Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import argparse
import os
import sys
import logging
from argparse import RawTextHelpFormatter
import numpy
from tomoscan.esrf.volume.utils import guess_volumes
from tomoscan.factory import Factory
from tomoscan.esrf.volume import (
from import (
from nabu.pipeline.params import files_formats
from nabu.utils import convert_str_to_tuple
from import _min_max_from_histo

from import DataUrl

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def main(argv=None): if argv is None: argv = sys.argv _volume_url_helps = "\n".join( [ f"- {(volume.__name__).ljust(15)}: {volume.example_defined_from_str_identifier()}" for volume in ( EDFVolume, HDF5Volume, JP2KVolume, MultiTIFFVolume, TIFFVolume, ) ] ) volume_help = f"""To define a volume you can either provide: \n * an url (recommanded way) - see details lower \n * a path. For hdf5 and multitiff we expect a file path. For edf, tif and jp2k we expect a folder path. In this case we will try to deduce the Volume from it. \n url must be defined like: \n{_volume_url_helps} """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__, formatter_class=RawTextHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument( "input_volume", help=f"input volume. {volume_help}", ) parser.add_argument( "--output-data-type", help="output data type. Valid value are numpy default types name like (uint8, uint16, int8, int16, int32, float32, float64)", default="uint16", ) parser.add_argument( "--output_volume", help=f"output volume. Must be provided if 'output_type' isn't. Must looks like: \n{volume_help}", default=None, ) parser.add_argument( "--output_type", help=f"output type. Must be provided if 'output_volume' isn't. Valid values are {tuple(files_formats.keys())}", default=None, ) parser.add_argument( "--data_min", help=f"value to clamp to volume cast new min. Any lower value will also be clamp to this value.", default=None, ) parser.add_argument( "--data_max", help=f"value to clamp to volume cast new max. Any higher value will also be clamp to this value.", default=None, ) parser.add_argument( "--rescale_min_percentile", help=f"used to determine data_min if not provided. Expected as percentage. Default is {RESCALE_MIN_PERCENTILE}%%", default=RESCALE_MIN_PERCENTILE, ) parser.add_argument( "--rescale_max_percentile", help=f"used to determine data_max if not provided. Expected as percentage. Default is {RESCALE_MAX_PERCENTILE}%%", default=RESCALE_MAX_PERCENTILE, ) parser.add_argument( "--overwrite", dest="overwrite", action="store_true", default=False, help="Overwrite file or dataset if exists", ) parser.add_argument( "--compression-ratios", dest="compression_ratios", default=None, help="Define compression ratios for jp2k. Expected as a list like [20, 10, 1] for [quality layer 1, quality layer 2, quality layer 3]... Pass parameter to glymur. See for more details", ) parser.add_argument( "--histogram-url", dest="histogram_url", default=None, help="Provide url to the histogram - like: '/{path}/my_file.hdf5?path/to/my/data' with my_file.hdf5 is the file containing the histogram. Located under 'path'. And 'path/to/my/data' is the location of the HDF5 dataset", ) options = parser.parse_args(argv[1:]) # handle input volume if os.path.exists(options.input_volume): volumes = guess_volumes(options.input_volume) def is_not_histogram(vol_identifier): return not (hasattr(vol_identifier, "data_path") and vol_identifier.data_path.endswith("histogram")) volumes = tuple(filter(is_not_histogram, volumes)) if len(volumes) == 0: _logger.error(f"no valid volume found in {options.input_volume}") exit(1) elif len(volumes) > 1: _logger.error( f"found several volume from {options.input_volume}. Please provide one full url from {[volume.get_identifier() for volume in volumes]}" ) else: input_volume = volumes[0] else: try: input_volume = Factory.create_tomo_object_from_identifier(options.input_volume) except Exception as e: raise ValueError(f"Fail to build input volume from url {options.input_volume}") from e # handle output format output_format = files_formats.get(options.output_type, None) # handle output volume if options.output_volume is not None: # if an url is provided if ":" in options.output_volume: try: output_volume = Factory.create_tomo_object_from_identifier(options.output_volume) except Exception as e: raise ValueError(f"Fail to build output volume from {options.output_volume}") from e if output_format is not None: if not ( isinstance(output_volume, EDFVolume) and output_format == "edf" or isinstance(output_format, HDF5Volume) and output_format == "hdf5" or isinstance(output_format, JP2KVolume) and output_format == "jp2" or isinstance(output_format, (TIFFVolume, MultiTIFFVolume)) and output_format == "tiff" ): raise ValueError( "Requested 'output_type' and output volume url are incoherent. 