
auxiliary program that can be called to create default input detector profiles, for nabu helical, concerning the weights of the pixels and the “double flat” renormalisation denominator. The result is an hdf5 file that can be used as a “processes_file” in the nabu configuration and is used by nabu-helical. In particulars cases the user may have fancy masks and correction map and will provide its own processes file, and will not need this.

This code, and in particular the auxiliary function below (that by the way tomwer can use) provide a default construction of such maps. The double-flat is set to one and the weight is build on the basis of the flat fields from the dataset with an apodisation on the borders which allows to eliminate discontinuities in the contributions from the borders, above and below for the z-translations, and on the left or roght border for half-tomo.

The usage is

nabu-helical-prepare-weights-double nexus_file_name entry_name

Then the resulting file can be used as processes file in the configuration file of nabu-helical, process_file_name, entry_name, transition_width_vertical, rotation_axis_position, transition_width_horizontal)[source]