Source code for silx.gui.plot.items._roi_base

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"""This module provides base components to create ROI item for
the :class:`~silx.gui.plot.PlotWidget`.

.. inheritance-diagram::
   :parts: 1

__authors__ = ["T. Vincent"]
__license__ = "MIT"
__date__ = "28/06/2018"

import logging
import numpy
import weakref
import functools
from typing import Optional

from ....utils.weakref import WeakList
from ... import qt
from .. import items
from ..items import core
from ...colors import rgba

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class _RegionOfInterestBase(qt.QObject): """Base class of 1D and 2D region of interest :param QObject parent: See QObject :param str name: The name of the ROI """ sigAboutToBeRemoved = qt.Signal() """Signal emitted just before this ROI is removed from its manager.""" sigItemChanged = qt.Signal(object) """Signal emitted when item has changed. It provides a flag describing which property of the item has changed. See :class:`ItemChangedType` for flags description. """ def __init__(self, parent=None): qt.QObject.__init__(self) if parent is not None: self.setParent(parent) self.__name = ""
[docs] def getName(self): """Returns the name of the ROI :return: name of the region of interest :rtype: str """ return self.__name
[docs] def setName(self, name): """Set the name of the ROI :param str name: name of the region of interest """ name = str(name) if self.__name != name: self.__name = name self._updated(items.ItemChangedType.NAME)
def _updated(self, event=None, checkVisibility=True): """Implement Item mix-in update method by updating the plot items See :class:`~silx.gui.plot.items.Item._updated` """ self.sigItemChanged.emit(event)
[docs] def contains(self, position): """Returns True if the `position` is in this ROI. :param tuple[float,float] position: position to check :return: True if the value / point is consider to be in the region of interest. :rtype: bool """ return False # Override in subclass to perform actual test
[docs] class RoiInteractionMode(object): """Description of an interaction mode. An interaction mode provide a specific kind of interaction for a ROI. A ROI can implement many interaction. """ def __init__(self, label, description=None): self._label = label self._description = description @property def label(self): """Short name""" return self._label @property def description(self): """Longer description of the interaction mode""" return self._description
[docs] class InteractionModeMixIn(object): """Mix in feature which can be implemented by a ROI object. This provides user interaction to switch between different interaction mode to edit the ROI. This ROI modes have to be described using `RoiInteractionMode`, and taken into account during interation with handles. """ sigInteractionModeChanged = qt.Signal(object) def __init__(self): self.__modeId = None def _initInteractionMode(self, modeId): """Set the mode without updating anything. Must be one of the returned :meth:`availableInteractionModes`. :param RoiInteractionMode modeId: Mode to use """ self.__modeId = modeId
[docs] def availableInteractionModes(self): """Returns the list of available interaction modes Must be implemented when inherited to provide all available modes. :rtype: List[RoiInteractionMode] """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def setInteractionMode(self, modeId): """Set the interaction mode. :param RoiInteractionMode modeId: Mode to use """ self.__modeId = modeId self._interactiveModeUpdated(modeId) self.sigInteractionModeChanged.emit(modeId)
def _interactiveModeUpdated(self, modeId): """Called directly after an update of the mode. The signal `sigInteractionModeChanged` is triggered after this call. Must be implemented when inherited to take care of the change. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def getInteractionMode(self): """Returns the interaction mode. Must be one of the returned :meth:`availableInteractionModes`. :rtype: RoiInteractionMode """ return self.__modeId
[docs] def createMenuForInteractionMode(self, parent: qt.QWidget) -> qt.QMenu: """Create a menu providing access to the different interaction modes""" availableModes = self.availableInteractionModes() currentMode = self.getInteractionMode() submenu = qt.QMenu(parent) modeGroup = qt.QActionGroup(parent) modeGroup.setExclusive(True) for mode in availableModes: action = qt.QAction(parent) action.setText(mode.label) action.setToolTip(mode.description) action.setCheckable(True) if mode is currentMode: action.setChecked(True) else: callback = functools.partial(self.setInteractionMode, mode) action.triggered.connect(callback) modeGroup.addAction(action) submenu.addAction(action) submenu.setTitle("Interaction mode") return submenu
