Source code for nabu.resources.nxflatfield

import os
import numpy as np
from import DataUrl
from import HDF5File
from tomoscan.esrf.scan.nxtomoscan import NXtomoScan
from ..utils import check_supported, is_writeable

[docs] def get_frame_possible_urls(dataset_info, user_dir, output_dir, frame_type): """ Return a list with the possible location of reduced dark/flat frames. Parameters ---------- dataset_info: DatasetAnalyzer object DatasetAnalyzer object: data structure containing information on the parsed dataset user_dir: str or None User-provided directory location for the reduced frames. output_dir: str or None Output processing directory frame_type: str Frame type, can be "flats" or "darks". """ check_supported(frame_type, ["flats", "darks"], "frame type") h5scan = dataset_info.dataset_scanner # tomoscan object if frame_type == "flats": dataurl_default_template = h5scan.REDUCED_FLATS_DATAURLS[0] else: dataurl_default_template = h5scan.REDUCED_DARKS_DATAURLS[0] def make_dataurl(dirname): # The template formatting should be done by tomoscan in principle, but this complicates logging. rel_file_path = dataurl_default_template.file_path().format( scan_prefix=dataset_info.dataset_scanner.get_dataset_basename() ) return DataUrl( file_path=os.path.join(dirname, rel_file_path), data_path=dataurl_default_template.data_path(), data_slice=dataurl_default_template.data_slice(), # not sure if needed scheme="silx", ) urls = {"user": None, "dataset": None, "output": None} if user_dir is not None: urls["user"] = make_dataurl(user_dir) # tomoscan.esrf.scan.hdf5scan.REDUCED_{DARKS|FLATS}_DATAURLS.file_path() is a relative path # Create a absolute path instead urls["dataset"] = make_dataurl(os.path.dirname(h5scan.master_file)) if output_dir is not None: urls["output"] = make_dataurl(output_dir) return urls
[docs] def get_metadata_url(url, frame_type): """ Return the url of the metadata stored alongside flats/darks """ check_supported(frame_type, ["flats", "darks"], "frame type") template_url = getattr(NXtomoScan, "REDUCED_%s_METADATAURLS" % frame_type.upper())[0] return DataUrl( file_path=url.file_path(), data_path=template_url.data_path(), scheme="silx", )
[docs] def tomoscan_load_reduced_frames(dataset_info, frame_type, url): tomoscan_method = getattr(dataset_info.dataset_scanner, "load_reduced_%s" % frame_type) return tomoscan_method( inputs_urls=[url], return_as_url=True, return_info=True, metadata_input_urls=[get_metadata_url(url, frame_type)], )
[docs] def tomoscan_save_reduced_frames(dataset_info, frame_type, url, frames, info): tomoscan_method = getattr(dataset_info.dataset_scanner, "save_reduced_%s" % frame_type) kwargs = {"%s_infos" % frame_type: info, "overwrite": True} return tomoscan_method( frames, output_urls=[url], metadata_output_urls=[get_metadata_url(url, frame_type)], **kwargs )
# pylint: disable=E1136
[docs] def update_dataset_info_flats_darks(dataset_info, flatfield_mode, output_dir=None, darks_flats_dir=None): """ Update a DatasetAnalyzer object with reduced flats/darks (hereafter "reduced frames"). How the reduced frames are loaded/computed/saved will depend on the "flatfield_mode" parameter. The principle is the following: (1) Attempt at loading already-computed reduced frames (XXX_darks.h5 and XXX_flats.h5): - First check files in the user-defined directory 'darks_flats_dir' - Then try to load from files located alongside the .nx dataset (dataset directory) - Then try to load from output_dir, if provided (2) If loading fails, or flatfield_mode == "force_compute", compute the reduced frames. (3) Save these reduced frames - Save in darks_flats_dir, if provided by user - Otherwise, save in the data directory (next to the .nx file), if write access OK - Otherwise, save in output directory """ if flatfield_mode is False: return logger = dataset_info.logger frames_types = ["darks", "flats"] reduced_frames_urls = {} for frame_type in frames_types: