nabu.pipeline.processconfig module

class nabu.pipeline.processconfig.ProcessConfigBase(conf_fname=None, conf_dict=None, dataset_info=None, create_logger=False)[source]

Bases: object

A class for describing the Nabu process configuration.

Initialize a ProcessConfig class.

  • conf_fname (str) – Path to the nabu configuration file. If provided, the parameters conf_dict is ignored.

  • conf_dict (dict) – A dictionary describing the nabu processing steps. If provided, the parameter conf_fname is ignored.

  • dataset_info (DatasetAnalyzer) – A DatasetAnalyzer class instance.

  • checks (bool, optional, default is True) – Whether to perform checks on configuration and datasets (recommended !)

  • remove_unused_radios (bool, optional, default is True) – Whether to remove unused radios, i.e radios present in the dataset, but not explicitly listed in the scan metadata.

  • create_logger (str or bool, optional) – Whether to create a Logger object. Default is False, meaning that the logger object creation is left to the user. If set to True, a Logger object is created, and logs will be written to the file “nabu_dataset_name.log”. If set to a string, a Logger object is created, and the logs will be written to the file specified by this string.

default_nabu_config = None
config_renamed_keys = None
Build the processing steps, i.e a tuple (steps, options) where
  • steps is a list of str (list of processing steps names)

  • options is a dict with processing options