
Sample code demonstrating silx.gui.plot3d.ScalarFieldView widget:

import argparse
import logging
import os.path

import numpy

from silx.gui import qt

from silx.gui.plot3d.ScalarFieldView import ScalarFieldView
from silx.gui.plot3d import SFViewParamTree


_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    import h5py
except ImportError:
    _logger.warning('h5py is not installed: HDF5 not supported')
    h5py = None

def load(filename):
    """Load 3D scalar field from file.

    It supports 3D stack HDF5 files and numpy files.

    :param str filename: Name of the file to open
                         and path in file for hdf5 file
    :return: numpy.ndarray with 3 dimensions.
    if not os.path.isfile(filename.split('::')[0]):
        raise IOError('No input file: %s' % filename)

    if h5py is not None and h5py.is_hdf5(filename.split('::')[0]):
        if '::' not in filename:
            raise ValueError(
                'HDF5 path not provided: Use <filename>::<path> format')

        filename, path = filename.split('::')
        path, indices = path.split('#')[0], path.split('#')[1:]

        with h5py.File(filename) as f:
            data = f[path]

            # Loop through indices along first dimensions
            for index in indices:
                data = data[int(index)]

            data = numpy.array(data, order='C', dtype='float32')

    else:  # Try with numpy
            data = numpy.load(filename)
        except IOError:
            raise IOError('Unsupported file format: %s' % filename)

    if data.ndim != 3:
        raise RuntimeError(
            'Unsupported data set dimensions, only supports 3D datasets')

    return data

def default_isolevel(data):
    """Compute a default isosurface level: mean + 1 std

    :param numpy.ndarray data: The data to process
    :rtype: float
    data = data[numpy.isfinite(data)]
    if len(data) == 0:
        return 0
        return numpy.mean(data) + numpy.std(data)

def main(argv=None):
    # Parse input arguments
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        '-l', '--level', nargs='?', type=float, default=float('nan'),
        help="The value at which to generate the iso-surface")
        '-sx', '--xscale', nargs='?', type=float, default=1.,
        help="The scale of the data on the X axis")
        '-sy', '--yscale', nargs='?', type=float, default=1.,
        help="The scale of the data on the Y axis")
        '-sz', '--zscale', nargs='?', type=float, default=1.,
        help="The scale of the data on the Z axis")
        '-ox', '--xoffset', nargs='?', type=float, default=0.,
        help="The offset of the data on the X axis")
        '-oy', '--yoffset', nargs='?', type=float, default=0.,
        help="The offset of the data on the Y axis")
        '-oz', '--zoffset', nargs='?', type=float, default=0.,
        help="The offset of the data on the Z axis")
        help="""Filename to open.

        It supports 3D volume saved as .npy or in .h5 files.

        It also support nD data set (n>=3) stored in a HDF5 file.
        For HDF5, provide the filename and path as: <filename>::<path_in_file>.
        If the data set has more than 3 dimensions, it is possible to choose a
        3D data set as a subset by providing the indices along the first n-3
        dimensions with '#':

        E.g.: data.h5::/data_5D#1#1
    args = parser.parse_args(args=argv)

    # Start GUI
    global app  # QApplication must be global to avoid seg fault on quit
    app = qt.QApplication([])

    # Create the viewer main window
    window = ScalarFieldView()

    # Create a parameter tree for the scalar field view
    treeView = SFViewParamTree.TreeView(window)
    treeView.setSfView(window)  # Attach the parameter tree to the view

    # Add the parameter tree to the main window in a dock widget
    dock = qt.QDockWidget()
    window.addDockWidget(qt.Qt.RightDockWidgetArea, dock)

    # Load data from file
    if args.filename is not None:
        data = load(args.filename)'Data:\n\tShape: %s\n\tRange: [%f, %f]',
                     str(data.shape), data.min(), data.max())
        # Create dummy data
        _logger.warning('Not data file provided, creating dummy data')
        coords = numpy.linspace(-10, 10, 64)
        z = coords.reshape(-1, 1, 1)
        y = coords.reshape(1, -1, 1)
        x = coords.reshape(1, 1, -1)
        data = numpy.sin(x * y * z) / (x * y * z)

    # Set ScalarFieldView data

    # Set scale of the data
    window.setScale(args.xscale, args.yscale, args.zscale)

    # Set offset of the data
    window.setTranslation(args.xoffset, args.yoffset, args.zoffset)

    # Set axes labels
    window.setAxesLabels('X', 'Y', 'Z')

    # Add an iso-surface
    if not numpy.isnan(args.level):
        # Add an iso-surface at the given iso-level
        window.addIsosurface(args.level, '#FF0000FF')
        # Add an iso-surface from a function
        window.addIsosurface(default_isolevel, '#FF0000FF')
    return app.exec_()

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import sys