reduced_frames_urls[frame_type] = get_frame_possible_urls(dataset_info, darks_flats_dir, output_dir, frame_type) reduced_frames = dict.fromkeys(frames_types, None) # # Try to load frames # def load_reduced_frame(url, frame_type, frames_loaded, reduced_frames): if frames_loaded[frame_type]: return frames, info = tomoscan_load_reduced_frames(dataset_info, frame_type, url) if frames not in (None, {}):"Loaded %s from %s" % (frame_type, url.file_path())) frames_loaded[frame_type] = True reduced_frames[frame_type] = frames, info else: msg = "Could not load %s from %s" % (frame_type, url.file_path()) logger.error(msg) frames_loaded = dict.fromkeys(frames_types, False) if flatfield_mode != "force-compute": for load_from in ["user", "dataset", "output"]: # in that order for frame_type in frames_types: url = reduced_frames_urls[frame_type][load_from] if url is None: continue # cannot load from this source (eg. undefined folder) load_reduced_frame(url, frame_type, frames_loaded, reduced_frames) if all(frames_loaded.values()): break if not all(frames_loaded.values()) and flatfield_mode == "force-load": raise ValueError("Could not load darks/flats (using 'force-load')") # # COMPAT. Keep DataUrl - won't be needed in future versions when pipeline will use FlatField # instead of FlatFieldDataUrl frames_urls = reduced_frames.copy() # # Compute reduced frames, if needed # if reduced_frames["flats"] is None: reduced_frames["flats"] = dataset_info.dataset_scanner.compute_reduced_flats(return_info=True) if reduced_frames["darks"] is None: reduced_frames["darks"] = dataset_info.dataset_scanner.compute_reduced_darks(return_info=True) if reduced_frames["darks"][0] == {} or reduced_frames["flats"][0] == {}: raise ValueError( "Could not get any reduced flat/dark. This probably means that no already-reduced flats/darks were found and that the dataset itself does not have any flat/dark" ) # # Save reduced frames # def save_reduced_frame(url, frame_type, frames_saved): frames, info = reduced_frames[frame_type] tomoscan_save_reduced_frames(dataset_info, frame_type, url, frames, info)"Saved reduced %s to %s" % (frame_type, url.file_path())) frames_saved[frame_type] = True frames_saved = dict.fromkeys(frames_types, False) if not all(frames_loaded.values()): for save_to in ["user", "dataset", "output"]: # in that order for frame_type in frames_types: if frames_loaded[frame_type]: continue # already loaded url = reduced_frames_urls[frame_type][save_to] if url is None: continue # cannot load from this source (eg. undefined folder) if not is_writeable(os.path.dirname(url.file_path())): continue save_reduced_frame(url, frame_type, frames_saved) # COMPAT. if frames_urls[frame_type] is None: frames_urls[frame_type] = tomoscan_load_reduced_frames(dataset_info, frame_type, url) # if all(frames_saved.values()): break dataset_info.flats = frames_urls["flats"][0] # reduced_frames["flats"] # in future versions dataset_info.flats_srcurrent = frames_urls["flats"][1].machine_electric_current # This is an extra check to avoid having more than 1 (reduced) dark. # FlatField only works with exactly 1 (reduced) dark (having more than 1 series of darks makes little sense) # This is normally prevented by tomoscan HDF5FramesReducer, but let's add this extra check darks_ = frames_urls["darks"][0] # reduced_frames["darks"] # in future versions if len(darks_) > 1: dark_idx = sorted(darks_.keys())[0] dataset_info.logger.error("Found more that one series of darks. Keeping only the first one") darks_ = {dark_idx: darks_[dark_idx]} # dataset_info.darks = darks_ dataset_info.darks_srcurrent = frames_urls["darks"][1].machine_electric_current
# tomoscan "compute_reduced_XX" is quite slow. If needed, here is an alternative implementation
[docs] def my_reduce_flats(di): res = {} with HDF5File(di.dataset_hdf5_url.file_path(), "r") as f: for data_slice in di.get_data_slices("flats"): data = f[di.dataset_hdf5_url.data_path()][data_slice.start : data_slice.stop] res[data_slice.start] = np.median(data, axis=0) return res