Source code for nabu.opencl.utils

import numpy as np
from ..utils import check_supported

    import pyopencl as cl
    import pyopencl.array as parray

    __has_pyopencl__ = True
    __pyopencl_error_msg__ = None
except ImportError as err:
    __has_pyopencl__ = False
    __pyopencl_error_msg__ = str(err)
from ..resources.gpu import GPUDescription

[docs] def get_opencl_devices( device_type, vendor=None, name=None, order_by="global_mem_size", exclude_platforms=None, exclude_vendors=None, prefer_GPU=True, ): """ List available OpenCL devices. Parameters ---------- device_type: str Type of device, can be "CPU", "GPU" or "all". vendor: str, optional Filter devices by vendor, eg. "NVIDIA" name: Filter devices by names, eg. "GeForce RTX 3080" order_by: str, optional Order results in decreasing order of this value. Default is to sort by global memory size. exclude_platforms: str, optional Platforms to exclude, eg. "Portable Computing Language" exclude_vendors: str, optional Vendors to be excluded prefer_GPU: bool, optional Whether to put GPUs on top of the returned list, regardless of the "order_by" parameter. This can be useful when sorting by global memory size, as CPUs often have a bigger memory size. Returns ------- devices: list of pyopencl.Device List of OpenCL devices matching the criteria, and ordered by the 'order_by' parameter. The list may be empty. """ exclude_platforms = exclude_platforms or [] exclude_vendors = exclude_vendors or [] dev_type = { "cpu": cl.device_type.CPU, "gpu": cl.device_type.GPU, "accelerator": cl.device_type.ACCELERATOR, "all": cl.device_type.ALL, "any": cl.device_type.ALL, } device_type = device_type.lower() check_supported(device_type, dev_type.keys(), "device_type") devices = [] for platform in cl.get_platforms(): if vendor is not None and vendor.lower() not in platform.vendor.lower(): continue if any(excluded_platform.lower() in for excluded_platform in exclude_platforms): continue if any(excluded_vendor.lower() in platform.vendor.lower() for excluded_vendor in exclude_vendors): continue for device in platform.get_devices(): if device.type & dev_type[device_type] == 0: continue if name is not None and name.lower() not in continue devices.append(device) if order_by is not None: devices = sorted(devices, key=lambda dev: getattr(dev, order_by), reverse=True) if prefer_GPU: # put GPUs devices on top of the list devices = [dev for dev in devices if dev.type & dev_type["gpu"] > 0] + [ dev for dev in devices if dev.type & dev_type["gpu"] == 0 ] return devices
[docs] def usable_opencl_devices(): """ Test the available OpenCL platforms/devices. Returns -------- platforms: dict Dictionary where the key is the platform name, and the value is a list of `silx.opencl.common.Device` object. """ platforms = {} for platform in cl.get_platforms(): platforms[] = platform.get_devices() return platforms
[docs] def detect_opencl_gpus(): """ Get the available OpenCL-compatible GPUs. Returns -------- gpus: dict Nested dictionary where the keys are OpenCL platform names, values are dictionary of GPU IDs and `silx.opencl.common.Device` object. error_msg: str In the case where there is an error, the message is returned in this item. Otherwise, it is a None object. """ gpus = {} error_msg = None if not (__has_pyopencl__): return {}, __pyopencl_error_msg__ try: platforms = usable_opencl_devices() except Exception as exc: error_msg = str(exc) if error_msg is not None: return {}, error_msg for platform_name, devices in platforms.items(): for d_id, device in enumerate(devices): if device.type == cl.device_type.GPU: # and bool(device.available): if platform_name not in gpus: gpus[platform_name] = {} gpus[platform_name][d_id] = device return gpus, None
[docs] def collect_opencl_gpus(): """ Return a dictionary of platforms and brief description of each OpenCL-compatible GPU with a few fields """ gpus, error_msg = detect_opencl_gpus() if error_msg is not None: return None opencl_gpus = {} for platform, gpus in gpus.items(): for gpu_id, gpu in gpus.items(): if platform not in opencl_gpus: opencl_gpus[platform] = {} opencl_gpus[platform][gpu_id] = GPUDescription(gpu, device_id=gpu_id).get_dict() opencl_gpus[platform][gpu_id]["platform"] = platform return opencl_gpus
