Source code for

from .. import version
import numpy as np
import h5py
import argparse
import sys
from .cli_configs import CreateDistortionMapHorizontallyMatchedFromPolyConfig
from .utils import parse_params_values
from ..utils import DictToObj
from ..resources.logger import Logger, LoggerOrPrint

[docs] def create_distortion_maps_entry_point(user_args=None): """This application builds two arrays. Let us call them map_x and map_z. Both are 2D arrays with shape given by (nz, nx). These maps are meant to be used to generate a corrected detector image, using them to obtain the pixel (i,j) of the corrected image by interpolating the raw data at position ( map_z(i,j), map_x(i,j) ). This map is determined by a user given polynomial P(rs) in the radial variable rs = sqrt( (z-center_z)**2 + (x-center_x)**2 ) / (nx/2) where center_z and center_x give the center around which the deformation is centered. The perfect position (zp,xp) , that would be observed on a perfect detector, of a photon observed at pixel (z,x) of the distorted detector is: (zp, xp) = (center_z, center_x) + P(rs) * ( z - center_z , x - center_x ) The polynomial is given by P(rs) = rs *(1 + c2 * rs**2 + c4 * rs**4) The map is rescaled and reshifted so that a perfect match is realised at the borders of a horizontal line passing by the center. This ensures coerence with the procedure of pixel size calibration which is performed moving a needle horizontally and reading the motor positions at the extreme positions. The maps are written in the target file, creating it as hdf5 file, in the datasets "/coords_source_x" "/coords_source_z" The URLs of these two maps can be used for the detector correction of type "map_xz" in the nabu configuration file as in this example [dataset] ... detector_distortion_correction = map_xz detector_distortion_correction_options = map_x="silx:./map_coordinates.h5?path=/coords_source_x" ; map_z="silx:./map_coordinates.h5?path=/coords_source_z" """ if user_args is None: user_args = sys.argv[1:] args_dict = parse_params_values( CreateDistortionMapHorizontallyMatchedFromPolyConfig, parser_description=create_maps_x_and_z.__doc__, program_version="nabu " + version, user_args=user_args, ) logger = Logger("create_distortion_maps", level=user_args["loglevel"], logfile="create_distortion_maps.log") coords_source_x, coords_source_z, new_axis_pos = create_maps_x_and_z(args_dict) with h5py.File(args_dict["target_file"], "w") as f: f["coords_source_x"] = coords_source_x f["coords_source_z"] = coords_source_z if new_axis_pos is not None:"New axis position at %e it was previously %e " % (new_axis_pos, args_dict["axis_pos"])) return 0
[docs] def create_maps_x_and_z(args_dict): """This method is meant for those applications which wants to use the functionalities of the poly2map entry point through a standar python API. The argument arg_dict must contain the keys that you can find in CreateDistortionMapHorizontallyMatchedFromPolyConfig Look at this files for variables and their meaning and defaults Parameters:: args_dict : dict a dictionary containing keys : center_x, center_z, nz, nx, c2, c4, axis_pos return: max_x, map_z, new_rot_pos """ args = DictToObj(args_dict) nz, nx =, args.nx center_x, center_z = (args.center_x, args.center_z) c4 = args.c4 c2 = args.c2 polynomial = np.poly1d([c4, 0, c2, 0, 1, 0.0]) # change of variable cofv = np.poly1d([1.0 / (nx / 2), 0]) polynomial = nx / 2 * polynomial(cofv) left_border = 0 - center_x right_border = nx - 1 - center_x def get_rescaling_shift(left_border, right_border, polynomial): dl = polynomial(left_border) dr = polynomial(right_border) rescaling = (dr - dl) / (right_border - left_border) shift = -left_border * rescaling + dl return rescaling, shift final_grid_rescaling, final_grid_shift = get_rescaling_shift(left_border, right_border, polynomial) coords_z, coords_x = np.indices([nz, nx]) coords_z = ((coords_z - center_z) * final_grid_rescaling).astype("d") coords_x = ((coords_x - center_x) * final_grid_rescaling + final_grid_shift).astype("d") distances_goal = np.sqrt(coords_z * coords_z + coords_x * coords_x) distances_unknown = distances_goal pp_deriv = polynomial.deriv() # iteratively finding the positions to interpolated at by newton method for i in range(10): errors = polynomial(distances_unknown) - distances_goal derivative = pp_deriv(distances_unknown) distances_unknown = distances_unknown - errors / derivative distances_data_sources = distances_unknown # avoid 0/0 distances_data_sources[distances_goal < 1] = 1 distances_goal[distances_goal < 1] = 1 coords_source_z = coords_z * distances_data_sources / distances_goal + center_z coords_source_x = coords_x * distances_data_sources / distances_goal + center_x new_axis_pos = None if args.axis_pos is not None: # here we search on the central line a point new_axis_pos # such that # coords_source_x[ i_central_y, nuova_axis_pos ] == axis_pos # n_y, n_x = coords_source_x.shape x_coordinates_central_line = coords_source_x[n_y // 2] if np.any(np.less_equal(np.diff(x_coordinates_central_line), 0)): message = """ Error in the coordinates map, the X coordinates are not monotonous on the central line """ raise ValueError(message) i1 = np.searchsorted(x_coordinates_central_line, args.axis_pos) i1 = np.clip(i1, 1, n_x - 1) i0 = i1 - 1 val0 = x_coordinates_central_line[i0] val1 = x_coordinates_central_line[i1] fract = (args.axis_pos - val0) / (val1 - val0) new_axis_pos = i0 * (1 - fract) + i1 * fract return coords_source_x, coords_source_z, new_axis_pos