Source code for nabu.preproc.ctf

import math
import numpy as np
from scipy.fft import rfft2, irfft2, fft2, ifft2
from ..resources.logger import LoggerOrPrint
from ..misc import fourier_filters
from ..misc.padding import pad_interpolate, recut
from ..utils import get_num_threads, deprecation_warning

[docs] class GeoPars: """ A class to describe the geometry of a phase contrast radiography with a source obtained by a focussing system, possibly astigmatic, which is at distance z1_vh from the sample. The detector is at z2 from the sample """ def __init__( self, z1_vh=None, z2=None, pix_size_det=None, wavelength=None, magnification=True, length_scale=10.0e-6, logger=None, ): """ Parameters ---------- z1_vh : None, a float, or a sequence of two floats the source sample distance (meters), if None the parallel beam is assumed. If two floats are given then they are taken as the distance of the vertically focused source (horizontal line) and the horizontaly focused source (vertical line) for KB mirrors. z2 : float the sample detector distance (meters). pix_size_det: float pixel size (meters) wavelength: float beam wave length (meters). magnification: boolean defaults to True if false no magnification is considered length_scale: float rescaling length scale, meant to avoid having too big or too small numbers. defaults to 10.0e-6 logger: Logger, optional A logging object """ self.logger = LoggerOrPrint(logger) if z1_vh is None: self.z1_vh = None else: if hasattr(type(z1_vh), "__iter__"): self.z1_vh = np.array(z1_vh) else: self.z1_vh = np.array([z1_vh, z1_vh]) self.z2 = z2 self.magnification = magnification self.pix_size_det = pix_size_det if self.magnification and self.z1_vh is not None: self.M_vh = (self.z1_vh + self.z2) / self.z1_vh else: self.M_vh = np.array([1, 1]) self.logger.debug("Magnification : h ({}) ; v ({}) ".format(self.M_vh[1], self.M_vh[0])) self.length_scale = length_scale self.wavelength = wavelength self.maxM = self.M_vh.max() self.pix_size_rec = self.pix_size_det / self.maxM # we bring everything to highest magnification which_unit = int(np.sum(np.array([self.pix_size_rec > small for small in [1.0e-6, 1.0e-7]]).astype(np.int32))) self.pixelsize_string = [ "{:.1f} nm".format(self.pix_size_rec * 1e9), "{:.3f} um".format(self.pix_size_rec * 1e6), "{:.1f} um".format(self.pix_size_rec * 1e6), ][which_unit] if self.magnification: self.logger.debug( "All images are resampled to smallest pixelsize: {}".format(self.pixelsize_string), ) else: self.logger.debug("Pixelsize images: {}".format(self.pixelsize_string))
[docs] class CTFPhaseRetrieval: """ This class implements the CTF formula of [1] in its regularised form which avoids the zeros of unregularised_filter_denominator (unreg_filter_denom is the so here named denominator/delta_beta of equation 8). References ----------- [1] B. Yu, L. Weber, A. Pacureanu, M. Langer, C. Olivier, P. Cloetens, and F. Peyrin, "Evaluation of phase retrieval approaches in magnified X-ray phase nano computerized tomography applied to bone tissue", Optics Express, Vol 26, No 9, 11110-11124 (2018) """ def __init__( self, shape, geo_pars, delta_beta, padded_shape="auto", padding_mode="reflect", translation_vh=None, normalize_by_mean=False, lim1=1.0e-5, lim2=0.2, use_rfft=False, fftw_num_threads=None, fft_num_threads=None, logger=None, ): """ Initialize a Contrast Transfer Function phase retrieval. Parameters ---------- geo_pars: GeoPars the geometry description delta_beta : float the delta/beta ratio padded_shape: str or tuple, optional Padded image shape, in the form (num_rows, num_columns) i.e (vertical, horizontal). By default, it is twice the image shape. padding_mode: str Padding mode. It must be valid for the numpy.pad function translation_vh: array, optional Shift in the form (y, x). It is used to perform a translation of the image before applying the CTF filter. normalize_by_mean: bool Whether to divide the (padded) image with its mean before applying the