Source code for nabu.pipeline.processconfig

import os
from .config import parse_nabu_config_file
from ..utils import is_writeable
from ..resources.logger import Logger, PrinterLogger
from .config import validate_config
from ..resources.dataset_analyzer import analyze_dataset
from .estimators import DetectorTiltEstimator

[docs] class ProcessConfigBase: """ A class for describing the Nabu process configuration. """ # Must be overriden by inheriting class default_nabu_config = None config_renamed_keys = None def __init__( self, conf_fname=None, conf_dict=None, dataset_info=None, create_logger=False, ): """ Initialize a ProcessConfig class. Parameters ---------- conf_fname: str Path to the nabu configuration file. If provided, the parameters `conf_dict` is ignored. conf_dict: dict A dictionary describing the nabu processing steps. If provided, the parameter `conf_fname` is ignored. dataset_info: DatasetAnalyzer A `DatasetAnalyzer` class instance. checks: bool, optional, default is True Whether to perform checks on configuration and datasets (recommended !) remove_unused_radios: bool, optional, default is True Whether to remove unused radios, i.e radios present in the dataset, but not explicitly listed in the scan metadata. create_logger: str or bool, optional Whether to create a Logger object. Default is False, meaning that the logger object creation is left to the user. If set to True, a Logger object is created, and logs will be written to the file "nabu_dataset_name.log". If set to a string, a Logger object is created, and the logs will be written to the file specified by this string. """ # Step (1a): create 'nabu_config' self._parse_configuration(conf_fname, conf_dict) self._create_logger(create_logger) # Step (1b): create 'dataset_info' self._browse_dataset(dataset_info) # Step (2) self._update_dataset_info_with_user_config() # Step (3): estimate tilt, CoR, ... self._dataset_estimations() # Step (4) self._coupled_validation() # Step (5) self._build_processing_steps() # Step (6) self._configure_save_steps() self._configure_resume() def _create_logger(self, create_logger): if create_logger is False: self.logger = PrinterLogger() return elif create_logger is True: dataset_loc = self.nabu_config["dataset"]["location"] dataset_fname_rel = os.path.basename(dataset_loc) if os.path.isfile(dataset_loc): logger_filename = os.path.join( os.path.abspath(os.getcwd()), os.path.splitext(dataset_fname_rel)[0] + "_nabu.log" ) else: logger_filename = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.getcwd()), dataset_fname_rel + "_nabu.log") elif isinstance(create_logger, str): logger_filename = create_logger else: raise ValueError("Expected bool or str for create_logger") if not is_writeable(os.path.dirname(logger_filename)): self.logger = PrinterLogger() self.logger.error("Cannot create logger file %s: no permission to write therein" % logger_filename) else: self.logger = Logger("nabu", level=self.nabu_config["pipeline"]["verbosity"], logfile=logger_filename) def _parse_configuration(self, conf_fname, conf_dict): """ Parse the user configuration and builds a dictionary. Parameters ---------- conf_fname: str Path to the .conf file. Mutually exclusive with 'conf_dict' conf_dict: dict Dictionary with the configuration. Mutually exclusive with 'conf_fname' """ if not ((conf_fname is None) ^ (conf_dict is None)): raise ValueError("You must either provide 'conf_fname' or 'conf_dict'") if conf_fname is not None: if not os.path.isfile(conf_fname): raise ValueError("No such file: %s" % conf_fname) self.conf_fname = conf_fname self.conf_dict = parse_nabu_config_file(conf_fname) else: self.conf_dict = conf_dict if self.default_nabu_config is None or self.config_renamed_keys is None: raise ValueError( "'default_nabu_config' and 'config_renamed_keys' must be specified by classes inheriting from ProcessConfig" ) self.nabu_config = validate_config( self.conf_dict, self.default_nabu_config, self.config_renamed_keys, ) def _browse_dataset(self, dataset_info): """ Browse a dataset and builds a data structure with the relevant information. """ self.logger.debug("Browsing dataset") if dataset_info is not None: self.dataset_info = dataset_info else: extra_options = { "exclude_projections": self.nabu_config["dataset"]["exclude_projections"], "hdf5_entry": self.nabu_config["dataset"]["hdf5_entry"], "nx_version": self.nabu_config["dataset"]["nexus_version"], } self.dataset_info = analyze_dataset( self.nabu_config["dataset"]["location"], extra_options=extra_options, logger=self.logger ) def _update_dataset_info_with_user_config(self): """ Update the 'dataset_info' (DatasetAnalyzer class instance) data structure with options from user configuration. """ raise ValueError("Base class") def _get_rotation_axis_position(self): self.dataset_info.axis_position = self.nabu_config["reconstruction"]["rotation_axis_position"] def _update_rotation_angles(self): raise ValueError("Base class") def _dataset_estimations(self): """ Perform estimation of several parameters like center of rotation and detector tilt angle. """ self.logger.debug("Doing dataset estimations") self._get_tilt() self._get_cor() def _get_cor(self): raise ValueError("Base class") def _get_tilt(self): tilt = self.nabu_config["preproc"]["tilt_correction"] user_rot_projs = self.nabu_config["preproc"]["rotate_projections"] if user_rot_projs is not None and tilt is not None: msg = "=" * 80 + "\n" msg += ( "Both 'detector_tilt' and 'rotate_projections' options were provided. The option 'rotate_projections' will take precedence. This means that the projections will be rotated by %f degrees and the option 'detector_tilt' will be ignored." % user_rot_projs ) msg += "\n" + "=" * 80 self.logger.warning(msg) tilt = user_rot_projs # if isinstance(tilt, str): # auto-tilt self.tilt_estimator = DetectorTiltEstimator( self.dataset_info, logger=self.logger, autotilt_options=self.nabu_config["preproc"]["autotilt_options"] ) tilt = self.tilt_estimator.find_tilt(tilt_method=tilt) self.dataset_info.detector_tilt = tilt def _coupled_validation(self): """ Validate together the dataset information and user configuration. Update 'dataset_info' and 'nabu_config' """ raise ValueError("Base class") def _build_processing_steps(self): """ Build the processing steps, i.e a tuple (steps, options) where - steps is a list of str (list of processing steps names) - options is a dict with processing options """ raise ValueError("Base class") build_processing_steps = _build_processing_steps # COMPAT. def _configure_save_steps(self): raise ValueError("Base class") def _configure_resume(self): raise ValueError("Base class")