
for now we only run tests for FreeART using double precision for Fluorescence and Transmission.


a lot of “historical” about Diffraction is still included in freeart. But not of it has not been tested.

Mask haven t been tested yet with unittests.

Treated region

For the fluorescence mode during the forward projection ( sinogram generation ) we are limiting the region of acquisition to the discincluded in the phantom rectangle for a choose of simplification during the algorithm of sampling and to deal with rays.



the reconstruction algorithm is for now able to take only one detector.

python interface

The python interface is only accessible for double and float.


FreeART core has been developed to be mono threaded. the configinterpreter is able to launch different reconstructions in multiple thread. I don t think freeart can be eavily optimized (let say by a factor 2) anymore. with the current structure and technologies. If you want to highly increase performances you might go multithreaded or try some technologies as cuda or openCL.

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