Source code for

from math import ceil
from posixpath import join
import numpy as np
from import HDF5File
from .cli_configs import CompareVolumesConfig
from ..utils import clip_circle
from .utils import parse_params_values
from import get_first_hdf5_entry, hdf5_entry_exists
from import get_hdf5_dataset_shape

[docs] def idx_1d_to_3d(idx, shape): nz, ny, nx = shape x = idx % nx idx2 = (idx - x) // nx y = idx2 % ny z = (idx2 - y) // ny return (z, y, x)
[docs] def compare_volumes(fname1, fname2, h5_path, chunk_size, do_stats, stop_at_thresh, clip_outer_circle=False): result = None f1 = HDF5File(fname1, "r") f2 = HDF5File(fname2, "r") try: # Check that data is in the provided hdf5 path for fname in [fname1, fname2]: if not hdf5_entry_exists(fname, h5_path): result = "File %s do not has data in %s" % (fname, h5_path) return # Check shapes shp1 = get_hdf5_dataset_shape(fname1, h5_path) shp2 = get_hdf5_dataset_shape(fname2, h5_path) if shp1 != shp2: result = "Volumes do not have the same shape: %s vs %s" % (shp1, shp2) return # Compare volumes n_steps = ceil(shp1[0] / chunk_size) for i in range(n_steps): start = i * chunk_size end = min((i + 1) * chunk_size, shp1[0]) data1 = f1[h5_path][start:end, :, :] data2 = f2[h5_path][start:end, :, :] abs_diff = np.abs(data1 - data2) if clip_outer_circle: for j in range(abs_diff.shape[0]): abs_diff[j] = clip_circle(abs_diff[j], radius=0.9 * min(abs_diff.shape[1:])) coord_argmax = idx_1d_to_3d(np.argmax(abs_diff), data1.shape) if do_stats: mean = np.mean(abs_diff) std = np.std(abs_diff) maxabs = np.max(abs_diff) print("Chunk %d: mean = %e std = %e max = %e" % (i, mean, std, maxabs)) if stop_at_thresh is not None and abs_diff[coord_argmax] > stop_at_thresh: coord_argmax_absolute = (start + coord_argmax[0],) + coord_argmax[1:] result = "abs_diff[%s] = %e" % (coord_argmax_absolute, abs_diff[coord_argmax]) return except Exception as exc: result = "Error: %s" % (str(exc)) raise finally: f1.close() f2.close() return result
[docs] def compare_volumes_cli(): args = parse_params_values( CompareVolumesConfig, parser_description="A command-line utility for comparing two volumes." ) fname1 = args["volume1"] fname2 = args["volume2"] h5_path = args["hdf5_path"] if h5_path == "": entry = args["entry"].strip() or None if entry is None: entry = get_first_hdf5_entry(fname1) h5_path = join(entry, "reconstruction/results/data") do_stats = bool(args["statistics"]) chunk_size = args["chunk_size"] stop_at_thresh = args["stop_at"] or None if stop_at_thresh is not None: stop_at_thresh = float(stop_at_thresh) res = compare_volumes(fname1, fname2, h5_path, chunk_size, do_stats, stop_at_thresh) if res is not None: print(res) return 0
if __name__ == "__main__": compare_volumes_cli()