[docs] def collect_opencl_cpus(): """ Return a dictionary of platforms and brief description of each OpenCL-compatible CPU with a few fields """ opencl_cpus = {} platforms = usable_opencl_devices() for platform, devices in platforms.items(): if "cuda" in platform.lower(): continue opencl_cpus[platform] = {} for device_id, device in enumerate(devices): # device_id might be inaccurate if device.type != cl.device_type.CPU: continue opencl_cpus[platform][device_id] = GPUDescription(device).get_dict() opencl_cpus[platform][device_id]["platform"] = platform return opencl_cpus
[docs] def get_opencl_context(device_type, **kwargs): """ Create an OpenCL context. Please refer to 'get_opencl_devices' documentation """ devices = get_opencl_devices(device_type, **kwargs) if devices == []: raise RuntimeError("No OpenCL device found for device_type='%s' and %s" % (device_type, str(kwargs))) return cl.Context([devices[0]])
[docs] def replace_array_memory(arr, new_shape): """ Replace the underlying buffer data of a `pyopencl.array.Array`. This function is dangerous ! It should merely be used to clear memory, the array should not be used afterwise. """ arr.base_data = cl.Buffer(arr.context, cl.mem_flags.READ_WRITE, * arr.dtype.itemsize) arr.shape = new_shape # strides seems to be updated by pyopencl return arr
[docs] def pick_opencl_cpu_platform(opencl_cpus): """ Pick the best OpenCL implementation for the opencl cpu. This function assume that there is only one opencl-enabled CPU on the current machine, but there might be several OpenCL implementations/vendors. Parameters ---------- opencl_cpus: dict Dictionary with the available opencl-enabled CPUs. Usually obtained with collect_opencl_cpus(). Returns ------- cpu: dict A dictionary describing the CPU. """ if len(opencl_cpus) == 0: raise ValueError("No CPU to pick") name2device = {} for platform, devices in opencl_cpus.items(): for device_id, device_desc in devices.items(): name2device.setdefault(device_desc["name"], []) name2device[device_desc["name"]].append(platform) if len(name2device) > 1: raise ValueError("Expected at most one CPU but got %d: %s" % (len(name2device), list(name2device.keys()))) cpu_name = list(name2device.keys())[0] platforms = name2device[cpu_name] # Several platforms for the same CPU res = opencl_cpus[platforms[0]] if len(platforms) > 1: if "intel" in cpu_name.lower(): for platform in platforms: if "intel" in platform.lower(): res = opencl_cpus[platform] # return res[list(res.keys())[0]]
[docs] def allocate_texture(ctx, shape, support_1D=False): """ Allocate an OpenCL image ("texture"). Parameters ---------- ctx: OpenCL context OpenCL context shape: tuple of int Shape of the image. Note that pyopencl and OpenCL < 1.2 do not support 1D images, so 1D images are handled as 2D with one row support_1D: bool, optional force the image to be 1D if the shape has only one dim """ if len(shape) == 1 and not (support_1D): shape = (1,) + shape return cl.Image( ctx, cl.mem_flags.READ_ONLY | cl.mem_flags.USE_HOST_PTR, cl.ImageFormat(cl.channel_order.INTENSITY, cl.channel_type.FLOAT), hostbuf=np.zeros(shape[::-1], dtype=np.float32), )
[docs] def check_textures_availability(ctx): """ Check whether textures are supported on the current OpenCL context. """ try: dummy_texture = allocate_texture(ctx, (16, 16)) # Need to further access some attributes (pocl) dummy_height = dummy_texture.height textures_available = True del dummy_texture, dummy_height except (cl.RuntimeError, cl.LogicError): textures_available = False # Nvidia Fermi GPUs (compute capability 2.X) do not support opencl read_imagef # There is no way to detect this until a kernel is compiled try: cc = ctx.devices[0].compute_capability_major_nv textures_available &= cc >= 3 except (cl.LogicError, AttributeError): # probably not a Nvidia GPU pass # return textures_available
[docs] def copy_to_texture(queue, dst_texture, src_array, dtype=np.float32): shape = src_array.shape if isinstance(src_array, parray.Array): return cl.enqueue_copy(queue, dst_texture,, offset=0, origin=(0, 0), region=shape[::-1]) elif isinstance(src_array, np.ndarray): if not (src_array.flags["C_CONTIGUOUS"] and src_array.dtype == dtype): src_array = np.ascontiguousarray(src_array, dtype=dtype) return cl.enqueue_copy(queue, dst_texture, src_array, origin=(0, 0), region=shape[::-1]) else: raise ValueError("Unknown source array type")