Package structure#

The silx.gui.plot package provides plot widgets. This package is structured as follows.

PlotWidget and PlotWindow provides the user API. PlotWidget is a Qt widget (actually a QMainWindow) displaying a 1D, 2D plot area. It provides different interaction modes. PlotWindow is a Qt widget (actually a QMainWindow) which adds a set of toolbar buttons and associated functionalities to PlotWidget. The toolbar QActions are implemented in actions.

Plot, PlotEvents and PlotInteraction implement the plotting API regardless of the rendering backend and regardless of its integration in Qt. The plotting API in defined in Plot. The different interaction modes (zoom, drawing, pan) are implemented in PlotInteraction. Each interaction mode is implemented with a state machine structure (implemented in Interaction). The different events emitted by Plot and by the interaction modes are created with helper functions defined in PlotEvents.

The PlotWindow uses additional widgets:

The widgets also use the following miscellaneous modules:

The backends package provide the implementation of the rendering used by the Plot. It contains: backends.BackendBase defines the API any plot backend should provide in BackendBase. backends.BackendMatplotlib implements a matplotlib backend. The backends.BackendMatplotlib the provides two classes:

  • BackendMatplotlib that provides a matplotlib backend without a specific canvas.

  • BackendMatplotlibQt which inherits from BackendMatplotlib and adds a Qt canvas, and Qt specific functionalities.

The OpenGL-based backend is implemented in the backends.BackendOpenGL module and the backends.glutils package which provides the different primitives used for rendering and interaction. It is based on silx.gui._glutils, PyOpenGL and OpenGL >= 2.1.

Plot and backend


For PlotWidget and Plot modules, see their respective documentations: PlotWidget, Plot.

The following modules are the modules used internally by the plot package.


Base class for Plot backends.

It documents the Plot backend API.

This API is a simplified version of PyMca PlotBackend API.

class BackendBase(plot, parent=None)[source]#

Class defining the API a backend of the Plot should provide.

addCurve(x, y, color, gapcolor, symbol, linewidth, linestyle, yaxis, xerror, yerror, fill, alpha, symbolsize, baseline)[source]#

Add a 1D curve given by x an y to the graph.

  • x (numpy.ndarray) – The data corresponding to the x axis

  • y (numpy.ndarray) – The data corresponding to the y axis

  • color (string ("#RRGGBB") or (npoints, 4) unsigned byte array or one of the predefined color names defined in – color(s) to be used

  • gapcolor (Union[str, None]) – color used to fill dashed line gaps.

  • symbol (str) –

    Symbol to be drawn at each (x, y) position:

    - ' ' or '' no symbol
    - 'o' circle
    - '.' point
    - ',' pixel
    - '+' cross
    - 'x' x-cross
    - 'd' diamond
    - 's' square

  • linewidth (float) – The width of the curve in pixels

  • linestyle

    Type of line:

    - ' ' or ''  no line
    - '-'  solid line
    - '--' dashed line
    - '-.' dash-dot line
    - ':'  dotted line
    - (offset, (dash pattern))

  • yaxis (str) – The Y axis this curve belongs to in: ‘left’, ‘right’

  • xerror (numpy.ndarray or None) – Values with the uncertainties on the x values

  • yerror (numpy.ndarray or None) – Values with the uncertainties on the y values

  • fill (bool) – True to fill the curve, False otherwise

  • alpha (float) – Curve opacity, as a float in [0., 1.]

  • symbolsize (float) – Size of the symbol (if any) drawn at each (x, y) position.


The handle used by the backend to univocally access the curve

addImage(data, origin, scale, colormap, alpha)[source]#

Add an image to the plot.

  • data (numpy.ndarray) – (nrows, ncolumns) data or (nrows, ncolumns, RGBA) ubyte array

  • origin (2-tuple of float) – (origin X, origin Y) of the data. Default: (0., 0.)

  • scale (2-tuple of float) – (scale X, scale Y) of the data. Default: (1., 1.)

  • colormap (Colormap) – Colormap object to use. Ignored if data is RGB(A).

  • alpha (float) – Opacity of the image, as a float in range [0, 1].


The handle used by the backend to univocally access the image

addTriangles(x, y, triangles, color, alpha)[source]#

Add a set of triangles.

  • x (numpy.ndarray) – The data corresponding to the x axis

  • y (numpy.ndarray) – The data corresponding to the y axis

  • triangles (numpy.ndarray) – The indices to make triangles as a (Ntriangle, 3) array

  • color (numpy.ndarray) – color(s) as (npoints, 4) array

  • alpha (float) – Opacity as a float in [0., 1.]


The triangles’ unique identifier used by the backend

addShape(x, y, shape, color, fill, overlay, linestyle, linewidth, gapcolor)[source]#

Add an item (i.e. a shape) to the plot.

  • x (numpy.ndarray) – The X coords of the points of the shape

  • y (numpy.ndarray) – The Y coords of the points of the shape

  • shape (str) – Type of item to be drawn in hline, polygon, rectangle, vline, polylines

  • color (str) – Color of the item

  • fill (bool) – True to fill the shape

  • overlay (bool) – True if item is an overlay, False otherwise

  • linestyle

    Style of the line. Only relevant for line markers where X or Y is None. Value in:

    • ’ ‘ no line

    • ’-’ solid line

    • ’–’ dashed line

    • ’-.’ dash-dot line

    • ’:’ dotted line

    • (offset, (dash pattern))

  • linewidth (float) – Width of the line. Only relevant for line markers where X or Y is None.

  • gapcolor (str) – Background color of the line, e.g., ‘blue’, ‘b’, ‘#FF0000’. It is used to draw dotted line using a second color.


The handle used by the backend to univocally access the item

addMarker(x, y, text, color, symbol, symbolsize, linestyle, linewidth, constraint, yaxis, font, bgcolor)[source]#

Add a point, vertical line or horizontal line marker to the plot.

  • x (float | None) – Horizontal position of the marker in graph coordinates. If None, the marker is a horizontal line.

  • y (float | None) – Vertical position of the marker in graph coordinates. If None, the marker is a vertical line.

  • text (str | None) – Text associated to the marker (or None for no text)

  • color (str) – Color to be used for instance ‘blue’, ‘b’, ‘#FF0000’

  • bgcolor (Optional[Tuple[float, float, float, float]]) – Text background color to be used for instance ‘blue’, ‘b’, ‘#FF0000’

  • symbol (str | None) –

    Symbol representing the marker. Only relevant for point markers where X and Y are not None. Value in:

    • ’o’ circle

    • ’.’ point

    • ’,’ pixel

    • ’+’ cross

    • ’x’ x-cross

    • ’d’ diamond

    • ’s’ square

  • linestyle (str | tuple[float, tuple[float, ...] | None]) –

    Style of the line. Only relevant for line markers where X or Y is None. Value in:

    • ’ ‘ no line

    • ’-’ solid line

    • ’–’ dashed line

    • ’-.’ dash-dot line

    • ’:’ dotted line

    • (offset, (dash pattern))

  • linewidth (float) – Width of the line. Only relevant for line markers where X or Y is None.

  • constraint (Callable[[float, float], tuple[float, float]] | None) – A function filtering marker displacement by dragging operations or None for no filter. This function is called each time a marker is moved. It takes the coordinates of the current cursor position in the plot as input and that returns the filtered coordinates.

  • yaxis (str) – The Y axis this marker belongs to in: ‘left’, ‘right’

  • font (QFont) – QFont to use to render text

  • symbolsize (float)

Return type:



Handle used by the backend to univocally access the marker


Remove an existing item from the plot.


item – A backend specific item handle returned by a add* method


Set the cursor shape.