[docs] class RegionOfInterest(_RegionOfInterestBase, core.HighlightedMixIn): """Object describing a region of interest in a plot. :param QObject parent: The RegionOfInterestManager that created this object """ _DEFAULT_LINEWIDTH = 1.0 """Default line width of the curve""" _DEFAULT_LINESTYLE = "-" """Default line style of the curve""" _DEFAULT_HIGHLIGHT_STYLE = items.CurveStyle(linewidth=2) """Default highlight style of the item""" ICON, NAME, SHORT_NAME = None, None, None """Metadata to describe the ROI in labels, tooltips and widgets Should be set by inherited classes to custom the ROI manager widget. """ sigRegionChanged = qt.Signal() """Signal emitted everytime the shape or position of the ROI changes""" sigEditingStarted = qt.Signal() """Signal emitted when the user start editing the roi""" sigEditingFinished = qt.Signal() """Signal emitted when the region edition is finished. During edition sigEditionChanged will be emitted several times and sigRegionEditionFinished only at end""" def __init__(self, parent=None): # Avoid circular dependency from import roi as roi_tools assert parent is None or isinstance(parent, roi_tools.RegionOfInterestManager) # Must be done before _RegionOfInterestBase.__init__ self._child = WeakList() _RegionOfInterestBase.__init__(self, parent) core.HighlightedMixIn.__init__(self) self.__text = None self._color = rgba("red") self._editable = False self._selectable = False self._focusProxy = None self._visible = True def _connectToPlot(self, plot): """Called after connection to a plot""" for item in self.getItems(): # This hack is needed to avoid reentrant call from _disconnectFromPlot # to the ROI manager. It also speed up the item tests in _itemRemoved item._roiGroup = True plot.addItem(item) def _disconnectFromPlot(self, plot): """Called before disconnection from a plot""" for item in self.getItems(): # The item could be already be removed by the plot if item.getPlot() is not None: del item._roiGroup plot.removeItem(item) def _setItemName(self, item): """Helper to generate a unique id to a plot item""" legend = "__ROI-%d__%d" % (id(self), id(item)) item.setName(legend)
[docs] def setParent(self, parent): """Set the parent of the RegionOfInterest :param Union[None,RegionOfInterestManager] parent: The new parent """ # Avoid circular dependency from import roi as roi_tools if parent is not None and not isinstance( parent, roi_tools.RegionOfInterestManager ): raise ValueError("Unsupported parent") previousParent = self.parent() if previousParent is not None: previousPlot = previousParent.parent() if previousPlot is not None: self._disconnectFromPlot(previousPlot) super(RegionOfInterest, self).setParent(parent) if parent is not None: plot = parent.parent() if plot is not None: self._connectToPlot(plot)
[docs] def addItem(self, item): """Add an item to the set of this ROI children. This item will be added and removed to the plot used by the ROI. If the ROI is already part of a plot, the item will also be added to the plot. It the item do not have a name already, a unique one is generated to avoid item collision in the plot. :param silx.gui.plot.items.Item item: A plot item """ assert item is not None self._child.append(item) if item.getName() == "": self._setItemName(item) manager = self.parent() if manager is not None: plot = manager.parent() if plot is not None: item._roiGroup = True plot.addItem(item)
[docs] def removeItem(self, item): """Remove an item from this ROI children. If the item is part of a plot it will be removed too. :param silx.gui.plot.items.Item item: A plot item """ assert item is not None self._child.remove(item) plot = item.getPlot() if plot is not None: del item._roiGroup plot.removeItem(item)
[docs] def getItems(self): """Returns the list of PlotWidget items of this RegionOfInterest. :rtype: List[~silx.gui.plot.items.Item] """ return tuple(self._child)
@classmethod def _getShortName(cls): """Return an human readable kind of ROI :rtype: str """ if hasattr(cls, "SHORT_NAME"): name = cls.SHORT_NAME if name is None: name = cls.__name__ return name
[docs] def getColor(self): """Returns the color of this ROI :rtype: QColor """ return qt.QColor.fromRgbF(*self._color)
