# Version 2023.1.0 ```{note} The changelog is available at [https://gitlab.esrf.fr/tomotools/nabu/-/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md](https://gitlab.esrf.fr/tomotools/nabu/-/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md) ``` ## Highlights This section highlights some of the available [features](features.md). ### Helical pipeline Datasets acquired with a helical trajectory are now supported by nabu. A dedicated pipeline has been created, and can be used with the `nabu-helical` command. See also: [Helical reconstruction](helical.md) ### Full-volume cone-beam reconstruction The full-field pipeline now supports full-volume reconstruction of cone-beam data. Use `method = cone` (instead of `fbp`) in `[reconstruction]`. This feature requires the astra toolbox to be installed, and is still not well-tested. ### Volumes stitching Nabu offers a new command, `nabu-stitching`, and a new API (`nabu.stitching`) for performing volumes stitching. It can be used both in pre-processing (assemble projections) and post-processing (assemble reconstructed volumes). See also: [Volumes stitching](apidoc/stitching.md) ### Improvements on full-field pipeline The pipeline got a handful of improvements: - Fix `binning`, `binning_z` and `projections_subsampling` which were broken in many cases. These parameters can also be set to arbitrary values. - Fix processing margin when using vertical translations and/or CTF - Flats distortion correction now works on the GPU backend, but is still very slow - Allow to overwrite some metadata, ex. with `overwrite_metadata = energy=19kev; pixel_size = 1.6 micron` in `[dataset]` - Unsharp mask: add "imagej" mode to have an unsharp similar to the one of ImageJ - Add support for .vol output format (mimics the big binary file from PyHST2) - Configuration file now supports relative paths