To override in interactive backends.


cursor (str) – Name of the cursor shape or None

setGraphCursor(flag, color, linewidth, linestyle)[source]#

Toggle the display of a crosshair cursor and set its attributes.

To override in interactive backends.

  • flag (bool) – Toggle the display of a crosshair cursor.

  • color (A string (either a predefined color name in or "#RRGGBB")) or a 4 columns unsigned byte array.) – The color to use for the crosshair.

  • linewidth (int) – The width of the lines of the crosshair.

  • linestyle (None, one of the predefined styles or (offset, (dash pattern)).) –

    Type of line:

    - ' ' no line
    - '-' solid line
    - '--' dashed line
    - '-.' dash-dot line
    - ':' dotted line
    - (offset, (dash pattern))


Returns the list of plot items order as rendered by the backend.

This is the order used for rendering. By default, it takes into account overlays, z value and order of addition of items, but backends can override it.


condition (callable) – Callable taking an item as input and returning False for items to skip. If None (default), no item is skipped.

Return type:


pickItem(x, y, item)[source]#

Return picked indices if any, or None.

  • x (float) – The x pixel coord where to pick.

  • y (float) – The y pixel coord where to pick.

  • item – A backend item created with add* methods.


None if item was not picked, else returns picked indices information.

Return type:


setCurveColor(curve, color)[source]#

Set the color of a curve.

  • curve – The curve handle

  • color (str) – The color to use.


Return the widget this backend is drawing to.


Trigger backend update and repaint.


Redraw the plot.

saveGraph(fileName, fileFormat, dpi)[source]#

Save the graph to a file (or a StringIO)

At least “png”, “svg” are supported.

  • fileName (String or StringIO or BytesIO) – Destination

  • fileFormat (str) – String specifying the format

  • dpi (int) – The resolution to use or None.


Set the main title of the plot.


title (str) – Title associated to the plot


Set the X axis label.


label (str) – label associated to the plot bottom X axis

setGraphYLabel(label, axis)[source]#

Set the left Y axis label.

  • label (str) – label associated to the plot left Y axis

  • axis (str) – The axis for which to get the limits: left or right

setLimits(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, y2min=None, y2max=None)[source]#

Set the limits of the X and Y axes at once.

  • xmin (float) – minimum bottom axis value

  • xmax (float) – maximum bottom axis value

  • ymin (float) – minimum left axis value

  • ymax (float) – maximum left axis value

  • y2min (float) – minimum right axis value

  • y2max (float) – maximum right axis value


Get the graph X (bottom) limits.


Minimum and maximum values of the X axis

setGraphXLimits(xmin, xmax)[source]#

Set the limits of X axis.

  • xmin (float) – minimum bottom axis value

  • xmax (float) – maximum bottom axis value


Get the graph Y (left) limits.


axis (str) – The axis for which to get the limits: left or right


Minimum and maximum values of the Y axis

setGraphYLimits(ymin, ymax, axis)[source]#

Set the limits of the Y axis.

  • ymin (float) – minimum left axis value

  • ymax (float) – maximum left axis value

  • axis (str) – The axis for which to get the limits: left or right


Returns tzinfo that is used if the X-Axis plots date-times.

None means the datetimes are interpreted as local time.

Return type:

datetime.tzinfo of None.


Sets tzinfo that is used if the X-Axis plots date-times.

Use None to let the datetimes be interpreted as local time.

Return type:

datetime.tzinfo of None.


Return True if the X-axis scale shows datetime objects.

Return type:



Set whether the X-axis is a time series


flag (bool) – True to switch to time series, False for regular axis.


Set the X axis scale between linear and log.


flag (bool) – If True, the bottom axis will use a log scale


Set the Y axis scale between linear and log.


flag (bool) – If True, the left axis will use a log scale


Invert the Y axis.


flag (bool) – If True, put the vertical axis origin on the top


Return True if left Y axis is inverted, False otherwise.


Return True if the Y axis on the right side of the plot is visible

Return type:



Returns whether the plot is keeping data aspect ratio or not.


Set whether to keep data aspect ratio or not.


flag (Boolean, default True) – True to respect data aspect ratio


Set grid.


which – None to disable grid, ‘major’ for major grid, ‘both’ for major and minor grid

dataToPixel(x, y, axis)[source]#

Convert a position in data space to a position in pixels in the widget.

  • x (float or sequence of float) – The X coordinate in data space.

  • y (float or sequence of float) – The Y coordinate in data space.

  • axis (str) – The Y axis to use for the conversion (‘left’ or ‘right’).


The corresponding position in pixels or None if the data position is not in the displayed area.

Return type:

A tuple of 2 floats: (xPixel, yPixel) or None.

pixelToData(x, y, axis)[source]#

Convert a position in pixels in the widget to a position in the data space.

  • x (float) – The X coordinate in pixels.

  • y (float) – The Y coordinate in pixels.

  • axis (str) – The Y axis to use for the conversion (‘left’ or ‘right’).


The corresponding position in data space or None if the pixel position is not in the plot area.

Return type:

A tuple of 2 floats: (xData, yData) or None.


Plot area bounds in widget coordinates in pixels.


bounds as a 4-tuple of int: (left, top, width, height)

setAxesMargins(left, top, right, bottom)[source]#

Set the size of plot margins as ratios.

Values are expected in [0., 1.]

  • left (float)

  • top (float)

  • right (float)

  • bottom (float)

  • left

  • top

  • right

  • bottom

setForegroundColors(foregroundColor, gridColor)[source]#

Set foreground and grid colors used to display this widget.

  • foregroundColor (List[float]) – RGBA foreground color of the widget

  • gridColor (List[float]) – RGBA grid color of the data view

setBackgroundColors(backgroundColor, dataBackgroundColor)[source]#

Set background colors used to display this widget.

  • backgroundColor (List[float]) – RGBA background color of the widget

  • dataBackgroundColor (Union[Tuple[float],None]) – RGBA background color of the data view


Widget to handle regions of interest (ROI) on curves displayed in a PlotWindow.

This widget is meant to work with PlotWindow.

class CurvesROIWidget(parent=None, name=None, plot=None)[source]

Widget displaying a table of ROI information.

Implements also the following behavior:

  • if the roiTable has no ROI when showing create the default ICR one

  • parent – See QWidget

  • name (str) – The title of this widget


Signal of ROIs modifications.

Modification information if given as a dict with an ‘event’ key providing the type of events.

Type of events:

  • AddROI, DelROI, LoadROI and ResetROI with keys: ‘roilist’, ‘roidict’

  • selectionChanged with keys: ‘row’, ‘col’ ‘roi’, ‘key’, ‘colheader’, ‘rowheader’


Returns the associated PlotWidget or None

Return type:


property roiFileDir

The directory from which to load/save ROI from/to files.


Load ROI widget information from a file storing a dict of ROI.


filename (str) – The file from which to load ROI


Save current ROIs of the widget as a dict of ROI to a file.


filename (str) – The file to which to save the ROIs


Set the header text of this widget

calculateRois(roiList=None, roiDict=None)[source]

Compute ROI information

showEvent(self, a0: QShowEvent | None)[source]
hideEvent(self, a0: QHideEvent | None)[source]
class ROITable(parent=None, plot=None, rois=None)[source]

Table widget displaying ROI information.

See QTableWidget for constructor arguments.

Behavior: listen at the active curve changed only when the widget is visible. Otherwise won’t compute the row and net counts…


Signal emitted when the active roi changed or when the value of the active roi are changing



clear the interface only. keep the roidict…

setRois(rois, order=None)[source]

Set the ROIs by providing a dictionary of ROI information.

