Source code for

import os
from typing import Optional
import contextlib
import h5py
import numpy as np
from import DataUrl
from tomoscan.volumebase import VolumeBase
from tomoscan.esrf import EDFVolume, HDF5Volume, TIFFVolume, JP2KVolume, MultiTIFFVolume
from import HDF5File

# This function might be moved elsewhere
[docs] def get_compacted_dataslices(urls, subsampling=None, begin=0): """ Regroup urls to get the data more efficiently. Build a structure mapping files indices to information on how to load the data: `{indices_set: data_location}` where `data_location` contains contiguous indices. Parameters ----------- urls: dict Dictionary where the key is an integer and the value is a silx `DataUrl`. subsampling: int, optional Subsampling factor when reading the frames. If an integer `n` is provided, then one frame out of `n` will be read. Returns -------- merged_urls: dict Dictionary with the same keys as the `urls` parameter, and where the values are the corresponding `` with merged data_slice. """ subsampling = subsampling or 1 def _convert_to_slice(idx): if np.isscalar(idx): return slice(idx, idx + 1) # otherwise, assume already slice object return idx def is_contiguous_slice(slice1, slice2, step=1): if np.isscalar(slice1): slice1 = slice(slice1, slice1 + step) if np.isscalar(slice2): slice2 = slice(slice2, slice2 + step) return slice2.start == slice1.stop def merge_slices(slice1, slice2, step=1): return slice(slice1.start, slice2.stop, step) if len(urls) == 0: return urls sorted_files_indices = sorted(urls.keys()) # if begin > 0: # sorted_files_indices = sorted_files_indices[begin:] idx0 = sorted_files_indices[begin] first_url = urls[idx0] merged_indices = [[idx0]] # location = (file_path, data_path, slice) data_location = [[first_url.file_path(), first_url.data_path(), _convert_to_slice(first_url.data_slice())]] pos = 0 curr_fp, curr_dp, curr_slice = data_location[pos] skip_next = 0 for idx in sorted_files_indices[begin + 1 :]: if skip_next > 1: skip_next -= 1 continue url = urls[idx] next_slice = _convert_to_slice(url.data_slice()) if ( (url.file_path() == curr_fp) and (url.data_path() == curr_dp) and is_contiguous_slice(curr_slice, next_slice, step=subsampling) ): merged_indices[pos].append(idx) merged_slices = merge_slices(curr_slice, next_slice, step=subsampling) data_location[pos][-1] = merged_slices curr_slice = merged_slices skip_next = 0 else: # "jump" if begin > 0 and skip_next == 0: # Skip the "begin" next urls (first of a new block) skip_next = begin continue pos += 1 merged_indices.append([idx]) data_location.append([url.file_path(), url.data_path(), _convert_to_slice(url.data_slice())]) curr_fp, curr_dp, curr_slice = data_location[pos] # Format result res = {} for ind, dl in zip(merged_indices, data_location): res.update(dict.fromkeys(ind, DataUrl(file_path=dl[0], data_path=dl[1], data_slice=dl[2]))) return res
[docs] def get_first_hdf5_entry(fname): with HDF5File(fname, "r") as fid: entry = list(fid.keys())[0] return entry
[docs] def hdf5_entry_exists(fname, entry): with HDF5File(fname, "r") as fid: res = fid.get(entry, None) is not None return res
[docs] def get_h5_value(fname, h5_path, default_ret=None): with HDF5File(fname, "r") as fid: try: val_ptr = fid[h5_path][()] except KeyError: val_ptr = default_ret return val_ptr
[docs] def get_h5_str_value(dataset_ptr): """ Get a HDF5 field which can be bytes or str (depending on h5py version !). """ data = dataset_ptr[()] if isinstance(data, str): return data else: return bytes.decode(data)