'output_type' is optional when url provided" ) else: path_extension = os.path.splitext(options.output_volume)[-1] if path_extension == "": # if a folder ha sbeen provided we try to create a volume from this path and the output format if output_format == "tiff": output_volume = TIFFVolume( folder=options.output_volume, ) elif output_format == "edf": output_volume = EDFVolume( folder=options.output_volume, ) elif output_format == "jp2": output_volume = JP2KVolume( folder=options.output_volume, ) else: raise ValueError( f"Unable to deduce an output volume from {options.output_volume} and output format {output_format}. Please provide an output_volume as an url" ) else: # if a file path_has been provided if path_extension.lower() in ("tif", "tiff") and output_format in ( None, "tiff", ): output_volume = MultiTIFFVolume( file_path=options.output_volume, ) elif path_extension.lower() in ( "h5", "nx", "nexus", "hdf", "hdf5", ) and output_format in (None, "hdf5"): output_volume = HDF5Volume( file_path=options.output_volume, data_path="volume", ) else: raise ValueError( f"Unable to deduce an output volume from {options.output_volume} and output format {output_format}. Please provide an output_volume as an url" ) elif options.output_type is None: raise ValueError("'output_type' or 'output_volume' is expected") else: output_volume = get_default_output_volume(input_volume=input_volume, output_type=output_format) try: output_data_type = numpy.dtype(getattr(numpy, options.output_data_type)) except Exception as e: raise ValueError(f"Unable to get output data type from {options.output_data_type}") from e # get data_min and data_max data_min = options.data_min if data_min is not None: data_min = float(data_min) data_max = options.data_max if data_max is not None: data_max = float(data_max) # get rescale_min_percentile and rescale_min_percentile rescale_min_percentile = options.rescale_min_percentile def clean_percentiles_str(percentile): # remove ' char percentile = percentile.rstrip("'").lstrip("'") # remove " char percentile = percentile.rstrip('"').lstrip('"') # remove % char return percentile.rstrip("%") if isinstance(rescale_min_percentile, str): rescale_min_percentile = float(clean_percentiles_str(rescale_min_percentile)) rescale_max_percentile = options.rescale_max_percentile if isinstance(rescale_min_percentile, str): rescale_max_percentile = float(clean_percentiles_str(rescale_max_percentile)) assert rescale_min_percentile is not None, "rescale_min_percentile should be an int" assert rescale_max_percentile is not None, "rescale_max_percentile should be an int" # handle histogram and data_min, data_max if options.histogram_url is not None: if data_min is not None or data_max is not None: raise ValueError("Both histogram url and data min/max are provided. Don't know which one to take") else: if not options.histogram_url.startswith("silx:"): options.histogram_url = "silx:" + options.histogram_url histogram_url = DataUrl(path=options.histogram_url) data_min, data_max = _min_max_from_histo( url=histogram_url, rescale_min_percentile=rescale_min_percentile, rescale_max_percentile=rescale_max_percentile, ) # update output volume from options output_volume.overwrite = options.overwrite if options.compression_ratios is not None: output_volume.cratios = list([int(value) for value in convert_str_to_tuple(options.compression_ratios)]) # do volume casting cast_volume( input_volume=input_volume, output_volume=output_volume, output_data_type=output_data_type, data_min=data_min, data_max=data_max, rescale_min_percentile=rescale_min_percentile, rescale_max_percentile=rescale_max_percentile, ) exit(0)
if __name__ == "__main__": main(sys.argv)