nabu.opencl.utils module

nabu.opencl.utils.get_opencl_devices(device_type, vendor=None, name=None, order_by='global_mem_size', exclude_platforms=None, exclude_vendors=None, prefer_GPU=True)[source]

List available OpenCL devices.

  • device_type (str) – Type of device, can be “CPU”, “GPU” or “all”.

  • vendor (str, optional) – Filter devices by vendor, eg. “NVIDIA”

  • name (Filter devices by names, eg. "GeForce RTX 3080") –

  • order_by (str, optional) – Order results in decreasing order of this value. Default is to sort by global memory size.

  • exclude_platforms (str, optional) – Platforms to exclude, eg. “Portable Computing Language”

  • exclude_vendors (str, optional) – Vendors to be excluded

  • prefer_GPU (bool, optional) – Whether to put GPUs on top of the returned list, regardless of the “order_by” parameter. This can be useful when sorting by global memory size, as CPUs often have a bigger memory size.


devices – List of OpenCL devices matching the criteria, and ordered by the ‘order_by’ parameter. The list may be empty.

Return type:

list of pyopencl.Device


Test the available OpenCL platforms/devices.


platforms – Dictionary where the key is the platform name, and the value is a list of silx.opencl.common.Device object.

Return type:



Get the available OpenCL-compatible GPUs.


  • gpus (dict) – Nested dictionary where the keys are OpenCL platform names, values are dictionary of GPU IDs and silx.opencl.common.Device object.

  • error_msg (str) – In the case where there is an error, the message is returned in this item. Otherwise, it is a None object.


Return a dictionary of platforms and brief description of each OpenCL-compatible GPU with a few fields


Return a dictionary of platforms and brief description of each OpenCL-compatible CPU with a few fields

nabu.opencl.utils.get_opencl_context(device_type, **kwargs)[source]

Create an OpenCL context. Please refer to ‘get_opencl_devices’ documentation

nabu.opencl.utils.replace_array_memory(arr, new_shape)[source]

Replace the underlying buffer data of a pyopencl.array.Array. This function is dangerous ! It should merely be used to clear memory, the array should not be used afterwise.


Pick the best OpenCL implementation for the opencl cpu. This function assume that there is only one opencl-enabled CPU on the current machine, but there might be several OpenCL implementations/vendors.


opencl_cpus (dict) – Dictionary with the available opencl-enabled CPUs. Usually obtained with collect_opencl_cpus().


cpu – A dictionary describing the CPU.

Return type:


nabu.opencl.utils.allocate_texture(ctx, shape, support_1D=False)[source]

Allocate an OpenCL image (“texture”).

  • ctx (OpenCL context) – OpenCL context

  • shape (tuple of int) – Shape of the image. Note that pyopencl and OpenCL < 1.2 do not support 1D images, so 1D images are handled as 2D with one row

  • support_1D (bool, optional) – force the image to be 1D if the shape has only one dim


Check whether textures are supported on the current OpenCL context.

nabu.opencl.utils.copy_to_texture(queue, dst_texture, src_array, dtype=<class 'numpy.float32'>)[source]