EDNA Plugin: EDPluginExecProcessScript

Author:Marie-Francoise Incardona, Olof Svensson, Jérôme Kieffer
Copyright:European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Grenoble, France
Module doc:import os, shlex, sys
from EDVerbose import EDVerbose
from EDUtilsFile import EDUtilsFile
from EDUtilsPath import EDUtilsPath
from EDPluginExecProcess import EDPluginExecProcess
from EDConfiguration import EDConfiguration
from EDUtilsPlatform import EDUtilsPlatform
from XSDataCommon import XSPluginItem
class EDPluginExecProcessScript(EDPluginExecProcess):
Class doc:The super class for all EDNA plugins that execute a task using a script.
This class manages the process script to be executed:
- Configuration options:
- execProcessScriptShell : The shell that will execute the script, written into the top line of the script, for example :
- execProcessScriptExecutor : If defined, this command is used for launching the shell.
It can be used for example to launch the shell using a grid engine. (Note that the example to launch the shell using a grid engine.
(Note that the execProcessScriptExecutor will be replaced by execProcessExecutable)
- execProcessScriptExecutable : The path to the third-party executable that will be launched in the script.
- execProcessScriptSetupCCP4 : Path to CCP4 setup file (if required)
- execProcessScriptVersionString : A string which describes the version of the execProcessScriptExecutable,
which should match the version string written into the program log, for example: "Version 7.0.1 for Image plate and CCD data 20th August 2007"
(Note that this configuration option will be moved to EDPluginExecProcess)
- The list of compatible 3rd party executable version the plugin should support (should be move up to EDPluginExecProcess)
- The list of pre-execution commands
- The script command line that invokes the executable, which is written into the script
(the EDPluginExecProcess command line is not used, but will be in the future: It will consist of the
execProcessExecutable and the path to the script file.)
- The list of execution commands for the execProcessScriptExecutable
- The list of post-execution commands
- The script base name (<date>-<random number>-<base name>)
- The script file name
- The script file path
- The standard output log file name
- The error output file log file name
- The poll sleep time for checking if the process has finished (set to 1 s).