Source code for nabu.pipeline.utils

from ..utils import deprecated_class
from .config_validators import str2bool
from dataclasses import dataclass
import os

# Decorators and callback mechanism

[docs] def use_options(step_name, step_attr): def decorator(func): def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): self = args[0] if step_name not in self.processing_steps: self.__setattr__(step_attr, None) return self._steps_name2component[step_name] = step_attr self._steps_component2name[step_attr] = step_name return func(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper return decorator
[docs] def pipeline_step(step_attr, step_desc): def decorator(func): def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): self = args[0] if self.__getattribute__(step_attr) is None: return res = func(*args, **kwargs) step_name = self._steps_component2name[step_attr] callbacks = self._callbacks.get(step_name, None) if callbacks is not None: for callback in callbacks: callback(self) if self.datadump_manager is not None and step_name in self.datadump_manager.data_dump: self.datadump_manager.dump_data_to_file(step_name, self.radios) return res return wrapper return decorator
# # sub-region, shapes, etc #
[docs] def get_subregion(sub_region, ndim=3): """ Return a "normalized" sub-region in the form ((start_z, end_z), (start_y, end_y), (start_x, end_x)). Parameters ---------- sub_region: tuple A tuple of tuples or tuple of integers. Notes ----- The parameter "sub_region" is normally a tuple of tuples of integers. However it can be more convenient to use tuple of integers. This function will attempt at catching the different cases, but will fail if 'sub_region' contains heterogeneous types (ex. tuples along with int) """ if sub_region is None: res = ((None, None),) elif hasattr(sub_region[0], "__iter__"): if set(map(len, sub_region)) != set([2]): raise ValueError("Expected each tuple to be in the form (start, end)") res = sub_region else: if len(sub_region) % 2: raise ValueError("Expected even number of elements") starts, ends = sub_region[::2], sub_region[1::2] res = tuple([(s, e) for s, e in zip(starts, ends)]) if len(res) != ndim: res += ((None, None),) * (ndim - len(res)) return res
# # Writer - moved to pipeline.writer # from .writer import WriterManager WriterConfigurator = deprecated_class("WriterConfigurator moved to nabu.pipeline.writer.WriterManager", do_print=True)( WriterManager )
[docs] @dataclass class EnvSettings: """This class centralises the definitions, possibly documentation, and access to environnt variable driven settings. It is meant to be used in the following way: from nabu.utils import nabu_env_settings if not nabu_env_settings.skip_tomoscan_checks: do something """ skip_tomoscan_checks: bool = False
def _get_nabu_environment_variables(): nabu_env_settings = EnvSettings() nabu_env_settings.skip_tomoscan_checks = str2bool(os.getenv("SKIP_TOMOSCAN_CHECK", "0")) return nabu_env_settings nabu_env_settings = _get_nabu_environment_variables()