The dictionary keys are the ROI names. Each value is a sub-dictionary of ROI info with the following fields:

  • "from": x coordinate of the left limit, as a float

  • "to": x coordinate of the right limit, as a float

  • "type": type of ROI, as a string (e.g “channels”, “energy”)

  • roidict – Dictionary of ROIs

  • order (str) – Field used for ordering the ROIs. One of “from”, “to”, “type”. None (default) for no ordering, or same order as specified in parameter rois if provided as a dict.


:param ROI roi: roi to add to the table


remove the current active roi


remove the requested roi


name (str) – the name of the roi to remove from the table


Define the given roi as the active one.


this roi should already be registred / added to the table

:param ROI roi: the roi to defined as active

currentChanged(self, current: QModelIndex, previous: QModelIndex)[source]

Update values of all registred rois (raw and net counts in particular)


Return the currently defined ROIs, as an ordered dict.

The dictionary keys are the ROI names. Each value is a ROI object..


order – Field used for ordering the ROIs. One of “from”, “to”, “type”, “netcounts”, “rawcounts”. None (default) to get the same order as displayed in the widget.


Ordered dictionary of ROI information


Save current ROIs of the widget as a dict of ROI to a file.


filename (str) – The file to which to save the ROIs


Load ROI widget information from a file storing a dict of ROI.


filename (str) – The file from which to load ROI


_show (bool) – if true show all the markers of all the ROIs boundaries otherwise will only show the one of the active ROI.


Activate or deactivate middle marker.

This allows shifting both min and max limits at once, by dragging a marker located in the middle.


flag (bool) – True to activate middle ROI marker

showEvent(self, a0: QShowEvent | None)[source]
hideEvent(self, a0: QHideEvent | None)[source]

Display the columns relative to areas or not


visible (bool) – True if the columns ‘Raw Area’ and ‘Net Area’ should be visible.


Display the columns relative to areas or not


visible (bool) – True if the columns ‘Raw Area’ and ‘Net Area’ should be visible.

fillFromROIDict(roilist=(), roidict=None, currentroi=None)[source]

This function API is kept for compatibility. But setRois should be preferred.

Set the ROIs by providing a list of ROI names and a dictionary of ROI information for each ROI. The ROI names must match an existing dictionary key. The name list is used to provide an order for the ROIs. The dictionary’s values are sub-dictionaries containing 3 mandatory fields:

  • "from": x coordinate of the left limit, as a float

  • "to": x coordinate of the right limit, as a float

  • "type": type of ROI, as a string (e.g “channels”, “energy”)

  • roilist (List) – List of ROI names (keys of roidict)

  • roidict (dict) – Dict of ROI information

  • currentroi – Name of the selected ROI or None (no selection)

class ROI(name, fromdata=None, todata=None, type_=None)[source]

The Region Of Interest is defined by:

  • A name

  • A type. The type is the label of the x axis. This can be used to apply or not some ROI to a curve and do some post processing.

  • The x coordinate of the left limit (fromdata)

  • The x coordinate of the right limit (todata)

  • str – name of the ROI

  • fromdata – left limit of the roi

  • todata – right limit of the roi

  • type – type of the ROI


Signal emitted when the ROI is edited

Return int:

the unique ID of the ROI


type (str)

Return str:

the type of the ROI.


frm – set x coordinate of the left limit


x coordinate of the left limit


to – x coordinate of the right limit


x coordinate of the right limit


middle position between ‘from’ and ‘to’ values


dict containing the roi parameters


True if the ROI is the ICR


Compute the Raw and net counts in the ROI for the given curve.

  • Raw count: Points values sum of the curve in the defined Region Of


  • Net count: Raw counts minus background


curve (CurveItem)

Return tuple:

rawCount, netCount


Compute the Raw and net counts in the ROI for the given curve.

  • Raw area: integral of the curve between the min ROI point and the

    max ROI point to the y = 0 line.

  • Net area: Raw counts minus background


curve (CurveItem)

Return tuple:

rawArea, netArea


Returns True if the position is in this ROI.


position (tuple[float,float]) – position to check


True if the value / point is consider to be in the region of interest.

Return type:


class CurvesROIDockWidget(parent=None, plot=None, name=None)[source]

QDockWidget with a CurvesROIWidget connected to a PlotWindow.

It makes the link between the CurvesROIWidget and the PlotWindow.

  • parent – See QDockWidget

  • plotPlotWindow instance on which to operate

  • name – See QDockWidget


Deprecated signal for backward compatibility with silx < 0.7. Prefer connecting directly to CurvesRoiWidget.sigRoiSignal


Main widget of type CurvesROIWidget


Returns a checkable action that shows or closes this widget.

See QMainWindow.


This module provides an implementation of state machines for interaction.

Sample code of a state machine with two states (‘idle’ and ‘active’) with transitions on left button press/release:

from silx.gui.plot.Interaction import *

class SampleStateMachine(StateMachine):

    class Idle(State):
        def onPress(self, x, y, btn):
            if btn == LEFT_BTN:

    class Active(State):
        def enterState(self):
            print('Enabled')  # Handle enter active state here

        def leaveState(self):
            print('Disabled')  # Handle leave active state here

        def onRelease(self, x, y, btn):
            if btn == LEFT_BTN:

def __init__(self):
    # State machine has 2 states
    states = {
        'idle': SampleStateMachine.Idle,
        'active': SampleStateMachine.Active
    super(TwoStates, self).__init__(states, 'idle')
    # idle is the initial state

stateMachine = SampleStateMachine()

# Triggers a transition to the Active state:
stateMachine.handleEvent('press', 0, 0, LEFT_BTN)

# Triggers a transition to the Idle state:
stateMachine.handleEvent('release', 0, 0, LEFT_BTN)

See ClickOrDrag for another example of a state machine.

See Renaud Blanch, Michel Beaudouin-Lafon. Programming Rich Interactions using the Hierarchical State Machine Toolkit. In Proceedings of AVI 2006. p 51-58. for a discussion of using (hierarchical) state machines for interaction.

class State(machine)[source]#

Base class for the states of a state machine.

This class is meant to be subclassed.

property machine#

The state machine this state belongs to.

Useful to access data or methods that are shared across states.

goto(state, *args, **kwargs)[source]#

Performs a transition to a new state.

Extra arguments are passed to the enterState() method of the new state.


state (str) – The name of the state to go to.

enterState(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

Called when the state machine enters this state.

Arguments are those provided to the goto() method that triggered the transition to this state.


Called when the state machine leaves this state (i.e., when goto() is called).


Called externally to validate the current interaction in case of a creation.

class StateMachine(states, initState, *args, **kwargs)[source]#

State machine controller.

This is the entry point of a state machine. It is in charge of dispatching received event and handling the current active state.

handleEvent(eventName, *args, **kwargs)[source]#

Process an event with the state machine.

This method looks up for an event handler in the current state and then in the StateMachine instance. Handler are looked up as ‘onEventName’ method. If a handler is found, it is called with the provided extra arguments, and this method returns the return value of the handler. If no handler is found, this method returns None.


eventName (str) – Name of the event to handle


The return value of the handler or None


Called externally to validate the current interaction in case of a creation.

LEFT_BTN = 'left'#

Left mouse button.

RIGHT_BTN = 'right'#

Right mouse button.

MIDDLE_BTN = 'middle'#

Middle mouse button.

class ClickOrDrag(clickButtons=('left', 'right'), dragButtons=('left',))[source]#

State machine for left and right click and left drag interaction.

It is intended to be used through subclassing by overriding click(), beginDrag(), drag() and endDrag().

