
class, multiframe=False, start_index=0, heights_above_stage_mm=None, filemode=None, append=False, big_tiff=None)[source]

Bases: TIFFWriter

Tiff writer.

  • fname (str) – Path to the output file name

  • multiframe (bool, optional) – Whether to write all data in one single file. Default is False.

  • start_index (int, optional) – When writing a stack of images, each image is written in a dedicated file (unless multiframe is set to True). In this case, the output is a series of files filename_0000.tif, filename_0001.tif, etc. This parameter is the starting index for file names. This option is ignored when multiframe is True.

  • heights_above_stage_mm (None or a list of heights) – if this parameters is given, the file names will be indexed with the height

  • filemode (str, optional) – DEPRECATED. Will be ignored. Please refer to ‘append’

  • append (bool, optional) – Whether to append data to the file rather than overwriting. Default is False.

  • big_tiff (bool, optional) – Whether to write in “big tiff” format: Default is True when multiframe is True. Note that default “standard” tiff cannot exceed 4 GB.


If multiframe is False (default), then each image will be written in a dedicated tiff file.

write(data, *args, config=None, **kwargs)[source]