Mask generation tool: pyFAI-drawmask


Draw a mask, i.e. an image containing the list of pixels which are considered invalid (no scintillator, module gap, beam stop shadow, ...).


This will open a window and let you draw on the first image (provided) with different tools (brush, rectangle selection, ...). When you are finished, click on the “Save mask and quit” button on the bottom right of the window. The mask image is saved into filename-mask.edf. Optionally the script will print the number of pixel masked and the intensity masked (as well on other files provided in input).

This user interface requires silx to be installed.

Usage: pyFAI-drawmask [options] file1.edf file2.edf ...


--version show program’s version number and exit
-h, --help show help message and exit

Optionally the script will print the number of pixel masked and the intensity masked (as well on other files provided in input)

$ pyFAI-drawmask --help
usage: pyFAI-drawmask file1.edf file2.edf ...

Draw a mask, i.e. an image containing the list of pixels which are considered
invalid (no scintillator, module gap, beam stop shadow, ...). This will open a
window and let you draw on the first image (provided) with different tools
(brush, rectangle selection...) When you are finished, click on the "Save and
quit" button.

positional arguments:
  FILE           Files to be processed

optional arguments:
  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  -v, --version  show program's version number and exit

The mask image is saved into file1-masked.edf. Optionally the script will
print the number of pixel masked and the intensity masked (as well on other
files provided in input)

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