  • clickButtons (Set[str]) – Set of buttons that provides click interaction

  • dragButtons (Set[str]) – Set of buttons that provides drag interaction

class Idle(machine)[source]#
class Click(machine)[source]#
enterState(x, y, btn)[source]#

Called when the state machine enters this state.

Arguments are those provided to the goto() method that triggered the transition to this state.

class ClickOrDrag(machine)[source]#
enterState(x, y, btn)[source]#

Called when the state machine enters this state.

Arguments are those provided to the goto() method that triggered the transition to this state.

class Drag(machine)[source]#
enterState(initPos, curPos, btn)[source]#

Called when the state machine enters this state.

Arguments are those provided to the goto() method that triggered the transition to this state.

property clickButtons#

Buttons with click interaction (Set[int])

property dragButtons#

Buttons with drag interaction (Set[int])

click(x, y, btn)[source]#

Called upon a button supporting click.

Override in subclass.

  • x (int) – X mouse position in pixels.

  • y (int) – Y mouse position in pixels.

  • btn (str) – The mouse button which was clicked.

beginDrag(x, y, btn)[source]#

Called at the beginning of a drag gesture with mouse button pressed.

Override in subclass.

  • x (int) – X mouse position in pixels.

  • y (int) – Y mouse position in pixels.

  • btn (str) – The mouse button for which a drag is starting.

drag(x, y, btn)[source]#

Called on mouse moved during a drag gesture.

Override in subclass.

  • x (int) – X mouse position in pixels.

  • y (int) – Y mouse position in pixels.

  • btn (str) – The mouse button for which a drag is in progress.

endDrag(startPoint, endPoint, btn)[source]#

Called at the end of a drag gesture when the mouse button is released.

Override in subclass.

  • startPoint (List[int]) – (x, y) mouse position in pixels at the beginning of the drag.

  • endPoint (List[int]) – (x, y) mouse position in pixels at the end of the drag.

  • btn (str) – The mouse button for which a drag is done.


Widget displaying curves legends and allowing to operate on curves.

This widget is meant to work with PlotWindow.

class LegendIcon(parent=None, curve=None)[source]#

Object displaying a curve linestyle and symbol.

  • parent (QWidget) – See QWidget

  • curve (Union[Curve,None]) – Curve with which to synchronize


Returns curve associated to this widget

Return type:



Set the curve with which to synchronize this widget.


curve – Union[~silx.gui.plot.items.Curve,None]

class LegendModel(legendList=None, parent=None)[source]#

Data model of curve legends.

It holds the information of the curve:

  • color

  • line width

  • line style

  • visibility of the lines

  • symbol

  • visibility of the symbols

rowCount(self, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) int[source]#
flags(self, index: QModelIndex) Qt.ItemFlags[source]#
data(self, index: QModelIndex, role: int = Qt.ItemDataRole.DisplayRole) Any[source]#
setData(self, index: QModelIndex, value: Any, role: int = Qt.ItemDataRole.EditRole) bool[source]#
insertLegendList(row, llist)[source]#
  • row (int) – Determines after which row the items are inserted

  • llist (List) – Carries the new legend information

insertRows(self, row: int, count: int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) bool[source]#
removeRow(self, row: int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) bool[source]#
removeRows(self, row: int, count: int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) bool[source]#
setEditor(event, editor)[source]#
  • event (str) – String that identifies the editor

  • editor (QWidget) – Widget used to change data in the underlying model

class LegendListItemWidget(parent=None, itemType=0)[source]#

Object displaying a single item (i.e., a row) in the list.

paint(painter, option, modelIndex)[source]#

Here be docs..

  • painter (QPainter)

  • option (QStyleOptionViewItem)

  • modelIndex (QModelIndex)

editorEvent(self, event: QEvent | None, model: QAbstractItemModel | None, option: QStyleOptionViewItem, index: QModelIndex) bool[source]#
createEditor(self, parent: QWidget | None, option: QStyleOptionViewItem, index: QModelIndex) QWidget | None[source]#
sizeHint(self, option: QStyleOptionViewItem, index: QModelIndex) QSize[source]#
class LegendListView(parent=None, model=None, contextMenu=None)[source]#

Widget displaying a list of curve legends, line style and symbol.


Signal emitting a dict when an action is triggered by the user.

mousePressEvent(self, e: QMouseEvent | None)[source]#
mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, e: QMouseEvent | None)[source]#
mouseMoveEvent(self, e: QMouseEvent | None)[source]#
mouseReleaseEvent(self, e: QMouseEvent | None)[source]#
class LegendListContextMenu(model)[source]#

Contextual menu associated to items in a LegendListView.


Signal emitting a dict upon contextual menu actions.

exec(self) QAction | None[source]#
exec(self, pos: QPoint, action: QAction | None = None) QAction | None
exec(actions: Iterable[QAction], pos: QPoint, at: QAction | None = None, parent: QWidget | None = None) QAction | None
exec_(self) QAction | None[source]#
exec_(self, p: QPoint, action: QAction | None = None) QAction | None
exec_(actions: Iterable[QAction], pos: QPoint, at: QAction | None = None, parent: QWidget | None = None) QAction | None
setActiveAction(self, act: QAction | None)[source]#
class RenameCurveDialog(parent=None, current='', curves=())[source]#

Dialog box to input the name of a curve.

class LegendsDockWidget(parent=None, plot=None)[source]#

QDockWidget with a LegendSelector connected to a PlotWindow.

It makes the link between the LegendListView widget and the PlotWindow.

  • parent – See QDockWidget

  • plotPlotWindow instance on which to operate

property plot#

The PlotWindow this widget is attached to.

renameCurve(oldLegend, newLegend)[source]#

Change the name of a curve using remove and addCurve

  • oldLegend (str) – The legend of the curve to be changed

  • newLegend (str) – The new legend of the curve


Sync the LegendSelector widget displayed info with the plot.


This module is a collection of base classes used in modules MaskToolsWidget (images) and ScatterMaskToolsWidget

class BaseMask(dataItem=None)[source]#

Base class for ImageMask and ScatterMask

A mask field with update operations.

A mask is an array of the same shape as some underlying data. The mask array stores integer values in the range 0-255, to allow for 254 levels of mask (value 0 is reserved for unmasked data).

The mask is updated using spatial selection methods: data located inside a selected area is masked with a specified mask level.


Signal emitted when the mask has changed


Signal emitted for each mask commit/undo/redo operation


Signal emitted when undo becomes possible/impossible


Signal emitted when redo becomes possible/impossible


Maximum number of operation stored in history list for undo


Set a data item


item – A plot item, subclass of silx.gui.plot.items.Item



Returns current plot item the mask is on.

Return type:



Return data values, as a numpy array with the same shape as the mask.

This method must be implemented in a subclass, as the way of accessing data depends on the data item passed to setDataItem()


Data values associated with the data item.

Return type:



Get the current mask as a numpy array.


copy (bool) – True (default) to get a copy of the mask. If False, the returned array MUST not be modified.


The array of the mask with dimension of the data to be masked.

Return type:

numpy.ndarray of uint8

setMask(mask, copy=True)[source]#

Set the mask to a new array.

  • mask (numpy.ndarray of uint8, C-contiguous. Array of other types are converted.) – The array to use for the mask.

  • copy (bool) – True (the default) to copy the array, False to use it as is if possible.


Reset history


Append the current mask to history if changed


Restore previous mask if any


Restore previously undone modification if any


Set all values of the given mask level to 0.


level (int) – Value of the mask to set to 0.


Invert mask of the given mask level.

0 values become level and level values become 0.


level (int) – The level to invert.


