Source code for freesas.plot

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Functions to generating graphs related to SAS.

__authors__ = ["Jerome Kieffer"]
__license__ = "MIT"
__copyright__ = "2020, ESRF"
__date__ = "15/09/2022"

import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
import numpy
from matplotlib.pyplot import subplots

[docs] def scatter_plot( data, guinier=None, ift=None, filename=None, img_format="svg", unit="nm", title="Scattering curve", ax=None, labelsize=None, fontsize=None, ): """ Generate a scattering plot I = f(q) in semi_log_y. :param data: data read from an ASCII file, 3 column (q,I,err) :param filename: name of the file where the cuve should be saved :param img_format: image format :param unit: Unit name for Rg and 1/q :param guinier: output of autoRg :param ift: converged instance of BIFT (output of auto_bift) :param ax: subplot where the plot shall go in :return: the matplotlib figure """ label_exp = "Experimental data" label_guinier = "Guinier region" label_ift = "BIFT extraplolated" exp_color = "blue" err_color = "lightblue" guinier_color = "limegreen" ift_color = "crimson" assert data.ndim == 2 assert data.shape[1] >= 2 q = data.T[0] I = data.T[1] try: err = data.T[2] except: err = None if ax: fig = ax.figure else: fig, ax = subplots() # Extend q to zero delta_q = (q[-1] - q[0]) / (len(q) - 1) extra_q = int(q[0] / delta_q) first = q[0] - extra_q * delta_q q_ext = numpy.linspace(first, q[-1], extra_q + len(q)) if guinier is None: if ift is not None: # best = ift.calc_stats()[0] I0 = guinier.I0 rg = guinier.rg first_point = ift.high_start last_point = ift.high.stop else: rg = I0 = first_point = last_point = None else: I0 = guinier.I0 rg = guinier.Rg first_point = guinier.start_point last_point = guinier.end_point if (rg is None) and (ift is None): if err is not None: ax.errorbar( q, I, numpy.maximum(0,err), label=label_exp, capsize=0, color=exp_color, ecolor=err_color, ) else: ax.plot(q, I, label=label_exp, color="blue") else: q_guinier = q[first_point:last_point] I_guinier = I0 * numpy.exp(-((q_guinier * rg) ** 2) / 3) if err is not None: ax.errorbar( q, I, numpy.maximum(0,err), label=label_exp, capsize=0, color=exp_color, ecolor=err_color, alpha=0.5, ) else: ax.plot(q, I, label=label_exp, color=exp_color, alpha=0.5) label_guinier += ": $R_g=$%.2f %s, $I_0=$%.2f" % (rg, unit, I0) ax.plot( q_guinier, I_guinier, label=label_guinier, color=guinier_color, linewidth=5, ) if ift: from ._bift import BIFT, StatsResult if isinstance(ift, BIFT): stats = ift.calc_stats() elif isinstance(ift, StatsResult): stats = ift else: raise TypeError("ift is expected to be a BIFT object") r = stats.radius T = numpy.outer(q_ext, r / numpy.pi) T = (4 * numpy.pi * (r[-1] - r[0]) / (len(r) - 1)) * numpy.sinc(T) p = stats.density_avg label_ift += ": $D_{max}=$%.2f %s,\n $R_g=$%.2f %s, $I_0=$%.2f" % ( stats.Dmax_avg, unit, stats.Rg_avg, unit, stats.I0_avg, ) ax.plot(q_ext,, label=label_ift, color=ift_color) ax.set_ylabel("$I(q)$ (log scale)", fontsize=fontsize) ax.set_xlabel("$q$ (%s$^{-1}$)" % unit, fontsize=fontsize) ax.set_title(title) ax.set_yscale("log") # ax.set_ylim(ymin=I.min() * 10, top=I.max() * 1.1) # Re-order labels ... crv, lab = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() ordered_lab = [] ordered_crv = [] for l in [label_exp, label_guinier, label_ift]: try: idx = lab.index(l) except: continue ordered_lab.append(lab[idx]) ordered_crv.append(crv[idx]) ax.legend(ordered_crv, ordered_lab, loc=3) ax.tick_params(axis="x", labelsize=labelsize) ax.tick_params(axis="y", labelsize=labelsize) if filename: if img_format: fig.savefig(filename, format=img_format) else: fig.savefig(filename) return fig