[docs] def setColor(self, color): """Set the color used for this ROI. :param color: The color to use for ROI shape as either a color name, a QColor, a list of uint8 or float in [0, 1]. """ color = rgba(color) if color != self._color: self._color = color self._updated(items.ItemChangedType.COLOR)
[docs] def isEditable(self): """Returns whether the ROI is editable by the user or not. :rtype: bool """ return self._editable
[docs] def setEditable(self, editable): """Set whether the ROI can be changed interactively. :param bool editable: True to allow edition by the user, False to disable. """ editable = bool(editable) if self._editable != editable: self._editable = editable self._updated(items.ItemChangedType.EDITABLE)
[docs] def isSelectable(self): """Returns whether the ROI is selectable by the user or not. :rtype: bool """ return self._selectable
[docs] def setSelectable(self, selectable): """Set whether the ROI can be selected interactively. :param bool selectable: True to allow selection by the user, False to disable. """ selectable = bool(selectable) if self._selectable != selectable: self._selectable = selectable self._updated(items.ItemChangedType.SELECTABLE)
[docs] def getFocusProxy(self): """Returns the ROI which have to be selected when this ROI is selected, else None if no proxy specified. :rtype: RegionOfInterest """ proxy = self._focusProxy if proxy is None: return None proxy = proxy() if proxy is None: self._focusProxy = None return proxy
[docs] def setFocusProxy(self, roi): """Set the real ROI which will be selected when this ROI is selected, else None to remove the proxy already specified. :param RegionOfInterest roi: A ROI """ if roi is not None: self._focusProxy = weakref.ref(roi) else: self._focusProxy = None
[docs] def isVisible(self): """Returns whether the ROI is visible in the plot. .. note:: This does not take into account whether or not the plot widget itself is visible (unlike :meth:`QWidget.isVisible` which checks the visibility of all its parent widgets up to the window) :rtype: bool """ return self._visible
[docs] def setVisible(self, visible): """Set whether the plot items associated with this ROI are visible in the plot. :param bool visible: True to show the ROI in the plot, False to hide it. """ visible = bool(visible) if self._visible != visible: self._visible = visible self._updated(items.ItemChangedType.VISIBLE)
[docs] def getText(self) -> str: """Returns the currently displayed text for this ROI""" return self.getName() if self.__text is None else self.__text
[docs] def setText(self, text: Optional[str] = None) -> None: """Set the displayed text for this ROI. If None (the default), the ROI name is used. """ if self.__text != text: self.__text = text self._updated(items.ItemChangedType.TEXT)
def _updateText(self, text: str) -> None: """Update the text displayed by this ROI Override in subclass to custom text display """ pass
[docs] @classmethod def showFirstInteractionShape(cls): """Returns True if the shape created by the first interaction and managed by the plot have to be visible. :rtype: bool """ return False
[docs] @classmethod def getFirstInteractionShape(cls): """Returns the shape kind which will be used by the very first interaction with the plot. This interactions are hardcoded inside the plot :rtype: str """ return cls._plotShape
[docs] def setFirstShapePoints(self, points): """Initialize the ROI using the points from the first interaction. This interaction is constrained by the plot API and only supports few shapes. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def creationStarted(self): """Called when the ROI creation interaction was started.""" pass
[docs] def creationFinalized(self): """Called when the ROI creation interaction was finalized.""" pass
def _updateItemProperty(self, event, source, destination): """Update the item property of a destination from an item source. :param items.ItemChangedType event: Property type to update :param silx.gui.plot.items.Item source: The reference for the data :param event Union[Item,List[Item]] destination: The item(s) to update """ if not isinstance(destination, (list, tuple)): destination = [destination] if event == items.ItemChangedType.NAME: value = source.getName() for d in destination: d.setName(value) elif event == items.ItemChangedType.EDITABLE: value = source.isEditable() for d in destination: d.setEditable(value) elif event == items.ItemChangedType.SELECTABLE: value = source.isSelectable() for d in destination: d._setSelectable(value) elif event == items.ItemChangedType.COLOR: value = rgba(source.getColor()) for d in destination: d.setColor(value) elif event == items.ItemChangedType.LINE_STYLE: value = self.getLineStyle() for d in destination: d.setLineStyle(value) elif event == items.ItemChangedType.LINE_WIDTH: value = self.getLineWidth() for d in destination: d.setLineWidth(value) elif event == items.ItemChangedType.SYMBOL: value = self.getSymbol() for d in destination: d.setSymbol(value) elif event == items.ItemChangedType.SYMBOL_SIZE: value = self.getSymbolSize() for d in destination: d.setSymbolSize(value) elif event == items.ItemChangedType.VISIBLE: value = self.isVisible() for d in destination: d.setVisible(value) else: assert False def _updated(self, event=None, checkVisibility=True): if event == items.ItemChangedType.TEXT: self._updateText(self.getText()) elif event == items.ItemChangedType.HIGHLIGHTED: for item in self.getItems(): zoffset = 1000 if self.isHighlighted() else 0 item.setZValue(item._DEFAULT_Z_LAYER + zoffset) style = self.getCurrentStyle() self._updatedStyle(event, style) else: styleEvents = [ items.ItemChangedType.COLOR, items.ItemChangedType.LINE_STYLE, items.ItemChangedType.LINE_WIDTH, items.ItemChangedType.SYMBOL, items.ItemChangedType.SYMBOL_SIZE, ] if self.isHighlighted(): styleEvents.append(items.ItemChangedType.HIGHLIGHTED_STYLE) if event in styleEvents: style = self.getCurrentStyle() self._updatedStyle(event, style) super(RegionOfInterest, self)._updated(event, checkVisibility) # Displayed text has changed, send a text event if event == items.ItemChangedType.NAME and self.__text is None: self._updated(items.ItemChangedType.TEXT, checkVisibility) def _updatedStyle(self, event, style: items.CurveStyle): """Called when the current displayed style of the ROI was changed. :param event: The event responsible of the change of the style :param items.CurveStyle style: The current style """ pass
[docs] def getCurrentStyle(self) -> items.CurveStyle: """Returns the current curve style. Curve style depends on curve highlighting :rtype: CurveStyle """ baseColor = rgba(self.getColor()) if isinstance(self, core.LineMixIn): baseLinestyle = self.getLineStyle() baseLinewidth = self.getLineWidth() else: baseLinestyle = self._DEFAULT_LINESTYLE baseLinewidth = self._DEFAULT_LINEWIDTH if isinstance(self, core.SymbolMixIn): baseSymbol = self.getSymbol() baseSymbolsize = self.getSymbolSize() else: baseSymbol = "o" baseSymbolsize = 1 if self.isHighlighted(): style = self.getHighlightedStyle() color = style.getColor() linestyle = style.getLineStyle() linewidth = style.getLineWidth() symbol = style.getSymbol() symbolsize = style.getSymbolSize() return items.CurveStyle( color=baseColor if color is None else color, linestyle=baseLinestyle if linestyle is None else linestyle, linewidth=baseLinewidth if linewidth is None else linewidth, symbol=baseSymbol if symbol is None else symbol, symbolsize=baseSymbolsize if symbolsize is None else symbolsize, ) else: return items.CurveStyle( color=baseColor, linestyle=baseLinestyle, linewidth=baseLinewidth, symbol=baseSymbol, symbolsize=baseSymbolsize, )
def _editingStarted(self): assert self._editable is True self.sigEditingStarted.emit() def _editingFinished(self): self.sigEditingFinished.emit()
[docs] def populateContextMenu(self, menu: qt.QMenu): """Populate a menu used as a context menu""" pass
[docs] class HandleBasedROI(RegionOfInterest): """Manage a ROI based on a set of handles""" def __init__(self, parent=None): RegionOfInterest.__init__(self, parent=parent) self._handles = [] self._posOrigin = None self._posPrevious = None
[docs] def addUserHandle(self, item=None): """ Add a new free handle to the ROI. This handle do nothing. It have to be managed by the ROI implementing this class. :param Union[None,silx.gui.plot.items.Marker] item: The new marker to add, else None to create a default marker. :rtype: silx.gui.plot.items.Marker """ return self.addHandle(item, role="user")
[docs] def addLabelHandle(self, item=None): """ Add a new label handle to the ROI. This handle is not draggable nor selectable. It is displayed without symbol, but it is always visible anyway the ROI is editable, in order to display text. :param Union[None,silx.gui.plot.items.Marker] item: The new marker to add, else None to create a default marker. :rtype: silx.gui.plot.items.Marker """ return self.addHandle(item, role="label")
[docs] def addTranslateHandle(self, item=None): """ Add a new translate handle to the ROI. Dragging translate handles affect the position position of the ROI but not the shape itself. :param Union[None,silx.gui.plot.items.Marker] item: The new marker to add, else None to create a default marker. :rtype: silx.gui.plot.items.Marker """ return self.addHandle(item, role="translate")