[docs] def create_dict_of_indices(images_stack, images_indices): """ From an image stack with the images indices, create a dictionary where each index is the image index, and the value is the corresponding image. Parameters ---------- images_stack: numpy.ndarray A 3D numpy array in the layout (n_images, n_y, n_x) images_indices: array or list of int Array containing the indices of images in the stack Examples -------- Given a simple array stack: >>> images_stack = np.arange(3*4*5).reshape((3,4,5)) ... images_indices = [2, 7, 1] ... create_dict_of_indices(images_stack, images_indices) ... # returns {2: array1, 7: array2, 1: array3} """ if images_stack.ndim != 3: raise ValueError("Expected a 3D array") if len(images_indices) != images_stack.shape[0]: raise ValueError("images_stack must have as many images as the length of images_indices") res = {} for i in range(len(images_indices)): res[images_indices[i]] = images_stack[i] return res
[docs] def convert_dict_values(dic, val_replacements, bytes_tostring=False): """ Modify a dictionary to be able to export it with """ modified_dic = {} for key, value in dic.items(): if isinstance(key, int): # np.isscalar ? key = str(key) if isinstance(value, bytes) and bytes_tostring: value = bytes.decode(value.tostring()) if isinstance(value, dict): value = convert_dict_values(value, val_replacements, bytes_tostring=bytes_tostring) else: if isinstance(value, DataUrl): value = value.path() elif value.__hash__ is not None and value in val_replacements: value = val_replacements[value] modified_dic[key] = value return modified_dic
class _BaseReader(contextlib.AbstractContextManager): def __init__(self, url: DataUrl): if not isinstance(url, DataUrl): raise TypeError("url should be an instance of DataUrl") if url.scheme() not in ("silx", "h5py"): raise ValueError("Valid scheme are silx and h5py") if url.data_slice() is not None: raise ValueError("Data slices are not managed. Data path should " "point to a bliss node (h5py.Group)") self._url = url self._file_handler = None def __exit__(self, *exc): return self._file_handler.close()
[docs] class EntryReader(_BaseReader): """Context manager used to read a bliss node""" def __enter__(self): self._file_handler = HDF5File(self._url.file_path(), mode="r") if self._url.data_path() == "": entry = self._file_handler else: entry = self._file_handler[self._url.data_path()] if not isinstance(entry, h5py.Group): raise ValueError("Data path should point to a bliss node (h5py.Group)") return entry
[docs] class DatasetReader(_BaseReader): """Context manager used to read a bliss node""" def __enter__(self): self._file_handler = HDF5File(self._url.file_path(), mode="r") entry = self._file_handler[self._url.data_path()] if not isinstance(entry, h5py.Dataset): raise ValueError("Data path ({}) should point to a dataset (h5py.Dataset)".format(self._url.path())) return entry
# TODO: require some utils function to deduce type. And insure homogeneity. Might be moved in tomoscan ?
[docs] def file_format_is_edf(file_format: str): return file_format.lower().lstrip(".") == "edf"
[docs] def file_format_is_jp2k(file_format: str): return file_format.lower().lstrip(".") in ("jp2k", "jp2")
[docs] def file_format_is_tiff(file_format: str): return file_format.lower().lstrip(".") in ("tiff", "tif")
[docs] def file_format_is_hdf5(file_format: str): return file_format.lower().lstrip(".") in ("hdf5", "hdf", "nx", "nexus")
[docs] def get_output_volume(location: str, file_prefix: Optional[str], file_format: str, multitiff=False) -> VolumeBase: # TODO: see strategy. what if user provide a .nx ... ? # this function should be more generic location, extension = os.path.splitext(location) if extension == "": extension = file_format if file_format_is_edf(extension): return EDFVolume(folder=location, volume_basename=file_prefix) elif file_format_is_jp2k(extension): return JP2KVolume(folder=location, volume_basename=file_prefix) elif file_format_is_hdf5(file_format=extension): if extension is None: if file_prefix is None: location = ".".join([location, extension]) else: location = os.path.join(location, ".".join([file_prefix, extension])) return HDF5Volume(file_path=location) elif file_format_is_tiff(extension): if multitiff: return MultiTIFFVolume(file_path=location) else: return TIFFVolume(folder=location, volume_basename=file_prefix)