NumpyAxesSelector:Widget to select a view from a numpy array

This module defines a widget able to convert a numpy array from n-dimensions to a numpy array with less dimensions.

class NumpyAxesSelector(parent=None)[source]

Widget to select a view from a numpy array.


The widget is set with an input data using setData(), and a requested output dimension using setAxisNames().

Widgets are provided to selected expected input axis, and a slice on the non-selected axis.

The final selected array can be reached using the getter selectedData(), and the event selectionChanged.

If the input data is a HDF5 Dataset, the selected output data will be a new numpy array.

dataChanged = <PySide.QtCore.Signal object>

Emitted when the input data change

selectedAxisChanged = <PySide.QtCore.Signal object>

Emitted when the selected axis change

selectionChanged = <PySide.QtCore.Signal object>

Emitted when the selected data change

customAxisChanged = <PySide.QtCore.Signal object>

Emitted when a custom axis change


Clear the widget.


Set the axis names of the output selected data.

Axis names are defined from slower to faster axis.

The size of the list will constrain the dimension of the resulting array.

Parameters:axesNames (List[str]) – List of distinct strings identifying axis names

Set the available list of named axis which can be set to a value.

Parameters:axesNames (List[str]) – List of customable axis names

Set the input data unsed by the widget.

Parameters:data (numpy.ndarray) – The input data

Returns the input data.

Return type:numpy.ndarray

Returns the output data.

Return type:numpy.ndarray

Returns the selection tuple used to slice the data.

Return type:tuple

Show or hide the combo-boxes allowing to map the plot axes to the data dimension.

Parameters:visible – Boolean