Reset the mask to zero and change its shape.


shape (tuple of int) – Shape of the new mask with the correct dimensionality with regards to the data dimensionality, or None to have an empty mask

save(filename, kind)[source]#

Save current mask in a file

  • filename (str) – The file where to save to mask

  • kind (str) – The kind of file to save (e.g ‘npy’)


Exception – Raised if the file writing fail

updateStencil(level, stencil, mask=True)[source]#

Mask/Unmask points from boolean mask: all elements that are True in the boolean mask are set to level (if mask=True) or 0 (if mask=False)

  • level (int) – Mask level to update.

  • stencil (numpy.array of same dimension as the mask) – Boolean mask.

  • mask (bool) – True to mask (default), False to unmask.

updateBelowThreshold(level, threshold, mask=True)[source]#

Mask/unmask all points whose values are below a threshold.

  • level (int)

  • threshold (float) – Threshold

  • mask (bool) – True to mask (default), False to unmask.

updateBetweenThresholds(level, min_, max_, mask=True)[source]#

Mask/unmask all points whose values are in a range.

  • level (int)

  • min (float) – Lower threshold

  • max (float) – Upper threshold

  • mask (bool) – True to mask (default), False to unmask.

updateAboveThreshold(level, threshold, mask=True)[source]#

Mask/unmask all points whose values are above a threshold.

  • level (int) – Mask level to update.

  • threshold (float) – Threshold.

  • mask (bool) – True to mask (default), False to unmask.

updateNotFinite(level, mask=True)[source]#

Mask/unmask all points whose values are not finite.

  • level (int) – Mask level to update.

  • mask (bool) – True to mask (default), False to unmask.

updateRectangle(level, row, col, height, width, mask=True)[source]#

Mask/Unmask data inside a rectangle, with the given mask level.

  • level (int) – Mask level to update, in range 1-255.

  • row – Starting row/y of the rectangle

  • col – Starting column/x of the rectangle

  • height

  • width

  • mask (bool) – True to mask (default), False to unmask.

updatePolygon(level, vertices, mask=True)[source]#

Mask/Unmask data inside a polygon, with the given mask level.

  • level (int) – Mask level to update.

  • vertices – Nx2 array of polygon corners as (row, col) / (y, x)

  • mask (bool) – True to mask (default), False to unmask.

updatePoints(level, rows, cols, mask=True)[source]#

Mask/Unmask points with given coordinates.

  • level (int) – Mask level to update.

  • rows (1D numpy.ndarray) – Rows/ordinates (y) of selected points

  • cols (1D numpy.ndarray) – Columns/abscissa (x) of selected points

  • mask (bool) – True to mask (default), False to unmask.

updateDisk(level, crow, ccol, radius, mask=True)[source]#

Mask/Unmask data located inside a dick of the given mask level.

  • level (int) – Mask level to update.

  • crow – Disk center row/ordinate (y).

  • ccol – Disk center column/abscissa.

  • radius (float) – Radius of the disk in mask array unit

  • mask (bool) – True to mask (default), False to unmask.

updateEllipse(level, crow, ccol, radius_r, radius_c, mask=True)[source]#

Mask/Unmask a disk of the given mask level.

  • level (int) – Mask level to update.

  • crow (int) – Row of the center of the ellipse

  • ccol (int) – Column of the center of the ellipse

  • radius_r (float) – Radius of the ellipse in the row

  • radius_c (float) – Radius of the ellipse in the column

  • mask (bool) – True to mask (default), False to unmask.

updateLine(level, row0, col0, row1, col1, width, mask=True)[source]#

Mask/Unmask a line of the given mask level.

  • level (int) – Mask level to update.

  • row0 – Row/y of the starting point.

  • col0 – Column/x of the starting point.

  • row1 – Row/y of the end point.

  • col1 – Column/x of the end point.

  • width – Width of the line in mask array unit.

  • mask (bool) – True to mask (default), False to unmask.

class BaseMaskToolsWidget(parent=None, plot=None, mask=None)[source]#

Base class for MaskToolsWidget (image mask) and scatterMaskToolsWidget


Returns the item that is currently being masked

Return type:



Get the current mask as a numpy array.


copy (bool) – True (default) to get a copy of the mask. If False, the returned array MUST not be modified.


The mask (as an array of uint8) with dimension of the ‘active’ plot item. If there is no active image or scatter, it returns None.

Return type:



Set the mask: Must be implemented in subclass


Reset the mask: Must be implemented in subclass


Return the current mode of multiple masks support.

See setMultipleMasks()


Set the mode of multiple masks support.

Available modes:

  • ‘single’: Edit a single level of mask

  • ‘exclusive’: Supports to 256 levels of non overlapping masks


mode (str) – The mode to use


Set the default directory to use by load/save GUI tools

The directory is also updated by the user, if he change the location of the dialog.


Get the default directory used by load/save GUI tools

property maskFileDir#

The directory from which to load/save mask from/to files.

property plot#

The PlotWindow this widget is attached to.


Set the direction of the layout of the widget


direction – QBoxLayout direction


Returns true if any mask interaction is activated


Reset drawing action when disabling widget

save(filename, kind)[source]#

Save current mask in a file

  • filename (str) – The file where to save to mask

  • kind (str) – The kind of file to save in ‘edf’, ‘tif’, ‘npy’


Exception – Raised if the process fails


Returns the color of the current selected level.

Return type:

A tuple or a python array


Reset the mask color at the given level to be defaultColors


level – The index of the mask for which we want to reset the color. If none we will reset color for all masks.

setMaskColors(rgb, level=None)[source]#

Set the masks color

  • rgb – The rgb color

  • level – The index of the mask for which we want to change the color. If none set this color for all the masks


masks colors getter

class BaseMaskToolsDockWidget(parent=None, name='Mask', widget=None)[source]#

Base class for MaskToolsWidget and ScatterMaskToolsWidget.

For integration in a PlotWindow.


parent – See QDockWidget

Paran str name:

The title of this widget


Get the current mask as a 2D array.


copy (bool) – True (default) to get a copy of the mask. If False, the returned array MUST not be modified.


The array of the mask with dimension of the ‘active’ image. If there is no active image, an empty array is returned.

Return type:

2D numpy.ndarray of uint8

setSelectionMask(mask, copy=True)[source]#

Set the mask to a new array.

  • mask (numpy.ndarray of uint8 of dimension 2, C-contiguous. Array of other types are converted.) – The array to use for the mask.

  • copy (bool) – True (the default) to copy the array, False to use it as is if possible.


None if failed, shape of mask as 2-tuple if successful. The mask can be cropped or padded to fit active image, the returned shape is that of the active image.


Reset the mask to an array of zeros with the shape of the current data.


Returns a checkable action that shows or closes this widget.

See QMainWindow.


Widget providing a set of tools to draw masks on a PlotWidget.

This widget is meant to work with silx.gui.plot.PlotWidget.

class ImageMask(image=None)[source]#

Bases: BaseMask

A 2D mask field with update operations.

Coords follows (row, column) convention and are in mask array coords.

This is meant for internal use by MaskToolsWidget.


Return image data as a 2D or 3D array (if it is a RGBA image).

Return type:

2D or 3D numpy.ndarray

save(filename, kind)[source]#

Save current mask in a file

  • filename (str) – The file where to save to mask

  • kind (str) – The kind of file to save in ‘edf’, ‘tif’, ‘npy’, ‘h5’ or ‘msk’ (if FabIO is installed)


Exception – Raised if the file writing fail

updateRectangle(level, row, col, height, width, mask=True)[source]#

Mask/Unmask a rectangle of the given mask level.

  • level (int) – Mask level to update.

