) – With of all the curves (default: 1)

  • marker (str) – Symbol to use for all the curves (default: None)

  • title (str) – The title of the Plot widget (default: None)

  • xlabel (str) – The label of the X axis (default: None)

  • ylabel (str) – The label of the Y axis (default: None)


The widget plotting the curve(s)

Return type:



imshow(data=None, cmap=None, norm='linear', vmin=None, vmax=None, aspect=False, origin='upper', scale=(1.0, 1.0), title='', xlabel='X', ylabel='Y')[source]#

Plot an image in a Plot2D widget.

How to use:

>>> from silx import sx
>>> import numpy
>>> data = numpy.random.random(1024 * 1024).reshape(1024, 1024)
>>> plt = sx.imshow(data, title='Random data')

By default, the image origin is displayed in the upper left corner of the plot. To invert the Y axis, and place the image origin in the lower left corner of the plot, use the origin parameter:

>>> plt = sx.imshow(data, origin='lower')

This function supports a subset of matplotlib.pyplot.imshow arguments.

  • data (numpy.ndarray-like with 2 dimensions) – data to plot as an image

  • cmap (str) – The name of the colormap to use for the plot. It also supports a numpy array containing a RGB LUT, or a colors.Colormap instance.

  • norm (str) – The normalization of the colormap: ‘linear’ (default) or ‘log’

  • vmin (float) – The value to use for the min of the colormap

  • vmax (float) – The value to use for the max of the colormap

  • aspect (bool) – True to keep aspect ratio (Default: False)

  • origin (str or 2-tuple of floats) – Either image origin as the Y axis orientation: ‘upper’ (default) or ‘lower’ or the coordinates (ox, oy) of the image origin in the plot.

  • scale (2-tuple of floats) – (sx, sy) The scale of the image in the plot (i.e., the size of the image’s pixel in plot coordinates)

  • title (str) – The title of the Plot widget

  • xlabel (str) – The label of the X axis

  • ylabel (str) – The label of the Y axis


The widget plotting the image

Return type:



scatter(x=None, y=None, value=None, size=None, marker=None, cmap=None, norm='linear', vmin=None, vmax=None)[source]#

Plot scattered data in a ScatterView widget.

How to use:

>>> from silx import sx
>>> import numpy
>>> x = numpy.random.random(100)
>>> y = numpy.random.random(100)
>>> values = numpy.random.random(100)
>>> plt = sx.scatter(x, y, values, cmap='viridis')

Supported symbols:

  • ‘o’ circle

  • ‘.’ point

  • ‘,’ pixel

  • ‘+’ cross

  • ‘x’ x-cross

  • ‘d’ diamond

  • ‘s’ square

This function supports a subset of matplotlib.pyplot.scatter arguments.

  • x (numpy.ndarray) – 1D array-like of x coordinates

  • y (numpy.ndarray) – 1D array-like of y coordinates

  • value (numpy.ndarray) – 1D array-like of data values

  • size (float) – Size^2 of the markers

  • marker (str) – Symbol used to represent the points

  • cmap (str) – The name of the colormap to use for the plot

  • norm (str) – The normalization of the colormap: ‘linear’ (default) or ‘log’

  • vmin (float) – The value to use for the min of the colormap

  • vmax (float) – The value to use for the max of the colormap


The widget plotting the scatter plot

Return type:



ginput(n=1, timeout=30, plot=None)[source]#

Get input points on a plot.

If no plot is provided, it uses a plot widget created with either or

How to use:

>>> from silx import sx
>>> sx.imshow(image)  # Plot the image
>>> sx.ginput(1)  # Request selection on the image plot
((0.598, 1.234))

How to get more information about the selected positions:

>>> positions = sx.ginput(1)
>>> positions[0].getData()  # Returns value(s) at selected position
>>> positions[0].getIndices()  # Returns data indices at selected position
>>> positions[0].getItem()  # Returns plot item at selected position
  • n (int) – Number of points the user need to select

  • timeout (float) – Timeout in seconds before ginput returns event if selection is not completed

  • plot (silx.gui.plot.PlotWidget.PlotWidget) – An optional PlotWidget from which to get input


List of clicked points coordinates (x, y) in plot


ValueError – If provided plot is not a PlotWidget

3D plot functions#

The following functions plot 3D data with silx widgets (it requires OpenGL):


Those functions are not available from a notebook.


contour3d(scalars, contours=1, copy=True, color=None, colormap='viridis', vmin=None, vmax=None, opacity=1.0)[source]#

Plot isosurfaces of a 3D scalar field in a ScalarFieldView widget.

How to use:

>>> from silx import sx

Provided data, a 3D scalar field as a numpy array of float32:

>>> plot3d_window = sx.contour3d(data)

Alternatively you can provide the level of the isosurfaces:

>>> plot3d_window = sx.contour3d(data, contours=[0.2, 0.4])

This function provides a subset of mayavi.mlab.contour3d arguments.

  • scalars (numpy.ndarray of float32 with 3 dimensions) – The 3D scalar field to visualize

  • contours (Union[int, float, List[float]]) – Either the number of isosurfaces to draw (as an int) or the isosurface level (as a float) or a list of isosurface levels (as a list of float)

  • copy (bool) – True (default) to make a copy of scalars. False to avoid this copy (do not modify provided data afterwards)

  • color – Color.s to use for isosurfaces. Either a single color or a list of colors (one for each isosurface). A color can be defined by its name (as a str) or as RGB(A) as float or uint8.

  • colormap (str) – If color is not provided, this colormap is used for coloring isosurfaces.

  • vmin (Union[float, None]) – Minimum value of the colormap

  • vmax (Union[float, None]) – Maximum value of the colormap

  • opacity (float) – Transparency of the isosurfaces as a float in [0., 1.]


The widget used to visualize the data

Return type:



points3d(x, y, z=None, values=0.0, copy=True, colormap='viridis', vmin=None, vmax=None, mode=None)[source]#

Plot a 3D scatter plot in a SceneWindow widget.

How to use:

>>> from silx import sx

Provided x, y, z, values, 4 numpy array of float32:

>>> plot3d_window = sx.points3d(x, y, z)
>>> plot3d_window = sx.points3d(x, y, z, values)

This function provides a subset of mayavi.mlab.points3d arguments.

  • x (numpy.ndarray) – X coordinates of the points

  • y (numpy.ndarray) – Y coordinates of the points

  • z (numpy.ndarray) – Z coordinates of the points (optional)

  • values (numpy.ndarray) – Values at each point (optional)

  • copy (bool) – True (default) to make a copy of scalars. False to avoid this copy (do not modify provided data afterwards)

  • colormap (str) – Colormap to use for coding points as colors.

  • vmin (Union[float, None]) – Minimum value of the colormap

  • vmax (Union[float, None]) – Maximum value of the colormap

  • mode (str) –

    The type of marker to use

    • Circle: ‘o’, ‘2dcircle’

    • Diamond: ‘d’, ‘2ddiamond’

    • Square: ‘s’, ‘2dsquare’

    • Plus: ‘+’

    • Cross: ‘x’, ‘2dcross’

    • Star: ‘*’

    • Vertical line: ‘|’

    • Horizontal line: ‘_’, ‘2ddash’

    • Point: ‘.’

    • Pixel: ‘,’


The widget used to visualize the data

Return type:



The widgets of the silx.gui.plot package are also exposed in this package. See silx.gui.plot for documentation.


The content of the package is also exposed in this package. See for documentation.


The following classes from silx.math are exposed in this package: