Source code for

# /*##########################################################################
# Copyright (c) 2004-2023 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
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# ###########################################################################*/
:mod:`` provides a set of QAction relative of inputs
and outputs for a :class:`.PlotWidget`.

The following QAction are available:

- :class:`CopyAction`
- :class:`PrintAction`
- :class:`SaveAction`

__authors__ = ["V.A. Sole", "T. Vincent", "P. Knobel"]
__license__ = "MIT"
__date__ = "25/09/2020"

from io import BytesIO
import logging
import sys
import os.path
import traceback
import numpy
from fabio.TiffIO import TiffIO
from fabio.edfimage import EdfImage

from silx.gui import qt, printer
from silx.gui.dialog.GroupDialog import GroupDialog
from import save1D, savespec, NEXUS_HDF5_EXT
from import save_NXdata

from . import PlotAction
from ...utils.image import convertArrayToQImage

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

_NEXUS_HDF5_EXT_STR = " ".join(["*" + ext for ext in NEXUS_HDF5_EXT])

[docs] def selectOutputGroup(h5filename): """Open a dialog to prompt the user to select a group in which to output data. :param str h5filename: name of an existing HDF5 file :rtype: str :return: Name of output group, or None if the dialog was cancelled """ dialog = GroupDialog() dialog.addFile(h5filename) dialog.setWindowTitle("Select an output group") if not dialog.exec(): return None return dialog.getSelectedDataUrl().data_path()
[docs] class SaveAction(PlotAction): """QAction for saving Plot content. It opens a Save as... dialog. :param plot: :class:`.PlotWidget` instance on which to operate. :param parent: See :class:`QAction`. """ SNAPSHOT_FILTER_SVG = "Plot Snapshot as SVG (*.svg)" SNAPSHOT_FILTER_PNG = "Plot Snapshot as PNG (*.png)" DEFAULT_ALL_FILTERS = (SNAPSHOT_FILTER_PNG, SNAPSHOT_FILTER_SVG) # Dict of curve filters with CSV-like format # Using ordered dict to guarantee filters order # Note: '%.18e' is numpy.savetxt default format CURVE_FILTERS_TXT = dict( ( ( "Curve as Raw ASCII (*.txt)", {"fmt": "%.18e", "delimiter": " ", "header": False}, ), ( 'Curve as ";"-separated CSV (*.csv)', {"fmt": "%.18e", "delimiter": ";", "header": True}, ), ( 'Curve as ","-separated CSV (*.csv)', {"fmt": "%.18e", "delimiter": ",", "header": True}, ), ( "Curve as tab-separated CSV (*.csv)", {"fmt": "%.18e", "delimiter": "\t", "header": True}, ), ( "Curve as OMNIC CSV (*.csv)", {"fmt": "%.7E", "delimiter": ",", "header": False}, ), ( "Curve as SpecFile (*.dat)", {"fmt": "%.10g", "delimiter": "", "header": False}, ), ) ) CURVE_FILTER_NPY = "Curve as NumPy binary file (*.npy)" CURVE_FILTER_NXDATA = "Curve as NXdata (%s)" % _NEXUS_HDF5_EXT_STR DEFAULT_CURVE_FILTERS = list(CURVE_FILTERS_TXT.keys()) + [ CURVE_FILTER_NPY, CURVE_FILTER_NXDATA, ] DEFAULT_ALL_CURVES_FILTERS = ("All curves as SpecFile (*.dat)",) IMAGE_FILTER_EDF = "Image data as EDF (*.edf)" IMAGE_FILTER_TIFF = "Image data as TIFF (*.tif)" IMAGE_FILTER_NUMPY = "Image data as NumPy binary file (*.npy)" IMAGE_FILTER_ASCII = "Image data as ASCII (*.dat)" IMAGE_FILTER_CSV_COMMA = "Image data as ,-separated CSV (*.csv)" IMAGE_FILTER_CSV_SEMICOLON = "Image data as ;-separated CSV (*.csv)" IMAGE_FILTER_CSV_TAB = "Image data as tab-separated CSV (*.csv)" IMAGE_FILTER_RGB_PNG = "Image as PNG (*.png)" IMAGE_FILTER_NXDATA = "Image as NXdata (%s)" % _NEXUS_HDF5_EXT_STR DEFAULT_IMAGE_FILTERS = ( IMAGE_FILTER_EDF, IMAGE_FILTER_TIFF, IMAGE_FILTER_NUMPY, IMAGE_FILTER_ASCII, IMAGE_FILTER_CSV_COMMA, IMAGE_FILTER_CSV_SEMICOLON, IMAGE_FILTER_CSV_TAB, IMAGE_FILTER_RGB_PNG, IMAGE_FILTER_NXDATA, ) SCATTER_FILTER_NXDATA = "Scatter as NXdata (%s)" % _NEXUS_HDF5_EXT_STR DEFAULT_SCATTER_FILTERS = (SCATTER_FILTER_NXDATA,) # filters for which we don't want an "overwrite existing file" warning DEFAULT_APPEND_FILTERS = ( CURVE_FILTER_NXDATA, IMAGE_FILTER_NXDATA, SCATTER_FILTER_NXDATA, ) def __init__(self, plot, parent=None): self._filters = { "all": {}, "curve": {}, "curves": {}, "image": {}, "scatter": {}, } self._appendFilters = list(self.DEFAULT_APPEND_FILTERS) # Initialize filters for nameFilter in self.DEFAULT_ALL_FILTERS: self.setFileFilter( dataKind="all", nameFilter=nameFilter, func=self._saveSnapshot ) for nameFilter in self.DEFAULT_CURVE_FILTERS: self.setFileFilter( dataKind="curve", nameFilter=nameFilter, func=self._saveCurve ) for nameFilter in self.DEFAULT_ALL_CURVES_FILTERS: self.setFileFilter( dataKind="curves", nameFilter=nameFilter, func=self._saveCurves ) for nameFilter in self.DEFAULT_IMAGE_FILTERS: self.setFileFilter( dataKind="image", nameFilter=nameFilter, func=self._saveImage ) for nameFilter in self.DEFAULT_SCATTER_FILTERS: self.setFileFilter( dataKind="scatter", nameFilter=nameFilter, func=self._saveScatter ) super(SaveAction, self).__init__( plot, icon="document-save", text="Save as...", tooltip="Save curve/image/plot snapshot dialog", triggered=self._actionTriggered, checkable=False, parent=parent, ) self.setShortcut(qt.QKeySequence.Save) self.setShortcutContext(qt.Qt.WidgetShortcut) @staticmethod def _errorMessage(informativeText="", parent=None): """Display an error message.""" # TODO issue with QMessageBox size fixed and too small msg = qt.QMessageBox(parent) msg.setIcon(qt.QMessageBox.Critical) msg.setInformativeText(informativeText + " " + str(sys.exc_info()[1])) msg.setDetailedText(traceback.format_exc()) msg.exec() def _saveSnapshot(self, plot, filename, nameFilter): """Save a snapshot of the :class:`PlotWindow` widget. :param str filename: The name of the file to write :param str nameFilter: The selected name filter :return: False if format is not supported or save failed, True otherwise. """ if nameFilter == self.SNAPSHOT_FILTER_PNG: fileFormat = "png" elif nameFilter == self.SNAPSHOT_FILTER_SVG: fileFormat = "svg" else: # Format not supported _logger.error("Saving plot snapshot failed: format not supported") return False plot.saveGraph(filename, fileFormat=fileFormat) return True def _getAxesLabels(self, item): # If curve has no associated label, get the default from the plot xlabel = item.getXLabel() or self.plot.getXAxis().getLabel() ylabel = item.getYLabel() or self.plot.getYAxis().getLabel() return xlabel, ylabel def _get1dData(self, item): "provide xdata, [ydata], xlabel, [ylabel] and manages error bars" xlabel, ylabel = self._getAxesLabels(item) x_data = item.getXData(copy=False) y_data = item.getYData(copy=False) x_err = item.getXErrorData(copy=False) y_err = item.getYErrorData(copy=False) labels = [ylabel] data = [y_data] if x_err is not None: if numpy.isscalar(x_err): data.append(numpy.zeros_like(y_data) + x_err) labels.append(xlabel + "_errors") elif x_err.ndim == 1: data.append(x_err) labels.append(xlabel + "_errors") elif x_err.ndim == 2: data.append(x_err[0]) labels.append(xlabel + "_errors_below") data.append(x_err[1]) labels.append(xlabel + "_errors_above") if y_err is not None: if numpy.isscalar(y_err): data.append(numpy.zeros_like(y_data) + y_err) labels.append(ylabel + "_errors") elif y_err.ndim == 1: data.append(y_err) labels.append(ylabel + "_errors") elif y_err.ndim == 2: data.append(y_err[0]) labels.append(ylabel + "_errors_below") data.append(y_err[1]) labels.append(ylabel + "_errors_above") return x_data, data, xlabel, labels @staticmethod def _selectWriteableOutputGroup(filename, parent): if ( os.path.exists(filename) and os.path.isfile(filename) and os.access(filename, os.W_OK) ): entryPath = selectOutputGroup(filename) if entryPath is None:"Save operation cancelled") return None return entryPath elif not os.path.exists(filename): # create new entry in new file return "/entry" else: SaveAction._errorMessage("Save failed (file access issue)\n", parent=parent) return None def _saveCurveAsNXdata(self, curve, filename): entryPath = self._selectWriteableOutputGroup(filename, parent=self.plot) if entryPath is None: return False xlabel, ylabel = self._getAxesLabels(curve) return save_NXdata( filename, nxentry_name=entryPath, signal=curve.getYData(copy=False), axes=[curve.getXData(copy=False)], signal_name="y", axes_names=["x"], signal_long_name=ylabel, axes_long_names=[xlabel], signal_errors=curve.getYErrorData(copy=False), axes_errors=[curve.getXErrorData(copy=True)], title=self.plot.getGraphTitle(), ) def _saveCurve(self, plot, filename, nameFilter): """Save a curve from the plot. :param str filename: The name of the file to write :param str nameFilter: The selected name filter :return: False if format is not supported or save failed, True otherwise. """ if nameFilter not in self.DEFAULT_CURVE_FILTERS: return False # Check if a curve is to be saved curve = plot.getActiveCurve() # before calling _saveCurve, if there is no selected curve, we # make sure there is only one curve on the graph if curve is None: curves = plot.getAllCurves() if not curves: self._errorMessage("No curve to be saved", parent=self.plot) return False curve = curves[0] if nameFilter in self.CURVE_FILTERS_TXT: filter_ = self.CURVE_FILTERS_TXT[nameFilter] fmt = filter_["fmt"] csvdelim = filter_["delimiter"] autoheader = filter_["header"] else: # .npy or nxdata fmt, csvdelim, autoheader = ("", "", False) if nameFilter == self.CURVE_FILTER_NXDATA: return self._saveCurveAsNXdata(curve, filename) xdata, data, xlabel, labels = self._get1dData(curve) try: save1D( filename, xdata, data, xlabel, labels, fmt=fmt, csvdelim=csvdelim, autoheader=autoheader, ) except IOError: self._errorMessage("Save failed\n", parent=self.plot) return False return True def _saveCurves(self, plot, filename, nameFilter): """Save all curves from the plot. :param str filename: The name of the file to write :param str nameFilter: The selected name filter :return: False if format is not supported or save failed, True otherwise. """ if nameFilter not in self.DEFAULT_ALL_CURVES_FILTERS: return False curves = plot.getAllCurves() if not curves: self._errorMessage("No curves to be saved", parent=self.plot) return False curve = curves[0] scanno = 1 try: xdata, data, xlabel, labels = self._get1dData(curve) specfile = savespec( filename, xdata, data, xlabel, labels, fmt="%.7g", scan_number=1, mode="w", write_file_header=True, close_file=False, ) except IOError: self._errorMessage("Save failed\n", parent=self.plot) return False for curve in curves[1:]: try: scanno += 1 xdata, data, xlabel, labels = self._get1dData(curve) specfile = savespec( specfile, xdata, data, xlabel, labels, fmt="%.7g", scan_number=scanno, write_file_header=False, close_file=False, ) except IOError: self._errorMessage("Save failed\n", parent=self.plot) return False specfile.close() return True def _saveImage(self, plot, filename, nameFilter): """Save an image from the plot. :param str filename: The name of the file to write :param str nameFilter: The selected name filter :return: False if format is not supported or save failed, True otherwise. """ if nameFilter not in self.DEFAULT_IMAGE_FILTERS: return False image = plot.getActiveImage() if image is None: qt.QMessageBox.warning(plot, "No Data", "No image to be saved") return False data = image.getData(copy=False) # TODO Use for writing files if nameFilter == self.IMAGE_FILTER_EDF: EdfImage(data=data, header={}).write(filename) return True elif nameFilter == self.IMAGE_FILTER_TIFF: tiffFile = TiffIO(filename, mode="w") tiffFile.writeImage(data, software="silx") return True elif nameFilter == self.IMAGE_FILTER_NUMPY: try:, data) except IOError: self._errorMessage("Save failed\n", parent=self.plot) return False return True elif nameFilter == self.IMAGE_FILTER_NXDATA: entryPath = self._selectWriteableOutputGroup(filename, parent=self.plot) if entryPath is None: return False xorigin, yorigin = image.getOrigin() xscale, yscale = image.getScale() xaxis = xorigin + xscale * numpy.arange(data.shape[1]) yaxis = yorigin + yscale * numpy.arange(data.shape[0]) xlabel, ylabel = self._getAxesLabels(image) interpretation = "image" if len(data.shape) == 2 else "rgba-image" return save_NXdata( filename, nxentry_name=entryPath, signal=data, axes=[yaxis, xaxis], signal_name="image", axes_names=["y", "x"], axes_long_names=[ylabel, xlabel], title=plot.getGraphTitle(), interpretation=interpretation, ) elif nameFilter in ( self.IMAGE_FILTER_ASCII, self.IMAGE_FILTER_CSV_COMMA, self.IMAGE_FILTER_CSV_SEMICOLON, self.IMAGE_FILTER_CSV_TAB, ): csvdelim, filetype = { self.IMAGE_FILTER_ASCII: (" ", "txt"), self.IMAGE_FILTER_CSV_COMMA: (",", "csv"), self.IMAGE_FILTER_CSV_SEMICOLON: (";", "csv"), self.IMAGE_FILTER_CSV_TAB: ("\t", "csv"), }[nameFilter] height, width = data.shape rows, cols = numpy.mgrid[0:height, 0:width] try: save1D( filename, rows.ravel(), (cols.ravel(), data.ravel()), filetype=filetype, xlabel="row", ylabels=["column", "value"], csvdelim=csvdelim, autoheader=True, ) except IOError: self._errorMessage("Save failed\n", parent=self.plot) return False return True elif nameFilter == self.IMAGE_FILTER_RGB_PNG: # Get displayed image rgbaImage = image.getRgbaImageData(copy=False) # Convert RGB QImage qimage = convertArrayToQImage(rgbaImage[:, :, :3]) if, "PNG"): return True else: _logger.error("Failed to save image as %s", filename) qt.QMessageBox.critical( self.parent(), "Save image as", "Failed to save image" ) return False def _saveScatter(self, plot, filename, nameFilter): """Save an image from the plot. :param str filename: The name of the file to write :param str nameFilter: The selected name filter :return: False if format is not supported or save failed, True otherwise. """ if nameFilter not in self.DEFAULT_SCATTER_FILTERS: return False if nameFilter == self.SCATTER_FILTER_NXDATA: entryPath = self._selectWriteableOutputGroup(filename, parent=self.plot) if entryPath is None: return False scatter = plot.getScatter() x = scatter.getXData(copy=False) y = scatter.getYData(copy=False) z = scatter.getValueData(copy=False) xerror = scatter.getXErrorData(copy=False) if isinstance(xerror, float): xerror = xerror * numpy.ones(x.shape, dtype=numpy.float32) yerror = scatter.getYErrorData(copy=False) if isinstance(yerror, float): yerror = yerror * numpy.ones(x.shape, dtype=numpy.float32) xlabel = plot.getGraphXLabel() ylabel = plot.getGraphYLabel() return save_NXdata( filename, nxentry_name=entryPath, signal=z, axes=[x, y], signal_name="values", axes_names=["x", "y"], axes_long_names=[xlabel, ylabel], axes_errors=[xerror, yerror], title=plot.getGraphTitle(), )
[docs] def setFileFilter(self, dataKind, nameFilter, func, index=None, appendToFile=False): """Set a name filter to add/replace a file format support :param str dataKind: The kind of data for which the provided filter is valid. One of: 'all', 'curve', 'curves', 'image', 'scatter' :param str nameFilter: The name filter in the QFileDialog. See :meth:`QFileDialog.setNameFilters`. :param callable func: The function to call to perform saving. Expected signature is: bool func(PlotWidget plot, str filename, str nameFilter) :param bool appendToFile: True to append the data into the selected file. :param integer index: Index of the filter in the final list (or None) """ assert dataKind in ("all", "curve", "curves", "image", "scatter") if appendToFile: self._appendFilters.append(nameFilter) # first append or replace the new filter to prevent colissions self._filters[dataKind][nameFilter] = func if index is None: # we are already done return # get the current ordered list of keys keyList = list(self._filters[dataKind].keys()) # deal with negative indices if index < 0: index = len(keyList) + index if index < 0: index = 0 if index >= len(keyList): # nothing to be done, already at the end txt = "Requested index %d impossible, already at the end" % index return # get the new ordered list oldIndex = keyList.index(nameFilter) del keyList[oldIndex] keyList.insert(index, nameFilter) # build the new filters newFilters = {} for key in keyList: newFilters[key] = self._filters[dataKind][key] # and update the filters self._filters[dataKind] = newFilters return
[docs] def getFileFilters(self, dataKind): """Returns the nameFilter and associated function for a kind of data. :param str dataKind: The kind of data for which the provided filter is valid. On of: 'all', 'curve', 'curves', 'image', 'scatter' :return: {nameFilter: function} associations. :rtype: dict """ assert dataKind in ("all", "curve", "curves", "image", "scatter") return self._filters[dataKind].copy()
def _actionTriggered(self, checked=False): """Handle save action.""" # Set-up filters filters = {} # Add image filters if there is an active image if self.plot.getActiveImage() is not None: filters.update(self._filters["image"].items()) # Add curve filters if there is a curve to save if self.plot.getActiveCurve() is not None or len(self.plot.getAllCurves()) == 1: filters.update(self._filters["curve"].items()) if len(self.plot.getAllCurves()) >= 1: filters.update(self._filters["curves"].items()) # Add scatter filters if there is a scatter # todo: CSV if self.plot.getScatter() is not None: filters.update(self._filters["scatter"].items()) filters.update(self._filters["all"].items()) # Create and run File dialog dialog = qt.QFileDialog(self.plot) dialog.setOption(qt.QFileDialog.DontUseNativeDialog) dialog.setWindowTitle("Output File Selection") dialog.setModal(1) dialog.setNameFilters(list(filters.keys())) dialog.setFileMode(qt.QFileDialog.AnyFile) dialog.setAcceptMode(qt.QFileDialog.AcceptSave) def onFilterSelection(filt_): # disable overwrite confirmation for NXdata types, # because we append the data to existing files if filt_ in self._appendFilters: dialog.setOption(qt.QFileDialog.DontConfirmOverwrite) else: dialog.setOption(qt.QFileDialog.DontConfirmOverwrite, False) dialog.filterSelected.connect(onFilterSelection) if not dialog.exec(): return False nameFilter = dialog.selectedNameFilter() filename = dialog.selectedFiles()[0] dialog.close() if "(" in nameFilter and ")" == nameFilter.strip()[-1]: # Check for correct file extension # Extract file extensions as .something extensions = [ ext[ext.find(".") :] for ext in nameFilter[nameFilter.find("(") + 1 : -1].split() ] for ext in extensions: if ( len(filename) > len(ext) and filename[-len(ext) :].lower() == ext.lower() ): break else: # filename has no extension supported in nameFilter, add one if len(extensions) >= 1: filename += extensions[0] # Handle save func = filters.get(nameFilter, None) if func is not None: return func(self.plot, filename, nameFilter) else: _logger.error("Unsupported file filter: %s", nameFilter) return False
def _plotAsPNG(plot): """Save a :class:`Plot` as PNG and return the payload. :param plot: The :class:`Plot` to save """ pngFile = BytesIO() plot.saveGraph(pngFile, fileFormat="png") pngFile.flush() data = pngFile.close() return data
[docs] class PrintAction(PlotAction): """QAction for printing the plot. It opens a Print dialog. Current implementation print a bitmap of the plot area and not vector graphics, so printing quality is not great. :param plot: :class:`.PlotWidget` instance on which to operate. :param parent: See :class:`QAction`. """ def __init__(self, plot, parent=None): super(PrintAction, self).__init__( plot, icon="document-print", text="Print...", tooltip="Open print dialog", triggered=self.printPlot, checkable=False, parent=parent, ) self.setShortcut(qt.QKeySequence.Print) self.setShortcutContext(qt.Qt.WidgetShortcut)
[docs] def getPrinter(self): """The QPrinter instance used by the PrintAction. :rtype: QPrinter """ return printer.getDefaultPrinter()
[docs] def printPlotAsWidget(self): """Open the print dialog and print the plot. Use :meth:`QWidget.render` to print the plot :return: True if successful """ dialog = qt.QPrintDialog(self.getPrinter(), self.plot) dialog.setWindowTitle("Print Plot") if not dialog.exec(): return False # Print a snapshot of the plot widget at the top of the page widget = self.plot.centralWidget() painter = qt.QPainter() if not painter.begin(self.getPrinter()): return False pageRect = self.getPrinter().pageRect(qt.QPrinter.DevicePixel) xScale = pageRect.width() / widget.width() yScale = pageRect.height() / widget.height() scale = min(xScale, yScale) painter.translate(pageRect.width() / 2.0, 0.0) painter.scale(scale, scale) painter.translate(-widget.width() / 2.0, 0.0) widget.render(painter) painter.end() return True
[docs] def printPlot(self): """Open the print dialog and print the plot. Use :meth:`Plot.saveGraph` to print the plot. :return: True if successful """ # Init printer and start printer dialog dialog = qt.QPrintDialog(self.getPrinter(), self.plot) dialog.setWindowTitle("Print Plot") if not dialog.exec(): return False # Save Plot as PNG and make a pixmap from it with default dpi pngData = _plotAsPNG(self.plot) pixmap = qt.QPixmap() pixmap.loadFromData(pngData, "png") pageRect = self.getPrinter().pageRect(qt.QPrinter.DevicePixel) xScale = pageRect.width() / pixmap.width() yScale = pageRect.height() / pixmap.height() scale = min(xScale, yScale) # Draw pixmap with painter painter = qt.QPainter() if not painter.begin(self.getPrinter()): return False painter.drawPixmap( 0, 0, pixmap.width() * scale, pixmap.height() * scale, pixmap ) painter.end() return True
[docs] class CopyAction(PlotAction): """QAction to copy :class:`.PlotWidget` content to clipboard. :param plot: :class:`.PlotWidget` instance on which to operate :param parent: See :class:`QAction` """ def __init__(self, plot, parent=None): super(CopyAction, self).__init__( plot, icon="edit-copy", text="Copy plot", tooltip="Copy a snapshot of the plot into the clipboard", triggered=self.copyPlot, checkable=False, parent=parent, ) self.setShortcut(qt.QKeySequence.Copy) self.setShortcutContext(qt.Qt.WidgetShortcut)
[docs] def copyPlot(self): """Copy plot content to the clipboard as a bitmap.""" # Save Plot as PNG and make a QImage from it with default dpi pngData = _plotAsPNG(self.plot) image = qt.QImage.fromData(pngData, "png") qt.QApplication.clipboard().setImage(image)