Source code for nabu.resources.utils

from ast import literal_eval
import numpy as np
from psutil import virtual_memory, cpu_count
from pyunitsystem.metricsystem import MetricSystem
from pyunitsystem.energysystem import EnergySI

[docs] def get_values_from_file(fname, n_values=None, shape=None, sep=None, any_size=False): """ Read a text file and scan the values inside. This function expects one value per line, or values separated with a separator defined with the `sep` parameter. Parameters ---------- fname: str Path of the text file n_values: int, optional If set to a value, this function will check that it scans exactly this number of values. Ignored if `shape` is provided shape: tuple, optional Generalization of n_values for higher dimensions. sep: str, optional Separator between values. Default is white space any_size: bool, optional If set to True, then the parameters 'n_values' and 'shape' are ignored. Returns -------- arr: numpy.ndarray An array containing the values scanned from the text file """ if not (any_size) and not ((n_values is not None) ^ (shape is not None)): raise ValueError("Please provide either n_values or shape") arr = np.loadtxt(fname, ndmin=1) if (n_values is not None) and (arr.shape[0] != n_values): if any_size: arr = arr[:n_values] else: raise ValueError("Expected %d values, but could get %d values" % (n_values, arr.shape[0])) if (shape is not None) and (arr.shape != shape): if any_size: arr = arr[: shape[0], : shape[1]] # TODO handle more dimensions ? else: raise ValueError("Expected shape %s, but got shape %s" % (shape, arr.shape)) return arr
[docs] def get_memory_per_node(max_mem, is_percentage=True): """ Get the available memory per node in GB. Parameters ---------- max_mem: float If is_percentage is False, then number is interpreted as an absolute number in GigaBytes. Otherwise, it should be a number between 0 and 100 and is interpreted as a percentage. is_percentage: bool A boolean indicating whether the parameter max_mem is to be interpreted as a percentage of available system memory. """ sys_avail_mem = virtual_memory().available / 1e9 if is_percentage: return (max_mem / 100.0) * sys_avail_mem else: return min(max_mem, sys_avail_mem)
[docs] def get_threads_per_node(max_threads, is_percentage=True): """ Get the available memory per node in GB. Parameters ---------- max_threads: float If is_percentage is False, then number is interpreted as an absolute number of threads. Otherwise, it should be a number between 0 and 100 and is interpreted as a percentage. is_percentage: bool A boolean indicating whether the parameter max_threads is to be interpreted as a percentage of available system memory. """ sys_n_threads = cpu_count(logical=True) if is_percentage: return (max_threads / 100.0) * sys_n_threads else: return min(max_threads, sys_n_threads)
[docs] def extract_parameters(params_str, sep=";"): """ Extract the named parameters from a string. Example -------- The function can be used as follows: >>> extract_parameters("window_width=None; median_filt_shape=(3,3); padding_mode='wrap'") ... {'window_width': None, 'median_filt_shape': (3, 3), 'padding_mode': 'wrap'} """ if params_str in ("", None): return {} params_list = params_str.strip(sep).split(sep) res = {} for param_str in params_list: param_name, param_val_str = param_str.strip().split("=") param_name = param_name.strip() param_val_str = param_val_str.strip() param_val = literal_eval(param_val_str) res[param_name] = param_val return res
[docs] def compact_parameters(params_dict, sep=";"): """ Compact the parameters from a dict into a string. This is the inverse of extract_parameters. It can be used for example in tomwer to convert parameters into a string, for example for cor_options, prior to calling a nabu method which is expecting an argument to be in the form of a string containing options. Example -------- The function can be used as follows: >>> compact_parameters( {"side":"near", "near_pos":300 } ) ... "side=near; nearpos= 300;" """ if params_dict in ({}, None): return "" res = "" for key, val in params_dict.items(): res = res + "{key} = {val} " + sep return res
[docs] def is_hdf5_extension(ext): return ext.lower() in ["h5", "hdf5", "nx"]
[docs] def get_quantities_and_units(string, sep=";"): """ Return a dictionary with quantities as keys, and values in SI. Example ------- get_quantities_and_units("pixel_size = 1.2 um ; distance = 1 m") Will return {"pixel_size": 1.2e-6, "distance": 1} """ result = {} quantities = string.split(sep) for quantity in quantities: quantity_name, value_and_unit = quantity.split("=") quantity_name = quantity_name.strip() value_and_unit = value_and_unit.strip() value, unit = value_and_unit.split() val = float(value) # Convert to SI try: # handle metrics conversion_factor = MetricSystem.from_str(unit).value except ValueError: # handle energies conversion_factor = EnergySI.from_str(unit).value / EnergySI.KILOELECTRONVOLT.value result[quantity_name] = val * conversion_factor return result