  • row (int) – Starting row of the rectangle

  • col (int) – Starting column of the rectangle

  • height (int)

  • width (int)

  • mask (bool) – True to mask (default), False to unmask.

updatePolygon(level, vertices, mask=True)[source]#

Mask/Unmask a polygon of the given mask level.

  • level (int) – Mask level to update.

  • vertices – Nx2 array of polygon corners as (row, col)

  • mask (bool) – True to mask (default), False to unmask.

updatePoints(level, rows, cols, mask=True)[source]#

Mask/Unmask points with given coordinates.

  • level (int) – Mask level to update.

  • rows (1D numpy.ndarray) – Rows of selected points

  • cols (1D numpy.ndarray) – Columns of selected points

  • mask (bool) – True to mask (default), False to unmask.

updateDisk(level, crow, ccol, radius, mask=True)[source]#

Mask/Unmask a disk of the given mask level.

  • level (int) – Mask level to update.

  • crow (int) – Disk center row.

  • ccol (int) – Disk center column.

  • radius (float) – Radius of the disk in mask array unit

  • mask (bool) – True to mask (default), False to unmask.

updateEllipse(level, crow, ccol, radius_r, radius_c, mask=True)[source]#

Mask/Unmask an ellipse of the given mask level.

  • level (int) – Mask level to update.

  • crow (int) – Row of the center of the ellipse

  • ccol (int) – Column of the center of the ellipse

  • radius_r (float) – Radius of the ellipse in the row

  • radius_c (float) – Radius of the ellipse in the column

  • mask (bool) – True to mask (default), False to unmask.

updateLine(level, row0, col0, row1, col1, width, mask=True)[source]#

Mask/Unmask a line of the given mask level.

  • level (int) – Mask level to update.

  • row0 (int) – Row of the starting point.

  • col0 (int) – Column of the starting point.

  • row1 (int) – Row of the end point.

  • col1 (int) – Column of the end point.

  • width (int) – Width of the line in mask array unit.

  • mask (bool) – True to mask (default), False to unmask.

class MaskToolsWidget(parent=None, plot=None)[source]#

Bases: BaseMaskToolsWidget

Widget with tools for drawing mask on an image in a PlotWidget.


Toggle item mask and mask tool synchronisation.

  • enabled (bool) – True to synchronise. Default: False

  • enabled

Return type:



Returns whether or not item and mask tool masks are synchronised.

Return type:


setSelectionMask(mask, copy=True)[source]#

Set the mask to a new array.

  • mask (numpy.ndarray of uint8 of dimension 2, C-contiguous. Array of other types are converted.) – The array to use for the mask or None to reset the mask.

  • copy (bool) – True (the default) to copy the array, False to use it as is if possible.


None if failed, shape of mask as 2-tuple if successful. The mask can be cropped or padded to fit active image, the returned shape is that of the active image.

showEvent(self, a0: QShowEvent | None)[source]#
hideEvent(self, a0: QHideEvent | None)[source]#

Load a mask from an image file.


filename (str) – File name from which to load the mask

  • Exception – An exception in case of failure

  • RuntimeWarning – In case the mask was applied but with some import changes to notice


Reset the mask

class MaskToolsDockWidget(parent=None, plot=None, name='Mask')[source]#

Bases: BaseMaskToolsDockWidget

MaskToolsWidget embedded in a QDockWidget.

For integration in a PlotWindow.

  • parent – See QDockWidget

  • plot – The PlotWidget this widget is operating on

Paran str name:

The title of this widget


Widget providing a set of tools to draw masks on a PlotWidget.

This widget is meant to work with a modified silx.gui.plot.PlotWidget

class ScatterMask(scatter=None)[source]#

Bases: BaseMask

A 1D mask for scatter data.


Return scatter data values as a 1D array.

Return type:

1D numpy.ndarray

save(filename, kind)[source]#

Save current mask in a file

  • filename (str) – The file where to save to mask

  • kind (str) – The kind of file to save (e.g ‘npy’)


Exception – Raised if the file writing fail

updatePoints(level, indices, mask=True)[source]#

Mask/Unmask points with given indices.

  • level (int) – Mask level to update.

  • indices – Sequence or 1D array of indices of points to be updated

  • mask (bool) – True to mask (default), False to unmask.

updatePolygon(level, vertices, mask=True)[source]#

Mask/Unmask a polygon of the given mask level.

  • level (int) – Mask level to update.

  • vertices – Nx2 array of polygon corners as (y, x) or (row, col)

  • mask (bool) – True to mask (default), False to unmask.

updateRectangle(level, y, x, height, width, mask=True)[source]#

Mask/Unmask data inside a rectangle

  • level (int) – Mask level to update.

  • y (float) – Y coordinate of bottom left corner of the rectangle

  • x (float) – X coordinate of bottom left corner of the rectangle

  • height (float)

  • width (float)

  • mask (bool) – True to mask (default), False to unmask.

updateDisk(level, cy, cx, radius, mask=True)[source]#

Mask/Unmask a disk of the given mask level.

  • level (int) – Mask level to update.

  • cy (float) – Disk center (y).

  • cx (float) – Disk center (x).

  • radius (float) – Radius of the disk in mask array unit

  • mask (bool) – True to mask (default), False to unmask.

updateEllipse(level, crow, ccol, radius_r, radius_c, mask=True)[source]#

Mask/Unmask an ellipse of the given mask level.

  • level (int) – Mask level to update.

  • crow (int) – Row of the center of the ellipse

  • ccol (int) – Column of the center of the ellipse

  • radius_r (float) – Radius of the ellipse in the row

  • radius_c (float) – Radius of the ellipse in the column

  • mask (bool) – True to mask (default), False to unmask.

updateLine(level, y0, x0, y1, x1, width, mask=True)[source]#

Mask/Unmask points inside a rectangle defined by a line (two end points) and a width.

  • level (int) – Mask level to update.

  • y0 (float) – Row of the starting point.

  • x0 (float) – Column of the starting point.

  • row1 (float) – Row of the end point.

  • col1 (float) – Column of the end point.

  • width (float) – Width of the line.

  • mask (bool) – True to mask (default), False to unmask.

class ScatterMaskToolsWidget(parent=None, plot=None)[source]#

Bases: BaseMaskToolsWidget

Widget with tools for masking data points on a scatter in a PlotWidget.

setSelectionMask(mask, copy=True)[source]#

Set the mask to a new array.

  • mask (numpy.ndarray of uint8, C-contiguous. Array of other types are converted.) – The array to use for the mask or None to reset the mask.

  • copy (bool) – True (the default) to copy the array, False to use it as is if possible.


None if failed, shape of mask as 1-tuple if successful. The mask can be cropped or padded to fit active scatter, the returned shape is that of the scatter data.

showEvent(self, a0: QShowEvent | None)[source]#
hideEvent(self, a0: QHideEvent | None)[source]#

Load a mask from an image file.


filename (str) – File name from which to load the mask

  • Exception – An exception in case of failure

  • RuntimeWarning – In case the mask was applied but with some import changes to notice


Reset the mask

class ScatterMaskToolsDockWidget(parent=None, plot=None, name='Mask')[source]#

Bases: BaseMaskToolsDockWidget

ScatterMaskToolsWidget embedded in a QDockWidget.

For integration in a PlotWindow.

