Source code for nabu.processing.padding_base

import numpy as np
from ..utils import check_supported

[docs] class PaddingBase: """ A class for performing padding based on coordinate transform. The Cuda and OpenCL backends will subclass this class. """ supported_modes = ["constant", "edge", "reflect", "symmetric", "wrap"] def __init__(self, shape, pad_width, mode="constant", **kwargs): """ Initialize a Padding object. Parameters ---------- shape: tuple Image shape pad_width: tuple Padding width for each axis. Please see the documentation of numpy.pad(). mode: str Padding mode Other parameters ---------------- constant_values: tuple Tuple containing the values to fill when mode="constant" (as in numpy.pad) """ if len(shape) != 2: raise ValueError("This class only works on images") self.shape = shape self._set_mode(mode, **kwargs) self._get_padding_arrays(pad_width) def _set_mode(self, mode, **kwargs): # COMPAT. if mode == "edges": mode = "edge" # check_supported(mode, self.supported_modes, "padding mode") self.mode = mode self._kwargs = kwargs def _get_padding_arrays(self, pad_width): self.pad_width = pad_width if isinstance(pad_width, tuple) and isinstance(pad_width[0], np.ndarray): # user-defined coordinate transform err_msg = "pad_width must be either a scalar, a tuple in the form ((a, b), (c, d)), or a tuple of two one-dimensional numpy arrays (eg. use numpy.indices(..., sparse=True))" if len(pad_width) != 2: raise ValueError(err_msg) if any([np.squeeze(pw).ndim > 1 for pw in pad_width]): raise ValueError(err_msg) if self.mode == "constant": raise ValueError("Custom coordinate transform does not work with mode='constant'") self.mode = "custom" self.coords_rows, self.coords_cols = pad_width else: if self.mode == "constant": # no need for coordinate transform here constant_values = self._kwargs.get("constant_values", 0) self.padded_array_constant = np.pad( np.zeros(self.shape, dtype="f"), self.pad_width, mode="constant", constant_values=constant_values ) self.padded_shape = self.padded_array_constant.shape return R, C = np.indices(self.shape, dtype=np.int32, sparse=True) self.coords_rows = np.pad(R.ravel(), self.pad_width[0], mode=self.mode) self.coords_cols = np.pad(C.ravel(), self.pad_width[1], mode=self.mode) self.padded_shape = (self.coords_rows.size, self.coords_cols.size)