
Pre-built packages

Pre-built binaries of hdf5plugin are available from:

  • pypi, to install run: pip install hdf5plugin [--user]

  • conda-forge, to install run: conda install -c conda-forge hdf5plugin

To maximize compatibility, those binaries are built without optimization options (such as AVX2 and OpenMP). Installation from source can achieve better performances than pre-built binaries.

Installation from source

The build process enables compilation optimizations that are supported by the host machine.

To install from source and recompile the HDF5 plugins, run:

pip install hdf5plugin --no-binary hdf5plugin [--user]

To override the defaults that are probed from the machine, it is possible to specify build options. This is achieved by either setting environment variables or passing options to python build, for example:

  • HDF5PLUGIN_OPENMP=False pip install hdf5plugin --no-binary hdf5plugin

  • From the source directory: python build --openmp=False

Available options

Environment variable

python build option




Custom path to HDF5 (as in h5py).



Whether or not to compile with OpenMP. Default: True if probed (always False on macOS).



True to compile specifically for the host, False for generic support (For unix compilers only). Default: True on supported architectures, False otherwise



Whether or not to compile with SSE2 support. Default: True on ppc64le and when probed on x86, False otherwise



Whether or not to compile with AVX2 support. avx2=True requires sse2=True. Default: True on x86 when probed, False otherwise



Whether or not to compile C++11 code if available. Default: True if probed.

Note: Boolean options are passed as True or False.