Getting started with HDF5 widgets

Silx provides an implementation of a tree model and a tree view for HDF5 files. The aim of this tree is to provide a convenient read-only widget for a big amount of data and supporting file formats often used in synchrotrons.

This page provides some source code to show how to use this widget.

Commented source code

Import and create your tree view

HDF5 widgets are all exposed by the package silx.gui.hdf5.

import silx.gui.hdf5
treeview = silx.gui.hdf5.Hdf5TreeView()

Custom your tree view

The tree view can be customized to be sorted by default.

# Sort content of files by time or name

The model can be customized to support mouse interaction. A convenient method Hdf5TreeView.findHdf5TreeModel() returns the main HDF5 model used through proxy models.

model = treeview.findHdf5TreeModel()

# Avoid the user to drop file in the widget

# Allow the user to reorder files with drag-and-drop

The tree view is also provided with a custom header which help to choose visible columns.

header = treeview.header()

# Select displayed columns
column_ids = [treeview.findHdf5TreeModel().NAME_COLUMN]

# Do not allow the user to custom visible columns

Add a file by name

The model can be used to add HDF5. It is internally using


Add a file with h5py

The model internally uses h5py object API. We can use h5py file, group and dataset as it is.

import h5py
h5 = h5py.File("test.h5")

# We can use file

# or group or dataset

Add a file with silx

Silx also provides an input API. It supports HDF5 files through h5py.


# We can load HDF5 files

# or Spec files

Custom context menu

The Hdf5TreeView provides a callback API to populate the context menu. The callback receives a Hdf5ContextMenuEvent every time the user requests the context menu. The event contains H5Node objects which wrap h5py objects with extra information.

def my_action_callback(obj):
   # do what you want

def my_callback(event):
   objects = list(event.source().selectedH5Nodes())
   obj = objects[0]  # for single selection

   menu =
   if obj.ntype is h5py.Dataset:
      action = qt.QAction("My funky action on datasets only", menu)
      action.triggered.connect(lambda: my_action_callback(obj))


Capture selection

The Hdf5TreeView widget provides default Qt signals inherited from QAbstractItemView.

  • activated:

    This signal is emitted when the item specified by index is activated by the user. How to activate items depends on the platform; e.g., by single- or double-clicking the item, or by pressing the Return or Enter key when the item is current.

  • clicked:

    This signal is emitted when a mouse button is clicked. The item the mouse was clicked on is specified by index. The signal is only emitted when the index is valid.

  • doubleClicked:

    This signal is emitted when a mouse button is double-clicked. The item the mouse was double-clicked on is specified by index. The signal is only emitted when the index is valid.

  • entered:

    This signal is emitted when the mouse cursor enters the item specified by index. Mouse tracking needs to be enabled for this feature to work.

  • pressed:

    This signal is emitted when a mouse button is pressed. The item the mouse was pressed on is specified by index. The signal is only emitted when the index is valid.

The method Hdf5TreeView.selectedH5Nodes() returns an iterator of H5Node objects which wrap h5py objects with extra information.

def my_callback(index):
    objects = list(treeview.selectedH5Nodes())
    obj = objects[0]  # for single selection


    print(obj.basename)             # not provided by h5py

    print(obj.local_basename)       # not provided by h5py
    print(obj.local_name)           # not provided by h5py
    print(obj.local_file.filename)  # not provided by h5py


    if obj.ntype is h5py.Dataset:
        print(obj.value)        # create a copy of data of the dataset
        print(obj.h5py_object)  # reference to the Hdf5 dataset (or group)



The sample code provides an example of properties of the view, the model and the header.

Example for HDF5TreeView features

Source code:

After installing silx and downloading the script, you can start it from the command prompt:

python <files>

This example loads files added to the command line, or files dropped from the file system. It also provides a GUI to display test files created programmatically.