Source code for

import os
import numpy as np
from import HDF5File
from fabio.edfimage import EdfImage
from import get_first_hdf5_entry
from .utils import parse_params_values
from .cli_configs import GenerateInfoConfig

edf_header_hdf5_path = {
    # EDF Header
    "count_time": "/technique/scan/exposure_time",  # ms in HDF5
    "date": "/start_time",
    "energy": "/technique/scan/energy",
    "flip": "/technique/detector/flipping",  # [x, y] in HDF5
    "motors": "/instrument/positioners",
    "optic_used": "/technique/optic/magnification",

info_hdf5_path = {
    "Energy": "/technique/scan/energy",
    "Distance": "/technique/scan/sample_detector_distance",  # mm in HDF5 and EDF
    # ~ "Prefix": TODO
    "Directory": "/technique/saving/path",
    "ScanRange": "/technique/scan/scan_range",
    "TOMO_N": "/technique/scan/tomo_n",
    "REF_ON": "/technique/scan/ref_on",
    "REF_N": "/technique/reference/ref_n",
    "DARK_N": "/technique/dark/dark_n",
    "Dim_1": "/technique/detector/size",  # array
    "Dim_2": "/technique/detector/size",  # array
    "Count_time": "/technique/scan/exposure_time",  # ms in HDF5, s in EDF ?
    "Shutter_time": "/technique/scan/shutter_time",  # ms in HDF5, s in EDF ?
    "Optic_used": "/technique/optic/magnification",
    "PixelSize": "/technique/detector/pixel_size",  # array (microns)
    "Date": "/start_time",
    "Scan_Type": "/technique/scan/scan_type",
    "SrCurrent": "/instrument/machine/current",
    "Comment": "/technique/scan/comment",  # empty ?