CTF filter. lim1: float >0 the regulariser strenght at low frequencies lim2: float >0 the regulariser strenght at high frequencies use_rfft: bool, optional Whether to use real-to-complex (R2C) FFT instead of usual complex-to-complex (C2C). fftw_num_threads: bool or None or int, optional DEPRECATED - please use fft_num_threads instead. fft_num_threads: bool or None or int, optional Number of threads to use for FFT. If a number is provided: number of threads to use for FFT. You can pass a negative number to use N - fft_num_threads cores. logger: optional a logger object """ self.logger = LoggerOrPrint(logger) if not isinstance(geo_pars, GeoPars): raise ValueError("Expected GeoPars instance for 'geo_pars' parameter") self.geo_pars = geo_pars self._calc_shape(shape, padded_shape, padding_mode) self.delta_beta = delta_beta # COMPAT. if fftw_num_threads is not None: deprecation_warning("'fftw_num_threads' is replaced with 'fft_num_threads'", func_name="ctf_fftw") fft_num_threads = fftw_num_threads # --- self.lim = None self.lim1 = lim1 self.lim2 = lim2 self.normalize_by_mean = normalize_by_mean self.translation_vh = translation_vh self._setup_fft(use_rfft, fft_num_threads) self._get_ctf_filter() def _calc_shape(self, shape, padded_shape, padding_mode): if np.isscalar(shape): shape = (shape, shape) else: assert len(shape) == 2 self.shape = shape if padded_shape is None or padded_shape is False: padded_shape = self.shape # no padding elif isinstance(padded_shape, (tuple, list, np.ndarray)): pass elif padded_shape == "auto": padded_shape = (2 * self.shape[0], 2 * self.shape[1]) self.shape_padded = tuple(padded_shape) self.padding_mode = padding_mode def _setup_fft(self, use_rfft, fft_num_threads): self.use_rfft = use_rfft self._fft_func = rfft2 if use_rfft else fft2 self._ifft_func = irfft2 if use_rfft else ifft2 self.fft_num_threads = get_num_threads(fft_num_threads) def _get_ctf_filter(self): """ The parameter "length_scale" was mentioned, in the octave code, as a rescaling length scale, which is meant to avoid having too big or too small numbers. From the mathematical point of view, it is infact completely trasparent: its action is on fsamplex, fsampley and betash, betasv. But these latters ( beta's) are multiplied by the formers (fsample's) so that "length_scale" mathematically disappears, however in case of simple precision float the exponent of a float number ranges from -38 to 38, and one could approach it as an example by taking the square of a very small number ( 1.0e-19), and losing significant bits in he mantissa or getting zero, or the square of a big number, thus generting inf Althought the values involved in our x-ray regimes seems safe, with respect to these problems, this length_scale parameters does not hurt. """ padded_img_shape = self.shape_padded fsample_vh = np.array( [ self.geo_pars.length_scale / self.geo_pars.pix_size_rec, self.geo_pars.length_scale / self.geo_pars.pix_size_rec, ] ) if not self.use_rfft: ff_index_vh = list(map(np.fft.fftfreq, padded_img_shape)) else: ff_index_vh = [np.fft.fftfreq(padded_img_shape[0]), np.fft.rfftfreq(padded_img_shape[1])] # if padded_img_shape[1]%2 == 0 : # change to holotomo_slave indexing (by a transparent 2pi shift) # ff_index_x[ ff_index_x == -0.5 ] = +0.5 # if padded_img_shape[0]%2 == 0 : # change to holotomo_slave indexing (by a transparent 2pi shift) # ff_index_y[ ff_index_y == -0.5 ] = +0.5 frequencies_vh = np.array( np.meshgrid(ff_index_vh[0] * fsample_vh[0], ff_index_vh[1] * fsample_vh[1], indexing="ij") ) frequencies_squared_vh = frequencies_vh * frequencies_vh """ --------------- fresnelnumbers and forward propagators ------------------- In the limit of parallel beam, z1_h and z1_v would be infinite so that the here below distances becomes z2 which is sample-detector distance. """ if self.geo_pars.z1_vh is not None: distances_vh = (self.geo_pars.z1_vh * self.geo_pars.z2) / (self.geo_pars.z1_vh + self.geo_pars.z2) else: distances_vh = np.array([self.geo_pars.z2, self.geo_pars.z2]) """ Citing David Paganin (2002) : The intensity I_{R_1}(r⊥,z) at a distance z of a weakly refracting object illuminated by a point source at distance R1 behind the said object, is related to the intensity I∞(r⊥,z), which would result from normally incident collimated illumination of the same object, by (Pogany et al., 1997): I_{R_1}(r⊥,z) = 1/{M^2} I∞(r⊥/M , z/M) where M is the magnification. This explains the effective distance formula expressed by distancesh, distancesv above. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ """ lambda_dist_vh = self.geo_pars.wavelength * distances_vh / (self.geo_pars.length_scale**2) """ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -> cut_v at first maximum of ctf largest distance In the paraxial expansion of the Fresnel propagator, the phase is equal to 1/2 K_{parallel}^2 wavelength * Distance /2 / pi When this is equal to a multiple of 2 pi, the effect of propagation disappears and we have a singularity in equation 8. The sampling in the reciprocal space is done with a step length of 2*pi*fsamplex,y (note: fsamples are the plain inverse of pixel size) The first singularity occurs at a frequence number K_{parallel}/2/pi/ fsamplex for K_{parallel}^2 = 2 * (2pi)^2 /( wavelength * distance ) which would correspond to K_{parallel}/2/pi/ fsamplex = sqrt( 2/wavelength*distance) / fsample Question:( why the factor 2 appear at the denominator in the square root below?) Answer : the below defined cut corresponds to the first maximum of the denominator, before arriving to the first zero. In this way the regularisation is already at ( almost) full strenght on the first pole.ation ## is already at ( almost) full strenght on the first pole. """ self.cut_v = math.sqrt(1.0 / 2 / lambda_dist_vh[0]) / fsample_vh[0] self.cut_v = min(self.cut_v, 0.5) self.logger.debug("Normalized cut-off = {:5.3f}".format(self.cut_v)) self.r = fourier_filters.get_lowpass_filter( padded_img_shape, cutoff_par=( 0.5 / (self.cut_v + 1.0 / padded_img_shape[0]), 0.01 * padded_img_shape[0] / (1 + self.cut_v * padded_img_shape[0]), ), use_rfft=self.use_rfft, ) self.r /= self.r[0, 0] self.lim = self.lim1 * self.r + self.lim2 * (1 - self.r) # more methods exist in the original code, and they are initialized starting from here # (ht_app1, ht_app2... ht_app7) fresnel_phase = ( np.pi * lambda_dist_vh[1] * frequencies_squared_vh[1] + np.pi * lambda_dist_vh[0] * frequencies_squared_vh[0] ) if self.delta_beta: unreg_filter_denom = np.sin(fresnel_phase) + (1.0 / self.delta_beta) * np.cos(fresnel_phase) else: unreg_filter_denom = np.sin(fresnel_phase) self.unreg_filter_denom = unreg_filter_denom.astype(np.float32) self._ctf_filter_denom = (2 * self.unreg_filter_denom * self.unreg_filter_denom + self.lim).astype(np.complex64) def _apply_filter(self, img): img_f = self._fft_func(img, workers=self.fft_num_threads) img_f *= self.unreg_filter_denom unreg_filter_denom_0_mean = self.unreg_filter_denom[0, 0] nf, mf = img.shape # here it is assumed that the average of img is 1 and the DC component is removed img_f[0, 0] -= nf * mf * unreg_filter_denom_0_mean ## formula 8, with regularisation to stay at a safe distance from the poles img_f /= self._ctf_filter_denom ph = self._ifft_func(img_f, workers=self.fft_num_threads).real return ph
[docs] def retrieve_phase(self, img, output=None): """ Apply the CTF filter to retrieve the phase. Parameters ---------- img: np.ndarray Projection image. It must have been already flat-fielded. Returns -------- ph: numpy.ndarray Phase image """ padded_img = pad_interpolate( img, self.shape_padded, translation_vh=self.translation_vh, padding_mode=self.padding_mode ) if self.normalize_by_mean: padded_img /= padded_img.mean() phase_img = self._apply_filter(padded_img) res = recut(phase_img, img.shape) if output is not None: output[:, :] = res[:, :] return output return res
__call__ = retrieve_phase
CtfFilter = CTFPhaseRetrieval