icons: Set of icons

Set of icons for buttons.

Use getQIcon() to create Qt QIcon from the name identifying an icon.


Returns a cached version of the waiting AnimatedIcon.

Return type:AnimatedIcon
class silx.gui.icons.AnimatedIcon(filename, parent=None)[source]

Store a looping QMovie to provide icons for each frames. Provides an event with the new icon everytime the movie frame is updated.


Signal sent with a QIcon everytime the animation changed.


Register an object to the AnimatedIcon. If no object are registred, the animation is paused. Object are stored in a weaked list.

Parameters:obj (object) – An object

Remove the object from the registration. If no object are registred the animation is paused.

Parameters:obj (object) – A registered object

Returns true if the object is registred in the AnimatedIcon.

Parameters:obj (object) – An object

Returns the icon of the current frame.

Return type:qt.QIcon

Create a QIcon from its name.

Parameters:name (str) – Name of the icon, in one of the defined icons in this module.
Returns:Corresponding QIcon
Raises:ValueError when name is not known

Create a QPixmap from its name.

Parameters:name (str) – Name of the icon, in one of the defined icons in this module.
Returns:Corresponding QPixmap
Raises:ValueError when name is not known

Create a QFile from an icon name. Filename is found according to supported Qt formats.

Parameters:name (str) – Name of the icon, in one of the defined icons in this module.
Returns:Corresponding QFile
Return type:qt.QFile
Raises:ValueError when name is not known

Available icons

Icon Name
3d-plane-normal-x 3d-plane-normal-x
3d-plane-normal-y 3d-plane-normal-y
3d-plane-normal-z 3d-plane-normal-z
3d-plane 3d-plane
arrow-keys arrow-keys
camera camera
clipboard clipboard
close close
colormap colormap
crop crop
crosshair crosshair
cube-back cube-back
cube-bottom cube-bottom
cube-front cube-front
cube-left cube-left
cube-right cube-right
cube-top cube-top
cube cube
document-open document-open
document-print document-print
document-save document-save
draw-brush draw-brush
draw-pencil draw-pencil
draw-rubber draw-rubber
edit-copy edit-copy
first first
folder folder
image-mask image-mask
image-select-add image-select-add
image-select-box image-select-box
image-select-brush image-select-brush
image-select-erase-rubber image-select-erase-rubber
image-select-erase image-select-erase
image image
item-0dim item-0dim
item-1dim item-1dim
item-2dim item-2dim
item-3dim item-3dim
item-ndim item-ndim
item-object item-object
last last
math-average math-average
math-derive math-derive
math-energy math-energy
math-fit math-fit
math-normalize math-normalize
math-peak-reset math-peak-reset
math-peak-search math-peak-search
math-peak math-peak
math-sigma math-sigma
math-smooth math-smooth
math-substract math-substract
math-swap-sign math-swap-sign
math-ymin-to-zero math-ymin-to-zero
next next
normal normal
pixel-intensities pixel-intensities
plot-grid plot-grid
plot-roi-above plot-roi-above
plot-roi-below plot-roi-below
plot-roi-between plot-roi-between
plot-roi-reset plot-roi-reset
plot-roi plot-roi
plot-toggle-points plot-toggle-points
plot-widget plot-widget
plot-window-image plot-window-image
plot-window plot-window
plot-xauto plot-xauto
plot-xlog plot-xlog
plot-yauto plot-yauto
plot-ydown plot-ydown
plot-ylog plot-ylog
plot-yup plot-yup
previous previous
profile1D profile1D
profile2D profile2D
remove remove
rudder rudder
selected selected
shape-circle-solid shape-circle-solid
shape-circle shape-circle
shape-diagonal shape-diagonal
shape-ellipse-solid shape-ellipse-solid
shape-ellipse shape-ellipse
shape-horizontal shape-horizontal
shape-polygon shape-polygon
shape-rectangle shape-rectangle
shape-square shape-square
shape-vertical shape-vertical
silx silx
sliders-off sliders-off
sliders-on sliders-on
spec spec
test-png test-png
view-1d view-1d
view-2d-stack view-2d-stack
view-2d view-2d
view-3d view-3d
view-fullscreen view-fullscreen
view-nofullscreen view-nofullscreen
view-raw view-raw
view-refresh view-refresh
view-text view-text
window-new window-new
zoom-in zoom-in
zoom-original zoom-original
zoom-out zoom-out
zoom zoom

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NexusSortFilterProxyModel class

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plot: 1D and 2D Plot widgets

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