Source code for nabu.resources.gpu

""" general-purpose utilities for GPU
from ..utils import check_supported

    from pycuda.driver import Device as CudaDevice
    from pycuda.driver import device_attribute as dev_attrs

    __has_pycuda__ = True
except ImportError:
    __has_pycuda__ = False
    CudaDevice = type(None)
    from pyopencl import Device as CLDevice

    __has_pyopencl__ = True
except ImportError:
    CLDevice = type(None)
    __has_pyopencl__ = False

# silx.opencl.common.Device cannot be supported as long as
# silx.opencl instantiates the "ocl" singleton in __init__,
# leaving opencl contexts all over the place in some cases

[docs] class GPUDescription: """ Simple description of a Graphical Processing Unit. This class is designed to be simple to understand, and to be serializable for being used by dask.distributed. """ def __init__(self, device, vendor=None, device_id=None): """ Create a description from a device. Parameters ---------- device: `pycuda.driver.Device` or `pyopencl.Device` Class describing a GPU device. """ is_cuda_device = isinstance(device, CudaDevice) is_cl_device = isinstance(device, CLDevice) if is_cuda_device: self._init_from_cuda_device(device) elif is_cl_device: self._init_from_cl_device(device) self._set_other_attrs(vendor, device_id) else: raise ValueError("Expected `pycuda.driver.Device` or `pyopencl.Device`") def _init_from_cuda_device(self, device): self._dict = { "type": "cuda", "name":, "memory_GB": device.total_memory() / 1e9, "compute_capability": device.compute_capability(), "device_id": device.get_attribute(dev_attrs.MULTI_GPU_BOARD_GROUP_ID), } def _init_from_cl_device(self, device): self._dict = { "type": "opencl", "name":, "memory_GB": device.global_mem_size / 1e9, "vendor": device.vendor, } def _set_other_attrs(self, vendor, device_id): if vendor is not None: self._dict["vendor"] = vendor if device_id is not None: self._dict["device_id"] = device_id # device ID for OpenCL (!= platform ID) def _dict_to_self(self): for key, val in self._dict.items(): setattr(self, key, val)
[docs] def get_dict(self): return self._dict
GPU_PICK_METHODS = ["cuda", "auto"]
[docs] def pick_gpus(method, cuda_gpus, opencl_platforms, n_gpus): check_supported(method, GPU_PICK_METHODS, "GPU picking method") if method == "cuda": return pick_gpus_nvidia(cuda_gpus, n_gpus) elif method == "auto": return pick_gpus_auto(cuda_gpus, opencl_platforms, n_gpus) else: return []
# TODO Fix this function, it is broken: # - returns something when n_gpus = 0 # - POCL increments device_id by 1 !
[docs] def pick_gpus_auto(cuda_gpus, opencl_platforms, n_gpus): """ Pick `n_gpus` devices with the best available driver. This function browse the visible Cuda GPUs and Opencl platforms to pick the GPUs with the best driver. A worker might see several implementations of a GPU driver. For example with Nvidia hardware, we can see: - The Cuda implementation (nvidia-cuda-toolkit) - OpenCL implementation by Nvidia (nvidia-opencl-icd) - OpenCL implementation by Portable OpenCL Parameters ---------- cuda_gpu: dict Dictionary where each key is an ID, and the value is a dictionary describing some attributes of the GPU (obtained with `GPUDescription`) opencl_platforms: dict Dictionary where each key is the platform name, and the value is a list of dictionary descriptions. n_gpus: int Number of GPUs to pick. """ def gpu_equal(gpu1, gpu2): # TODO find a better test ? # Some information are not always available depending on the opencl vendor ! return (gpu1["device_id"] == gpu2["device_id"]) and (gpu1["name"] == gpu2["name"]) def is_in_gpus(avail_gpus, query_gpu): for gpu in avail_gpus: if gpu_equal(gpu, query_gpu): return True return False # If some Nvidia hardware is visible, add it without question. # In the case we don't want it, we should either re-run resources discovery # with `try_cuda=False`, or mask individual devices with CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES. chosen_gpus = list(cuda_gpus.values()) if len(chosen_gpus) >= n_gpus: return chosen_gpus for platform, gpus in opencl_platforms.items(): for gpu_id, gpu in gpus.items(): if not (is_in_gpus(chosen_gpus, gpu)): # TODO prioritize some OpenCL implementations ? chosen_gpus.append(gpu) if len(chosen_gpus) < n_gpus: raise ValueError("Not enough GPUs: could only collect %d/%d" % (len(chosen_gpus), n_gpus)) return chosen_gpus
[docs] def pick_gpus_nvidia(cuda_gpus, n_gpus): """ Pick one or more Nvidia GPUs. """ if len(cuda_gpus) < n_gpus: raise ValueError("Not enough Nvidia GPU: requested %d, but can get only %d" % (n_gpus, len(cuda_gpus))) # Sort GPUs by computing capabilities, pick the "best" ones gpus_cc = [] for gpu_id, gpu in cuda_gpus.items(): cc = gpu["compute_capability"] gpus_cc.append((gpu_id, cc[0] + 0.1 * cc[1])) gpus_cc_sorted = sorted(gpus_cc, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) res = [] for i in range(n_gpus): res.append(cuda_gpus[gpus_cc_sorted[i][0]]) return res