  • parent – See QDockWidget

  • plot – The PlotWidget this widget is operating on

Paran str name:

The title of this widget


Functions to prepare events to be sent to Plot callback.

prepareDrawingSignal(event, type_, points, parameters=None)[source]#

See Plot documentation for content of events

prepareMouseSignal(eventType, button, xData, yData, xPixel, yPixel)[source]#

See Plot documentation for content of events

prepareHoverSignal(label, type_, posData, posPixel, draggable, selectable)[source]#

See Plot documentation for content of events

prepareMarkerSignal(eventType, button, label, type_, draggable, selectable, posDataMarker, posPixelCursor=None, posDataCursor=None)[source]#

See Plot documentation for content of events

prepareImageSignal(button, item, col, row, x, y, xPixel, yPixel)[source]#

See Plot documentation for content of events

prepareCurveSignal(button, item, xData, yData, x, y, xPixel, yPixel)[source]#

See Plot documentation for content of events

prepareLimitsChangedSignal(sourceObj, xRange, yRange, y2Range)[source]#

See Plot documentation for content of events


Implementation of the interaction for the Plot.

class Pan(plot, **kwargs)[source]#

Pan plot content and zoom on wheel state machine.

beginDrag(x, y, btn)[source]#

Called at the beginning of a drag gesture with mouse button pressed.

Override in subclass.

  • x (int) – X mouse position in pixels.

  • y (int) – Y mouse position in pixels.

  • btn (str) – The mouse button for which a drag is starting.

drag(x, y, btn)[source]#

Called on mouse moved during a drag gesture.

Override in subclass.

  • x (int) – X mouse position in pixels.

  • y (int) – Y mouse position in pixels.

  • btn (str) – The mouse button for which a drag is in progress.

endDrag(startPos, endPos, btn)[source]#

Called at the end of a drag gesture when the mouse button is released.

Override in subclass.

  • startPoint (List[int]) – (x, y) mouse position in pixels at the beginning of the drag.

  • endPoint (List[int]) – (x, y) mouse position in pixels at the end of the drag.

  • btn (str) – The mouse button for which a drag is done.

class AxesExtent(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, y2min, y2max)[source]#
xmin: float#

Alias for field number 0

xmax: float#

Alias for field number 1

ymin: float#

Alias for field number 2

ymax: float#

Alias for field number 3

y2min: float#

Alias for field number 4

y2max: float#

Alias for field number 5

class Zoom(plot, color)[source]#

Zoom-in/out state machine.

Zoom-in on selected area, zoom-out on right click, and zoom on mouse wheel.

beginDrag(x, y, btn)[source]#

Called at the beginning of a drag gesture with mouse button pressed.

Override in subclass.

  • x (int) – X mouse position in pixels.

  • y (int) – Y mouse position in pixels.

  • btn (str) – The mouse button for which a drag is starting.

drag(x1, y1, btn)[source]#

Called on mouse moved during a drag gesture.

Override in subclass.

  • x (int) – X mouse position in pixels.

  • y (int) – Y mouse position in pixels.

  • btn (str) – The mouse button for which a drag is in progress.

endDrag(startPos, endPos, btn)[source]#

Called at the end of a drag gesture when the mouse button is released.

Override in subclass.

  • startPoint (List[int]) – (x, y) mouse position in pixels at the beginning of the drag.

  • endPoint (List[int]) – (x, y) mouse position in pixels at the end of the drag.

  • btn (str) – The mouse button for which a drag is done.

class Select(plot, parameters, states, state)[source]#

Base class for drawing selection areas.

class SelectPolygon(plot, parameters)[source]#

Drawing selection polygon area state machine.

class Idle(machine)[source]#
class Select(machine)[source]#
enterState(x, y)[source]#

Called when the state machine enters this state.

Arguments are those provided to the goto() method that triggered the transition to this state.


Update drawing first point, using self._firstPos


Update drawing selection area using self.points


Called externally to validate the current interaction in case of a creation.


Return dragging ratio with device to pixel ratio applied.

Return type:


class Select2Points(plot, parameters)[source]#

Base class for drawing selection based on 2 input points.

class Idle(machine)[source]#
class Start(machine)[source]#
enterState(x, y)[source]#

Called when the state machine enters this state.

Arguments are those provided to the goto() method that triggered the transition to this state.

class Select(machine)[source]#
enterState(x, y)[source]#

Called when the state machine enters this state.

Arguments are those provided to the goto() method that triggered the transition to this state.

class SelectEllipse(plot, parameters)[source]#

Drawing ellipse selection area state machine.

class SelectRectangle(plot, parameters)[source]#

Drawing rectangle selection area state machine.

class SelectLine(plot, parameters)[source]#

Drawing line selection area state machine.

class Select1Point(plot, parameters)[source]#

Base class for drawing selection area based on one input point.

class Idle(machine)[source]#
class Select(machine)[source]#
enterState(x, y)[source]#

Called when the state machine enters this state.

Arguments are those provided to the goto() method that triggered the transition to this state.

class SelectHLine(plot, parameters)[source]#

Drawing a horizontal line selection area state machine.

class SelectVLine(plot, parameters)[source]#

Drawing a vertical line selection area state machine.

class DrawFreeHand(plot, parameters)[source]#

Interaction for drawing pencil. It display the preview of the pencil before pressing the mouse.

class Idle(machine)[source]#
class Select(machine)[source]#
enterState(x, y)[source]#

Called when the state machine enters this state.

Arguments are those provided to the goto() method that triggered the transition to this state.

class SelectFreeLine(plot, parameters)[source]#

Base class for drawing free lines with tools such as pencil.

click(x, y, btn)[source]#

Called upon a button supporting click.

Override in subclass.

  • x (int) – X mouse position in pixels.

  • y (int) – Y mouse position in pixels.

  • btn (str) – The mouse button which was clicked.

beginDrag(x, y, btn)[source]#

Called at the beginning of a drag gesture with mouse button pressed.

Override in subclass.

  • x (int) – X mouse position in pixels.

  • y (int) – Y mouse position in pixels.

  • btn (str) – The mouse button for which a drag is starting.

drag(x, y, btn)[source]#

Called on mouse moved during a drag gesture.

Override in subclass.

  • x (int) – X mouse position in pixels.

  • y (int) – Y mouse position in pixels.

  • btn (str) – The mouse button for which a drag is in progress.

endDrag(startPos, endPos, btn)[source]#

Called at the end of a drag gesture when the mouse button is released.

Override in subclass.

  • startPoint (List[int]) – (x, y) mouse position in pixels at the beginning of the drag.

  • endPoint (List[int]) – (x, y) mouse position in pixels at the end of the drag.

  • btn (str) – The mouse button for which a drag is done.

class ItemsInteraction(plot)[source]#

Interaction with items (markers, curves and images).

This class provides selection and dragging of plot primitives that support those interaction. It is also meant to be combined with the zoom interaction.

class Idle(*args, **kw)[source]#

Called when the state machine enters this state.

Arguments are those provided to the goto() method that triggered the transition to this state.

click(x, y, btn)[source]#

Handle mouse click

  • x – X position of the mouse in pixels

  • y – Y position of the mouse in pixels

  • btn – Pressed button id


True if click is catched by an item, False otherwise

beginDrag(x, y, btn)[source]#

Handle begining of drag interaction

  • x – X position of the mouse in pixels

  • y – Y position of the mouse in pixels

  • btn (str) – The mouse button for which a drag is starting.


True if drag is catched by an item, False otherwise

drag(x, y, btn)[source]#

Called on mouse moved during a drag gesture.

Override in subclass.

  • x (int) – X mouse position in pixels.

  • y (int) – Y mouse position in pixels.

  • btn (str) – The mouse button for which a drag is in progress.

endDrag(startPos, endPos, btn)[source]#

Called at the end of a drag gesture when the mouse button is released.

Override in subclass.

  • startPoint (List[int]) – (x, y) mouse position in pixels at the beginning of the drag.

