Source code for

from os import remove
import numpy as np
from .. import version
from .reconstruct import get_reconstructor
from .cli_configs import MultiCorConfig
from .utils import parse_params_values
from ..utils import view_as_images_stack

[docs] def get_user_cors(cors): """ From a user-provided str describing the centers of rotation, build a list. """ cors = cors.strip("[()]") cors = cors.split(",") cors = [c.strip() for c in cors] cors_list = [] for c in cors: if ":" in c: if c.count(":") != 2: raise ValueError("Malformed range format for '%s': expected format start:stop:step" % c) start, stop, step = c.split(":") c_list = np.arange(float(start), float(stop), float(step)).tolist() else: c_list = [float(c)] cors_list.extend(c_list) return cors_list
[docs] def main(): args = parse_params_values( MultiCorConfig, parser_description=f"Perform a tomographic reconstruction of a single slice using multiple centers of rotation", program_version="nabu " + version, ) reconstructor = get_reconstructor( args, # Put a dummy CoR to avoid crash in both full-FoV and extended-FoV. # It will be overwritten later by the user-defined CoRs overwrite_options={"reconstruction/rotation_axis_position": 10.0}, ) if reconstructor.delta_z > 1: raise ValueError("Only slice reconstruction can be used (have delta_z = %d)" % reconstructor.delta_z) reconstructor.reconstruct() # warm-up, spawn pipeline pipeline = reconstructor.pipeline file_prefix = pipeline.processing_options["save"]["file_prefix"] ##### # Remove the first reconstructed file (not used here) last_file = list(pipeline.writer.writer.browse_data_files())[-1] try: remove(last_file) except: pass ###### cors = get_user_cors(args["cor"]) all_recs = [] rec_instance = pipeline.reconstruction for cor in cors: # Re-configure with new CoR pipeline.processing_options["reconstruction"]["rotation_axis_position"] = cor pipeline.processing_options["save"]["file_prefix"] = file_prefix + "_%.03f" % cor pipeline._init_writer(create_subfolder=False, single_output_file_initialized=False) # Get sinogram into contiguous array # TODO Can't do memcpy2D ?! It used to work in cuda 11. # For now: transfer to host... not optimal sino = pipeline._d_radios[:, pipeline._d_radios.shape[1] // 2, :].get() # pylint: disable=E1136 if pipeline.process_config.do_halftomo: # re-initialize FBP object, because in half-tomography the output slice size is a function of CoR options = pipeline.processing_options["reconstruction"] rec_instance = pipeline.FBPClass( sino.shape, angles=options["angles"], rot_center=cor, filter_name=options["fbp_filter_type"] or "none", halftomo=options["enable_halftomo"], # slice_roi=self.process_config.rec_roi, padding_mode=options["padding_type"], extra_options={ "scale_factor": 1.0 / options["voxel_size_cm"][0], "axis_correction": options["axis_correction"], "centered_axis": options["centered_axis"], "clip_outer_circle": options["clip_outer_circle"], "filter_cutoff": options["fbp_filter_cutoff"], }, ) else: pipeline.reconstruction.reset_rot_center(cor) # Run reconstruction rec = rec_instance.fbp(sino) # if return_all_recs: # all_recs.append(rec) rec_3D = view_as_images_stack(rec) # writer wants 3D data # Write pipeline.writer.write_data(rec_3D)"Wrote %s" % pipeline.writer.fname) return 0
if __name__ == "__main__": main()