[docs] def decode_bytes(content): if isinstance(content, bytes): return content.decode() else: return content
[docs] def simulate_edf_header(fname, entry, return_dict=False): edf_header = { "ByteOrder": "LowByteFirst", } with HDF5File(fname, "r") as fid: for edf_name, h5_path in edf_header_hdf5_path.items(): if edf_name == "motors": continue h5_path = entry + h5_path edf_header[edf_name] = decode_bytes(fid[h5_path][()]) h5_motors = decode_bytes(fid[entry + edf_header_hdf5_path["motors"]]) edf_header["motor_mne"] = list(h5_motors.keys()) edf_header["motor_pos"] = [v[()] for v in h5_motors.values()] # remove "scan_numbers" from motors try: idx = edf_header["motor_mne"].index("scan_numbers") edf_header["motor_mne"].pop(idx) edf_header["motor_pos"].pop(idx) except ValueError: pass # remove invalid values from motor_pos invalid_values = ["*DIS*"] try: for invalid_val in invalid_values: idx = edf_header["motor_pos"].index(invalid_val) edf_header["motor_mne"].pop(idx) edf_header["motor_pos"].pop(idx) except ValueError: pass # Format edf_header["flip"] = "<flip x : %s,flip y : %s>" % (edf_header["flip"][0], edf_header["flip"][1]) edf_header["motor_mne"] = " ".join(edf_header["motor_mne"]) edf_header["motor_pos"] = " ".join(list(map(str, edf_header["motor_pos"]))) edf_header["count_time"] = edf_header["count_time"] * 1e-3 # HDF5: ms -> EDF: s if return_dict: return edf_header res = "" for k, v in edf_header.items(): res = res + "%s = %s ;\n" % (k, v) return res
[docs] def simulate_info_file(fname, entry, return_dict=False): info_file_content = {} with HDF5File(fname, "r") as fid: for info_name, h5_path in info_hdf5_path.items(): h5_path = entry + h5_path info_file_content[info_name] = decode_bytes(fid[h5_path][()]) info_file_content["Dim_1"] = info_file_content["Dim_1"][0] info_file_content["Dim_2"] = info_file_content["Dim_2"][1] info_file_content["PixelSize"] = info_file_content["PixelSize"][0] info_file_content["Prefix"] = os.path.basename(fname) info_file_content["Col_end"] = info_file_content["Dim_1"] - 1 info_file_content["Col_beg"] = 0 info_file_content["Row_end"] = info_file_content["Dim_2"] - 1 info_file_content["Row_beg"] = 0 for what in ["Count_time", "Shutter_time"]: info_file_content[what] = info_file_content[what] * 1e-3 if return_dict: return info_file_content # Format res = "" for k, v in info_file_content.items(): k_s = str("%s=" % k) sep = " " * (24 - len(k_s)) res = res + k_s + sep + str("%s\n" % v) return res
[docs] def get_hst_saturations(hist, bins, numels): aMin = bins[0] aMax = bins[-1] hist_sum = numels * 1.0 hist_cum = np.cumsum(hist) hist_cum_rev = np.cumsum(hist[::-1]) i_s1 = np.where(hist_cum > 0.00001 * hist_sum)[0][0] sat1 = aMin + i_s1 * (aMax - aMin) / (hist.size - 1) i_S1 = np.where(hist_cum > 0.002 * hist_sum)[0][0] Sat1 = aMin + i_S1 * (aMax - aMin) / (hist.size - 1) i_s2 = np.argwhere(hist_cum_rev > 0.00001 * hist_sum)[0][0] sat2 = aMin + (hist.size - 1 - i_s2) * (aMax - aMin) / (hist.size - 1) i_S2 = np.argwhere(hist_cum_rev > 0.002 * hist_sum)[0][0] Sat2 = aMin + (hist.size - 1 - i_S2) * (aMax - aMin) / (hist.size - 1) return sat1, sat2, Sat1, Sat2
[docs] def simulate_hst_vol_header(fname, entry=None, return_dict=False): with HDF5File(fname, "r") as fid: try: histogram_path = entry + "/histogram/results/data" histogram_config_path = entry + "/histogram/configuration" Nz, Ny, Nx = fid[histogram_config_path]["volume_shape"][()] vol_header_content = { "NUM_X": Nx, "NUM_Y": Ny, "NUM_Z": Nz, "BYTEORDER": "LOWBYTEFIRST", } hist = fid[histogram_path][()] except KeyError as err: print("Could not load histogram from %s: %s" % (fname, err)) return {} if return_dict else "" bins = hist[1] hist = hist[0] vmin = bins[0] vmax = bins[-1] + (bins[-1] - bins[-2]) s1, s2, S1, S2 = get_hst_saturations(hist, bins, Nx * Ny * Nz) vmin = bins[0] vmax = bins[-1] + (bins[-1] - bins[-2]) vol_header_content.update( { "ValMin": vmin, "ValMax": vmax, "s1": s1, "s2": s2, "S1": S1, "S2": S2, } ) if return_dict: return vol_header_content res = "" for k, v in vol_header_content.items(): res = res + "%s = %s\n" % (k, v) return res
[docs] def format_as_info(d): res = "" for k, v in d.items(): k_s = str("%s=" % k) sep = " " * (24 - len(k_s)) res = res + k_s + sep + str("%s\n" % v) return res
[docs] def generate_merged_info_file_content( hist_fname=None, hist_entry=None, bliss_fname=None, bliss_entry=None, first_edf_proj=None, info_file=None ): # EDF Header if first_edf_proj is None: edf_header = simulate_edf_header(bliss_fname, bliss_entry, return_dict=True) else: edf = EdfImage() edf_header = edf.getHeader() # .info File if info_file is None: info_file_content = simulate_info_file(bliss_fname, bliss_entry, return_dict=True) info_file_content = format_as_info(info_file_content) else: with open(info_file, "r") as f: info_file_content = # .vol File vol_file_content = simulate_hst_vol_header(hist_fname, entry=hist_entry, return_dict=True) # res = format_as_info(edf_header) res += info_file_content res += format_as_info(vol_file_content) return res
[docs] def str_or_none(s): if len(s.strip()) == 0: return None return s
[docs] def generate_merged_info_file(): args = parse_params_values(GenerateInfoConfig, parser_description="Generate a .info file") hist_fname = str_or_none(args["hist_file"]) hist_entry = str_or_none(args["hist_entry"]) bliss_fname = str_or_none(args["bliss_file"]) bliss_entry = str_or_none(args["bliss_entry"]) first_edf_proj = str_or_none(args["edf_proj"]) info_file = str_or_none(args["info_file"]) if hist_fname is not None and hist_entry is None: hist_entry = get_first_hdf5_entry(hist_fname) if bliss_fname is not None and bliss_entry is None: bliss_entry = get_first_hdf5_entry(bliss_fname) if not ((bliss_fname is None) ^ (info_file is None)): print("Error: please provide either --bliss_file or --info_file") exit(1) if info_file is not None and first_edf_proj is None: print("Error: please provide also --edf_proj when using the EDF format") exit(1) content = generate_merged_info_file_content( hist_fname=hist_fname, hist_entry=hist_entry, bliss_fname=bliss_fname, bliss_entry=bliss_entry, first_edf_proj=first_edf_proj, info_file=info_file, ) with open(args["output"], "w") as f: f.write(content) return 0