[docs] def kratky_plot( data, guinier, filename=None, img_format="svg", unit="nm", title="Dimensionless Kratky plot", ax=None, labelsize=None, fontsize=None, ): """ Generate a Kratky plot q²Rg²I/I₀ = f(q·Rg) :param data: data read from an ASCII file, 3 column (q,I,err) :param guinier: output of autoRg :param filename: name of the file where the cuve should be saved :param img_format: image format :param unit: Unit name for Rg and 1/q :param ax: subplot where the plot shall go in :return: the matplotlib figure """ label = "Experimental data" assert data.ndim == 2 assert data.shape[1] >= 2 q = data.T[0] I = data.T[1] try: err = data.T[2] except: err = None if ax: fig = ax.figure else: fig, ax = subplots() Rg = guinier.Rg I0 = guinier.I0 xdata = q * Rg ydata = xdata * xdata * I / I0 if err is not None: dy = xdata * xdata * numpy.maximum(0,err) / abs(I0) dplot = ax.errorbar( xdata, ydata, dy, label=label, capsize=0, color="blue", ecolor="lightblue", ) else: dplot = ax.plot(xdata, ydata, label=label, color="blue") ax.set_ylabel("$(qR_{g})^2 I/I_{0}$", fontsize=fontsize) ax.set_xlabel("$qR_{g}$", fontsize=fontsize) ax.legend(loc=1) ax.hlines( 3.0 * numpy.exp(-1), xmin=-0.05, xmax=max(xdata), color="0.75", linewidth=1.0, ) ax.vlines( numpy.sqrt(3.0), ymin=-0.01, ymax=max(ydata), color="0.75", linewidth=1.0, ) ax.set_xlim(left=-0.05, right=8.5) ax.set_ylim(bottom=-0.01, top=(min(3.5, max(ydata)))) ax.set_title(title) # ax.legend([dplot[0]], [dplot[0].get_label()], loc=0) ax.legend(loc=0) ax.tick_params(axis="x", labelsize=labelsize) ax.tick_params(axis="y", labelsize=labelsize) if filename: if img_format: fig.savefig(filename, format=img_format) else: fig.savefig(filename) return fig
[docs] def guinier_plot( data, guinier, filename=None, img_format="png", unit="nm", ax=None, labelsize=None, fontsize=None, ): """ Generate a guinier plot: ln(I) = f(q²) :param data: data read from an ASCII file, 3 column (q,I,err) :param guinier: A RG_RESULT object from AutoRg :param filename: name of the file where the cuve should be saved :param img_format: image format :param: ax: subplot where to plot in :return: the matplotlib figure """ assert data.ndim == 2 assert data.shape[1] >= 2 q, I, err = data.T[:3] mask = (I > 0) & numpy.isfinite(I) & (q > 0) & numpy.isfinite(q) if err is not None: mask &= (err > 0.0) & numpy.isfinite(err) mask = mask.astype(bool) Rg = guinier.Rg I0 = guinier.I0 first_point = guinier.start_point last_point = guinier.end_point intercept = numpy.log(I0) slope = -Rg * Rg / 3.0 end = numpy.where(q > 1.5 / Rg)[0][0] mask[end:] = False q2 = q[mask] ** 2 logI = numpy.log(I[mask]) if ax: fig = ax.figure else: fig, ax = subplots(figsize=(12, 10)) if err is not None: dlogI = err[mask] / I[mask] ax.errorbar( q2, logI, dlogI, label="Experimental curve", capsize=0, color="blue", ecolor="lightblue", alpha=0.5, ) else: ax.plot( q2[mask], logI[mask], label="Experimental curve", color="blue", alpha=0.5, ) # ax.plot(q2[first_point:last_point], logI[first_point:last_point], marker='D', markersize=5, label="guinier region") xmin = q[first_point] ** 2 xmax = q[last_point] ** 2 ymax = numpy.log(I[first_point]) ymin = numpy.log(I[last_point]) dy = (ymax - ymin) / 2.0 ax.vlines(xmin, ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax + dy, color="0.75", linewidth=1.0) ax.vlines( xmax, ymin=ymin - dy, ymax=ymin + dy, color="0.75", linewidth=1.0 ) ax.annotate( "$(qR_{g})_{min}$=%.1f" % (Rg * q[first_point]), (xmin, ymax + dy), xytext=None, xycoords="data", textcoords="data", ) ax.annotate( "$(qR_{g})_{max}$=%.1f" % (Rg * q[last_point]), (xmax, ymin + dy), xytext=None, xycoords="data", textcoords="data", ) ax.annotate( "Guinier region", (xmin, ymin - dy), xytext=None, xycoords="data", textcoords="data", ) ax.plot( q2[:end], intercept + slope * q2[:end], label="ln[$I(q)$] = %.2f %.2f * $q^2$" % (intercept, slope), color="crimson", ) ax.set_ylabel("ln[$I(q)$]", fontsize=fontsize) ax.set_xlabel("$q^2$ (%s$^{-2}$)" % unit, fontsize=fontsize) ax.set_title("Guinier plot: $R_{g}=$%.2f %s $I_{0}=$%.2f" % (Rg, unit, I0)) ax.legend() ax.tick_params(axis="x", labelsize=labelsize) ax.tick_params(axis="y", labelsize=labelsize) if filename: if img_format: fig.savefig(filename, format=img_format) else: fig.savefig(filename) return fig
