
Top-level functions

Load a file as an h5py.File-like object.

Format supported: - h5 files, if h5py module is installed - Spec files if SpecFile module is installed - a set of raster image formats (tiff, edf...) if fabio is installed

Parameters:filename (str) – A filename
Raises:IOError if the file can’t be loaded as an h5py.File like object
Return type:h5py.File, x, y, xlabel=None, ylabels=None, filetype=None, fmt='%.7g', csvdelim=';', newline='\n', header='', footer='', comments='#', autoheader=False)

Saves any number of curves to various formats: Specfile, CSV, txt or npy. All curves must have the same number of points and share the same x values.

  • fname – Output file path, or file handle open in write mode. If fname is a path, file is opened in w mode. Existing file with a same name will be overwritten.
  • x – 1D-Array (or list) of abscissa values.
  • y – 2D-array (or list of lists) of ordinates values. First index is the curve index, second index is the sample index. The length of the second dimension (number of samples) must be equal to len(x). y can be a 1D-array in case there is only one curve to be saved.
  • filetype – Filetype: "spec", "csv", "txt", "ndarray". If None, filetype is detected from file name extension (.dat, .csv, .txt, .npy).
  • xlabel – Abscissa label
  • ylabels – List of y labels
  • fmt – Format string for data. You can specify a short format string that defines a single format for both x and y values, or a list of two different format strings (e.g. ["%d", "%.7g"]). Default is "%.7g". This parameter does not apply to the npy format.
  • csvdelim – String or character separating columns in txt and CSV formats. The user is responsible for ensuring that this delimiter is not used in data labels when writing a CSV file.
  • newline – String or character separating lines/records in txt format (default is line break character \n).
  • header – String that will be written at the beginning of the file in txt format.
  • footer – String that will be written at the end of the file in txt format.
  • comments – String that will be prepended to the header and footer strings, to mark them as comments. Default: #.
  • autoheader – In CSV or txt, True causes the first header line to be written as a standard CSV header line with column labels separated by the specified CSV delimiter.

When saving to Specfile format, each curve is saved as a separate scan with two data columns (x and y).

CSV and txt formats are similar, except that the txt format allows user defined header and footer text blocks, whereas the CSV format has only a single header line with columns labels separated by field delimiters and no footer. The txt format also allows defining a record separator different from a line break.

The npy format is written with and can be read back with numpy.load. If xlabel and ylabels are undefined, data is saved as a regular 2D numpy.ndarray (contatenation of x and y). If both xlabel and ylabels are defined, the data is saved as a numpy.recarray after being transposed and having labels assigned to columns.

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