[docs] def addHandle(self, item=None, role="default"): """ Add a new handle to the ROI. Dragging handles while affect the position or the shape of the ROI. :param Union[None,silx.gui.plot.items.Marker] item: The new marker to add, else None to create a default marker. :rtype: silx.gui.plot.items.Marker """ if item is None: item = items.Marker() color = rgba(self.getColor()) color = self._computeHandleColor(color) item.setColor(color) if role == "default": item.setSymbol("s") elif role == "user": pass elif role == "translate": item.setSymbol("+") elif role == "label": item.setSymbol("") if role == "user": pass elif role == "label": item._setSelectable(False) item._setDraggable(False) item.setVisible(True) else: self.__updateEditable(item, self.isEditable(), remove=False) item._setSelectable(False) self._handles.append((item, role)) self.addItem(item) return item
def removeHandle(self, handle): data = [d for d in self._handles if d[0] is handle][0] self._handles.remove(data) role = data[1] if role not in ["user", "label"]: if self.isEditable(): self.__updateEditable(handle, False) self.removeItem(handle)
[docs] def getHandles(self): """Returns the list of handles of this HandleBasedROI. :rtype: List[~silx.gui.plot.items.Marker] """ return tuple(data[0] for data in self._handles)
def _updated(self, event=None, checkVisibility=True): """Implement Item mix-in update method by updating the plot items See :class:`~silx.gui.plot.items.Item._updated` """ if event == items.ItemChangedType.VISIBLE: for item, role in self._handles: visible = self.isVisible() editionVisible = visible and self.isEditable() if role not in ["user", "label"]: item.setVisible(editionVisible) else: item.setVisible(visible) elif event == items.ItemChangedType.EDITABLE: for item, role in self._handles: editable = self.isEditable() if role not in ["user", "label"]: self.__updateEditable(item, editable) super(HandleBasedROI, self)._updated(event, checkVisibility) def _updatedStyle(self, event, style): super(HandleBasedROI, self)._updatedStyle(event, style) # Update color of shape items in the plot color = rgba(self.getColor()) handleColor = self._computeHandleColor(color) for item, role in self._handles: if role == "user": pass elif role == "label": item.setColor(color) else: item.setColor(handleColor) def __updateEditable(self, handle, editable, remove=True): # NOTE: visibility change emit a position update event handle.setVisible(editable and self.isVisible()) handle._setDraggable(editable) if editable: handle.sigDragStarted.connect(self._handleEditingStarted) handle.sigItemChanged.connect(self._handleEditingUpdated) handle.sigDragFinished.connect(self._handleEditingFinished) else: if remove: handle.sigDragStarted.disconnect(self._handleEditingStarted) handle.sigItemChanged.disconnect(self._handleEditingUpdated) handle.sigDragFinished.disconnect(self._handleEditingFinished) def _handleEditingStarted(self): super(HandleBasedROI, self)._editingStarted() handle = self.sender() self._posOrigin = numpy.array(handle.getPosition()) self._posPrevious = numpy.array(self._posOrigin) self.handleDragStarted(handle, self._posOrigin) def _handleEditingUpdated(self): if self._posOrigin is None: # Avoid to handle events when visibility change return handle = self.sender() current = numpy.array(handle.getPosition()) self.handleDragUpdated(handle, self._posOrigin, self._posPrevious, current) self._posPrevious = current def _handleEditingFinished(self): handle = self.sender() current = numpy.array(handle.getPosition()) self.handleDragFinished(handle, self._posOrigin, current) self._posPrevious = None self._posOrigin = None super(HandleBasedROI, self)._editingFinished()
[docs] def isHandleBeingDragged(self): """Returns True if one of the handles is currently being dragged. :rtype: bool """ return self._posOrigin is not None
[docs] def handleDragStarted(self, handle, origin): """Called when an handler drag started""" pass
[docs] def handleDragUpdated(self, handle, origin, previous, current): """Called when an handle drag position changed""" pass
[docs] def handleDragFinished(self, handle, origin, current): """Called when an handle drag finished""" pass
def _computeHandleColor(self, color): """Returns the anchor color from the base ROI color :param Union[numpy.array,Tuple,List]: color :rtype: Union[numpy.array,Tuple,List] """ return color[:3] + (0.5,)