[docs] def density_plot( ift, filename=None, img_format="png", unit="nm", ax=None, labelsize=None, fontsize=None, ): """ Generate a density plot p(r) :param ift: An IFT result comming out of BIFT :param filename: name of the file where the cuve should be saved :param img_format: image image format :param ax: subplotib where to plot in :return: the matplotlib figure """ if ax: fig = ax.figure else: fig, ax = subplots(figsize=(12, 10)) from ._bift import BIFT, StatsResult if isinstance(ift, BIFT): stats = ift.calc_stats() elif isinstance(ift, StatsResult): stats = ift else: raise TypeError("ift is expected to be a BIFT object") ax.errorbar( ift.radius, ift.density_avg, ift.density_std, label="BIFT: χ$_{r}^{2}=$%.2f\n $D_{max}=$%.2f %s\n $R_{g}=$%.2f %s\n $I_{0}=$%.2f" % ( stats.chi2r_avg, stats.Dmax_avg, unit, stats.Rg_avg, unit, stats.I0_avg, ), capsize=0, color="blue", ecolor="lightblue", ) ax.set_ylabel("$p(r)$", fontsize=fontsize) ax.set_xlabel("$r$ (%s)" % unit, fontsize=fontsize) ax.set_title("Pair distribution function") ax.legend() ax.tick_params(axis="x", labelsize=labelsize) ax.tick_params(axis="y", labelsize=labelsize) if filename: if img_format: fig.savefig(filename, format=img_format) else: fig.savefig(filename) return fig
[docs] def plot_all( data, filename=None, img_format=None, unit="nm", labelsize=None, fontsize=None, ): from . import bift, autorg try: guinier = autorg.autoRg(data) except autorg.InsufficientDataError: raise logger.debug(guinier) try: bo = bift.auto_bift(data, npt=100, scan_size=11, Dmax_over_Rg=3) except ( autorg.InsufficientDataError, autorg.NoGuinierRegionError, ValueError, ): raise else: ift = bo.calc_stats() logger.debug(ift) fig, ax = subplots(2, 2, figsize=(12, 10)) scatter_plot( data, guinier=guinier, ift=ift, ax=ax[0, 0], unit=unit, labelsize=labelsize, fontsize=fontsize, ) guinier_plot( data, guinier, filename=None, img_format=None, unit=unit, ax=ax[0, 1], labelsize=labelsize, fontsize=fontsize, ) kratky_plot( data, guinier, filename=None, img_format=None, unit=unit, ax=ax[1, 0], labelsize=labelsize, fontsize=fontsize, ) density_plot( ift, filename=None, img_format=None, unit=unit, ax=ax[1, 1], labelsize=labelsize, fontsize=fontsize, ) if filename is not None: if img_format: fig.savefig(filename, format=img_format) else: fig.savefig(filename) return fig
[docs] def hplc_plot(hplc, fractions = None, title="Chromatogram", filename=None, img_format="png", ax=None, labelsize=None, fontsize=None,): """ Generate an HPLC plot I=f(t) :param hplc: stack of diffraction data :param fractions: list of 2tuple with first and last ndex if each fraction :param filename: name of the file where the cuve should be saved :param img_format: image image format :param ax: subplotib where to plot in :return: the matplotlib figure """ if ax: fig = ax.figure else: fig, ax = subplots(figsize=(12, 10)) data = [sum(i) if hasattr(i, '__iter__') else i for i in hplc] ax.plot(data, label = "Chromatogram") ax.set_xlabel("Elution (frame index)", fontsize=fontsize) ax.set_ylabel("Summed intensities", fontsize=fontsize) ax.set_title(title) ax.tick_params(axis="x", labelsize=labelsize) ax.tick_params(axis="y", labelsize=labelsize) if fractions is not None and len(fractions): fractions.sort() l = len(data) idx = list(range(l)) for start,stop in fractions: start = int(min(l-1, max(0, start))) stop = int(min(l-1, max(0, stop))) ax.plot(idx[start:stop+1], data[start:stop+1], label=f"Fraction {start}-{stop}", linewidth=10, alpha=0.5) ax.legend() if filename: if img_format: fig.savefig(filename, format=img_format) else: fig.savefig(filename) return fig