  • endPoint (List[int]) – (x, y) mouse position in pixels at the end of the drag.

  • btn (str) – The mouse button for which a drag is done.

class ItemsInteractionForCombo(plot)[source]#

Interaction with items to combine through FocusManager.

class Idle(*args, **kw)[source]#
class FocusManager(eventHandlers=())[source]#

Manages focus across multiple event handlers

On press an event handler can acquire focus. By default it looses focus when all buttons are released.

class Idle(machine)[source]#
class Focus(machine)[source]#
enterState(eventHandler, btn)[source]#

Called when the state machine enters this state.

Arguments are those provided to the goto() method that triggered the transition to this state.


Called externally to validate the current interaction in case of a creation.

class ZoomAndSelect(plot, color)[source]#

Combine Zoom and ItemInteraction state machine.

  • plot – The Plot to which this interaction is attached

  • color – The color to use for the zoom area bounding box

property color#

Color of the zoom area

property zoomEnabledAxes: EnabledAxes#

Whether or not to apply zoom for each axis

click(x, y, btn)[source]#

Handle mouse click

  • x – X position of the mouse in pixels

  • y – Y position of the mouse in pixels

  • btn – Pressed button id


True if click is catched by an item, False otherwise

beginDrag(x, y, btn)[source]#

Handle start drag and switching between zoom and item drag.

  • x – X position in pixels

  • y – Y position in pixels

  • btn (str) – The mouse button for which a drag is starting.

drag(x, y, btn)[source]#

Handle drag, eventually forwarding to zoom.

  • x – X position in pixels

  • y – Y position in pixels

  • btn (str) – The mouse button for which a drag is in progress.

endDrag(startPos, endPos, btn)[source]#

Handle end of drag, eventually forwarding to zoom.

  • startPos – (x, y) position at the beginning of the drag

  • endPos – (x, y) position at the end of the drag

  • btn (str) – The mouse button for which a drag is done.

class PanAndSelect(plot)[source]#

Combine Pan and ItemInteraction state machine.


plot – The Plot to which this interaction is attached

click(x, y, btn)[source]#

Handle mouse click

  • x – X position of the mouse in pixels

  • y – Y position of the mouse in pixels

  • btn – Pressed button id


True if click is catched by an item, False otherwise

beginDrag(x, y, btn)[source]#

Handle start drag and switching between zoom and item drag.

  • x – X position in pixels

  • y – Y position in pixels

  • btn (str) – The mouse button for which a drag is starting.

drag(x, y, btn)[source]#

Handle drag, eventually forwarding to zoom.

  • x – X position in pixels

  • y – Y position in pixels

  • btn (str) – The mouse button for which a drag is in progress.

endDrag(startPos, endPos, btn)[source]#

Handle end of drag, eventually forwarding to zoom.

  • startPos – (x, y) position at the beginning of the drag

  • endPos – (x, y) position at the end of the drag

  • btn (str) – The mouse button for which a drag is done.

class DrawMode(plot, shape, label, color, width)[source]#

Interactive mode for draw and select


Returns the dict describing this interactive mode

class DrawSelectMode(plot, shape, label, color, width)[source]#

Interactive mode for draw and select

handleEvent(eventName, *args, **kwargs)[source]#

Process an event with the state machine.

This method looks up for an event handler in the current state and then in the StateMachine instance. Handler are looked up as ‘onEventName’ method. If a handler is found, it is called with the provided extra arguments, and this method returns the return value of the handler. If no handler is found, this method returns None.


eventName (str) – Name of the event to handle


The return value of the handler or None


Returns the dict describing this interactive mode

class PlotInteraction(parent)[source]#

PlotWidget user interaction handler.


plot – The PlotWidget to apply interaction to


Signal emitted when the interaction configuration has changed


Returns whether or not wheel interaction triggers zoom

Return type:



Toggle zoom on wheel interaction


enabled (bool)

setZoomEnabledAxes(xaxis, yaxis, y2axis)[source]#

Toggle zoom interaction for each axis

This is taken into account only if the plot does not keep aspect ratio.

  • xaxis (bool)

  • yaxis (bool)

  • y2axis (bool)


Returns axes for which zoom is enabled

Return type:


handleEvent(event, *args, **kwargs)[source]#

Forward event to current interactive mode state machine.


Miscellaneous utility functions for the Plot

addMarginsToLimits(margins, isXLog, isYLog, xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax, y2Min=None, y2Max=None)[source]#

Returns updated limits by extending them with margins.


margins (A 4-tuple of floats as (xMinMargin, xMaxMargin, yMinMargin, yMaxMargin)) – The ratio of the margins to add or None for no margins.


The updated limits

Return type:

tuple of 4 or 6 floats: Either (xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax) or (xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax, y2Min, y2Max) if y2Min and y2Max are provided.


This module implements labels layout on graph axes.


Returns the number of digits to display for text label.


tickSpacing (float) – Step between ticks in data space.


Number of digits to show for labels.

Return type:


niceNumGeneric(value, niceFractions=None, isRound=False)[source]#

A more generic implementation of the _niceNum function

Allows the user to specify the fractions instead of using a hardcoded list of [1, 2, 5, 10.0].

niceNumbers(vMin, vMax, nTicks=5)[source]#

Returns tick positions.

This function implements graph labels layout using nice numbers by Paul Heckbert from “Graphics Gems”, Academic Press, 1990. See C code.

  • vMin (float) – The min value on the axis

  • vMax (float) – The max value on the axis

  • nTicks (int) – The number of ticks to position


min, max, increment value of tick positions and number of fractional digit to show

Return type:


ticks(vMin, vMax, nbTicks=5)[source]#

Returns tick positions and labels using nice numbers algorithm.

This enforces ticks to be within [vMin, vMax] range. It returns at least 1 tick (when vMin == vMax).

  • vMin (float) – The min value on the axis

  • vMax (float) – The max value on the axis

  • nbTicks (int) – The number of ticks to position


tick positions and corresponding text labels

Return type:

2-tuple: list of float, list of string

niceNumbersAdaptative(vMin, vMax, axisLength, tickDensity)[source]#

Returns tick positions using niceNumbers() and a density of ticks.

axisLength and tickDensity are based on the same unit (e.g., pixel).

  • vMin (float) – The min value on the axis

  • vMax (float) – The max value on the axis

  • axisLength (float) – The length of the axis.

  • tickDensity (float) – The density of ticks along the axis.


min, max, increment value of tick positions and number of fractional digit to show

Return type:


niceNumbersForLog10(minLog, maxLog, nTicks=5)[source]#

Return tick positions for logarithmic scale

  • minLog (float) – log10 of the min value on the axis

  • maxLog (float) – log10 of the max value on the axis

  • nTicks (int) – The number of ticks to position


log10 of min, max, increment value of tick positions and number of fractional digit to show

Return type:

tuple of int

niceNumbersAdaptativeForLog10(vMin, vMax, axisLength, tickDensity)[source]#

Returns tick positions using niceNumbers() and a density of ticks.

axisLength and tickDensity are based on the same unit (e.g., pixel).

  • vMin (float) – The min value on the axis

  • vMax (float) – The max value on the axis

  • axisLength (float) – The length of the axis.

  • tickDensity (float) – The density of ticks along the axis.


log10 of min, max, increment value of tick positions and number of fractional digit to show

Return type:


computeLogSubTicks(ticks, lowBound, highBound)[source]#

Return the sub ticks for the log scale for all given ticks if subtick is in [lowBound, highBound]

  • ticks – log10 of the ticks

  • lowBound – the lower boundary of ticks

  • highBound – the higher boundary of ticks


all the sub ticks contained in ticks (log10)