integrator.integrator module#

class integrator.integrator.AIConfiguration(n_pts: int, unit: str, polarization_factor: float, correct_solid_angle: bool, detector: str, poni_file: str, mask_file: str, flatfield_file: str, dark_file: str, error_model: str, azimuthal_range: tuple, radial_range: tuple, ai_method: str, trim_method: str = None, trim_n_pts: int = 0, trim_bounds: tuple = None)#

Bases: object

n_pts: int#
unit: str#
polarization_factor: float#
correct_solid_angle: bool#
detector: str#
poni_file: str#
mask_file: str#
flatfield_file: str#
dark_file: str#
error_model: str#
azimuthal_range: tuple#
radial_range: tuple#
ai_method: str#
trim_method: str = None#
trim_n_pts: int = 0#
trim_bounds: tuple = None#

Create a AzimuthalIntegrator object from a configuration.


ai_config (AIConfiguration) – Data structure describing the azimuthal integration configuration


azimuthal_integrator – Azimuthal integrator instance

Return type


class integrator.integrator.StackIntegrator(ai_config, dataset=None, output_dir=None, stack_size=None, logger=None, existing_output='skip', do_stack_mean=False, extra_options=None)#

Bases: object

Initialize an Integrator object.

  • ai_config (AIConfiguration) – Azimuthal Integration configuration

  • stack_size (int) – Number of images to process at once

  • dataset (HDF5Dataset, optional) – XRD-CT dataset. If not set, the method set_new_dataset() will have to be called prior to process_stack()

  • output_dir (str, optional) – Path to the directory where the files are written.. If provided, a file output_xxxx.h5 is created where “xxxx” is the index of current stack. Otherwise, results are not written on disk.

  • logger (Logger, optional) – Logger object. If not provided, messages are shown with the print() function

  • existing_output (str, optional) –

    What do do in the case where the output file already exists:

    • ”raise”: raise an error

    • ”overwrite”: overwrite the existing file

    • ”skip”: do not process the current stack

  • extra_options (dict, optional) –

    Dictionary of advanced options. Current values are:
    • ”scan_num_as_h5_entry”: False

      Whether to use the current scan number as HDF5 entry.

set_new_dataset(dataset, output_dir, stack_size, existing_output='skip')#

Configure a new dataset to process.


Initialize a pyFAI engine based on a AIConfiguration object.

property result#
process_stack(start_idx, end_idx)#
create_output_masterfile(files, output_file, n_retries=1)#
create_legacy_output_file(files, output_file, n_retries=1)#
repack_output(files, output_file)#