Source code for nabu.preproc.flatfield_variable_region

import numpy as np
from .flatfield import FlatFieldArrays, load_images_from_dataurl_dict, check_supported

[docs] class FlatFieldArraysVariableRegion(FlatFieldArrays): _full_shape = True def _check_frame_shape(self, frames, frames_type): # in helical the flat is the whole one and its shape does not necesseraly match the smaller frames. # Therefore no check is done to allow this. pass def _check_radios_and_indices_congruence(self, radios_indices): """At variance with parent class, preprocesing is done with on a fraction of the radios, whose length may vary. So we dont enforce here that the lenght is always the same """ pass def _normalize_radios(self, radios, sub_indexes, sub_regions_per_radio): """ Apply a flat-field normalization, with the current parameters, to a stack of radios. The processing is done in-place, meaning that the radios content is overwritten. """ if len(sub_regions_per_radio) != len(sub_indexes): message = f""" The length of sub_regions_per_radio,which is {len(sub_regions_per_radio)} , does not correspond to the length of sub_indexes which is {len(sub_indexes)} """ raise ValueError(message) do_flats_distortion_correction = self.distortion_correction is not None whole_dark = self.get_dark() for i, (idx, sub_r) in enumerate(zip(sub_indexes, sub_regions_per_radio)): start_x, end_x, start_y, end_y = sub_r slice_x = slice(start_x, end_x) slice_y = slice(start_y, end_y) self.normalize_single_radio(radios[i], idx, dtype=np.float32, slice_y=slice_y, slice_x=slice_x) return radios
[docs] class FlatFieldDataVariableRegionUrls(FlatFieldArraysVariableRegion): def __init__( self, radios_shape: tuple, flats: dict, darks: dict, radios_indices=None, interpolation: str = "linear", distortion_correction=None, nan_value=1.0, radios_srcurrent=None, flats_srcurrent=None, **chunk_reader_kwargs, ): flats_arrays_dict = load_images_from_dataurl_dict(flats, **chunk_reader_kwargs) darks_arrays_dict = load_images_from_dataurl_dict(darks, **chunk_reader_kwargs) _flats_indexes = list(flats_arrays_dict.keys()) _flats_indexes.sort() self.flats_indexes = np.array(_flats_indexes) self.flats_stack = np.array([flats_arrays_dict[i] for i in self.flats_indexes], "f") flats_arrays_dict = dict([[indx, flat] for indx, flat in zip(self.flats_indexes, self.flats_stack)]) super().__init__( radios_shape, flats_arrays_dict, darks_arrays_dict, radios_indices=radios_indices, interpolation=interpolation, distortion_correction=distortion_correction, nan_value=nan_value, radios_srcurrent=radios_srcurrent, flats_srcurrent=flats_srcurrent, ) self._sorted_flat_indices = np.array(self._sorted_flat_indices, "i")