.. currentmodule:: silx.gui :mod:`hdf5`: HDF5 widgets ========================= .. toctree:: :hidden: getting_started.rst .. currentmodule:: silx.gui.hdf5 .. automodule:: silx.gui.hdf5 For an introduction to the widgets of this package, see :doc:`getting_started`. Widgets gallery --------------- .. |imgHdf5TreeView| image:: img/Hdf5TreeView.png :height: 150px :align: middle .. list-table:: :widths: 1 4 :header-rows: 1 * - Widget - Description * - |imgHdf5TreeView| - :class:`Hdf5TreeView` is the base Qt widget providing a tree view of multiple HDF5 files, or assimilated file with an adapter. Public modules -------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 hdf5treeview.rst hdf5treemodel.rst hdf5contextmenuevent.rst h5node.rst hdf5headerview.rst nexussortfilterproxymodel.rst