Source code for nabu.testutils

from itertools import product
import tarfile
import os
import numpy as np
from import gaussian
from silx.resources import ExternalResources
from import dicttoh5, nxtodict, dicttonx
from import DataUrl
from import HDF5File
from .io.utils import get_compacted_dataslices

utilstest = ExternalResources(
    project="nabu", url_base="", env_key="NABU_DATA", timeout=60

__big_testdata_dir__ = os.environ.get("NABU_BIGDATA_DIR")
if __big_testdata_dir__ is None or not (os.path.isdir(__big_testdata_dir__)):
    __big_testdata_dir__ = None

__do_long_tests__ = os.environ.get("NABU_LONG_TESTS", False)
if __do_long_tests__:
        __do_long_tests__ = bool(int(__do_long_tests__))
        __do_long_tests__ = False

__do_large_mem_tests__ = os.environ.get("NABU_LARGE_MEM_TESTS", False)
if __do_large_mem_tests__:
        __do_large_mem_tests__ = bool(int(__do_large_mem_tests__))
        __do_large_mem_tests__ = False

[docs] def generate_tests_scenarios(configurations): """ Generate "scenarios" of tests. The parameter is a dictionary where: - the key is the name of a parameter - the value is a list of possible parameters This function returns a list of dictionary where: - the key is the name of a parameter - the value is one value of this parameter """ scenarios = [{key: val for key, val in zip(configurations.keys(), p_)} for p_ in product(*configurations.values())] return scenarios
[docs] def get_data(*dataset_path): """ Get a dataset file from dataset_args is a list describing a nested folder structures, ex. ["path", "to", "my", "dataset.h5"] """ dataset_relpath = os.path.join(*dataset_path) dataset_downloaded_path = utilstest.getfile(dataset_relpath) return np.load(dataset_downloaded_path)
[docs] def get_array_of_given_shape(img, shape, dtype): """ From a given image, returns an array of the wanted shape and dtype. """ # Tile image until it's big enough. # "fun" fact: using any(blabla) crashes but using any([blabla]) does not, because of variables re-evaluation while any([i_dim <= s_dim for i_dim, s_dim in zip(img.shape, shape)]): img = np.tile(img, (2, 2)) if len(shape) == 1: arr = img[: shape[0], 0] elif len(shape) == 2: arr = img[: shape[0], : shape[1]] else: arr = np.tile(img, (shape[0], 1, 1))[: shape[0], : shape[1], : shape[2]] return np.ascontiguousarray(np.squeeze(arr), dtype=dtype)
[docs] def get_big_data(filename): if __big_testdata_dir__ is None: return None return np.load(os.path.join(__big_testdata_dir__, filename))
[docs] def uncompress_file(compressed_file_path, target_directory): with as f: f.extractall(path=target_directory)
[docs] def get_file(fname): downloaded_file = dataset_downloaded_path = utilstest.getfile(fname) if ".tar" in fname: uncompress_file(downloaded_file, os.path.dirname(downloaded_file)) downloaded_file = downloaded_file.split(".tar")[0] return downloaded_file
[docs] def compare_arrays(arr1, arr2, tol, diff=None, absolute_value=True, percent=None, method="max", return_residual=False): """ Utility to compare two arrays. Parameters ---------- arr1: numpy.ndarray First array to compare arr2: numpy.ndarray Second array to compare tol: float Tolerance indicating whether arrays are close to eachother. diff: numpy.ndarray, optional Difference `arr1 - arr2`. If provided, this array is taken instead of `arr1` and `arr2`. absolute_value: bool, optional Whether to take absolute value of the difference. percent: float If set, a "relative" comparison is performed instead of a subtraction: `red(|arr1 - arr2|) / (red(|arr1|) * percent) < tol` where "red" is the reduction method (mean, max or median). method: Reduction method. Can be "max", "mean", or "median". Returns -------- (is_close, residual) if return_residual is set to True is_close otherwise Examples -------- When using method="mean" and absolute_value=True, this function computes the Mean Absolute Difference (MAD) metric. When also using percent=1.0, this computes the Relative Mean Absolute Difference (RMD) metric. """ reductions = { "max": np.max, "mean": np.mean, "median": np.median, } if method not in reductions: raise ValueError("reduction method should be in %s" % str(list(reductions.keys()))) if diff is None: diff = arr1 - arr2 if absolute_value is not None: diff = np.abs(diff) residual = reductions[method](diff) if percent is not None: a1 = np.abs(arr1) if absolute_value else arr1 residual /= reductions[method](a1) res = residual < tol if return_residual: res = res, residual return res
[docs] def gaussian_apodization_window(shape, fwhm_ratio=0.7): fwhm = fwhm_ratio * np.array(shape) sigma = fwhm / 2.355 return np.outer(*[gaussian(n, s) for n, s in zip(shape, sigma)])
[docs] def compare_shifted_images(img1, img2, fwhm_ratio=0.7, return_upper_bound=False): """ Compare two images that are slightly shifted from one another. Typically, tomography reconstruction wight slightly different CoR. Each image is Fourier-transformed, and the modulus is taken to get rid of the shift between the images. An apodization is done to filter the high frequencies that are usually less relevant. Parameters ---------- img1: numpy.ndarray First image img2: numpy.ndarray Second image fwhm_ratio: float, optional Ratio defining the apodization in the frequency domain. A small value (eg. 0.2) means that essentually only the low frequencies will be compared. A value of 1.0 means no apodization return_upper_bound: bool, optional Whether to return a (coarse) upper bound of the comparison metric Notes ----- This function roughly computes |phi(F(img1)) - phi(F(img2))| where F is the absolute value of the Fourier transform, and phi some shrinking function (here arcsinh). """ def _fourier_transform(img): return np.arcsinh(np.abs(np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft2(img)))) diff = _fourier_transform(img1) - _fourier_transform(img2) diff *= gaussian_apodization_window(img1.shape, fwhm_ratio=fwhm_ratio) res = np.abs(diff).max() if return_upper_bound: data_range = np.max(np.abs(img1)) return res, np.arcsinh( * data_range) else: return res
[docs] class SimpleHDF5TomoScanMock: def __init__(self, image_key): self._image_key = image_key @property def image_key(self): return self._image_key @image_key.setter def image_key(self, image_key): self._image_key = image_key
[docs] def save_reduced_flats(self, *args, **kwargs): pass
[docs] def save_reduced_darks(self, *args, **kwargs): pass
[docs] class NXDatasetMock: """ An alternative to tomoscan.esrf.mock.MockHDF5, with a different interface. Attributes are not supported ! """ def __init__(self, data_volume, image_keys, rotation_angles=None, incident_energy=19.0, other_params=None): self.data_volume = data_volume self.n_proj = data_volume.shape[0] self.image_key = image_keys if rotation_angles is None: rotation_angles = np.linspace(0, 180, self.n_proj, False) self.rotation_angle = rotation_angles self.incident_energy = incident_energy assert image_keys.size == self.n_proj self._finalize_init(other_params) self.dataset_dict = None self.fname = None # Mocks more attributes self.dataset_scanner = SimpleHDF5TomoScanMock(image_key=self.image_key) self.kind = "hdf5" def _finalize_init(self, other_params): if other_params is None: other_params = {} default_params = { "detector": { "count_time": 0.05 * np.ones(self.n_proj, dtype="f"), "distance": 0.5, "field_of_view": "Full", "image_key_control": np.copy(self.image_key), "x_pixel_size": 6.5e-6, "y_pixel_size": 6.5e-6, "x_magnified_pixel_size": 6.5e-5, "y_magnified_pixel_size": 6.5e-5, }, "sample": { "name": "dummy sample", "x_translation": 5e-4 * np.ones(self.n_proj, dtype="f"), "y_translation": 5e-4 * np.ones(self.n_proj, dtype="f"), "z_translation": 5e-4 * np.ones(self.n_proj, dtype="f"), }, } default_params.update(other_params) self.other_params = default_params
[docs] def generate_dict(self): beam_group = { "incident_energy": self.incident_energy, } detector_other_params = self.other_params["detector"] detector_group = { "count_time": detector_other_params["count_time"], "data": self.data_volume, "distance": detector_other_params["distance"], "field_of_view": detector_other_params["field_of_view"], "image_key": self.image_key, "image_key_control": detector_other_params["image_key_control"], "x_pixel_size": detector_other_params["x_pixel_size"], "y_pixel_size": detector_other_params["y_pixel_size"], "x_magnified_pixel_size": detector_other_params["x_magnified_pixel_size"], "y_magnified_pixel_size": detector_other_params["y_magnified_pixel_size"], } sample_other_params = self.other_params["sample"] sample_group = { "name": sample_other_params["name"], "rotation_angle": self.rotation_angle, "x_translation": sample_other_params["x_translation"], "y_translation": sample_other_params["y_translation"], "z_translation": sample_other_params["z_translation"], } self.dataset_dict = { "beam": beam_group, "instrument": { "detector": detector_group, }, "sample": sample_group, }
[docs] def generate_hdf5_file(self, fname, h5path=None): self.fname = fname h5path = h5path or "/entry" if self.dataset_dict is None: self.generate_dict() dicttoh5(self.dataset_dict, fname, h5path=h5path, mode="a") # Patch the "data" field which is exported as string by dicttoh5 (?!) self.dataset_path = os.path.join(h5path, "instrument/detector/data") with HDF5File(fname, "a") as fid: del fid[self.dataset_path] fid[self.dataset_path] = self.dataset_dict["instrument"]["detector"]["data"]
# Mock some of the HDF5DatasetAnalyzer attributes @property def dataset_hdf5_url(self): if self.fname is None: raise ValueError("generate_hdf5_file() was not called") return DataUrl(file_path=self.fname, data_path=self.dataset_path, scheme="silx") def _get_images_with_key(self, key): indices = np.arange(self.image_key.size)[self.image_key == key] urls = [ DataUrl( file_path=self.fname, data_path=self.dataset_path, data_slice=slice(img_idx, img_idx + 1), scheme="silx", ) for img_idx in indices ] return dict(zip(indices, urls)) @property def flats(self): return self._get_images_with_key(1) @property def darks(self): return self._get_images_with_key(2)
[docs] def get_data_slices(self, what): images = getattr(self, what) # we can't directly use set() on slice() object (unhashable). Use tuples tuples_list = list( set((du.data_slice().start, du.data_slice().stop) for du in get_compacted_dataslices(images).values()) ) slices_list = [slice(item[0], item[1]) for item in tuples_list] return slices_list
# To be improved
[docs] def generate_nx_dataset(out_fname, image_key, data_volume=None, rotation_angle=None): nx_template_file = get_file("dummy.nx.tar.gz") nx_dict = nxtodict(nx_template_file) nx_entry = nx_dict["entry"] def _get_field(dict_, path): if path.startswith("/"): path = path[1:] if path.endswith("/"): path = path[:-1] split_path = path.split("/") if len(split_path) == 1: return dict_[split_path[0]] return _get_field(dict_[split_path[0]], "/".join(split_path[1:])) for name in ["image_key", "image_key_control"]: nx_entry["data"][name] = image_key nx_entry["instrument"]["detector"][name] = image_key if rotation_angle is not None: nx_entry["data"]["rotation_angle"] = rotation_angle nx_entry["sample"]["rotation_angle"] = rotation_angle dicttonx(nx_dict, out_fname)