#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8
from __future__ import print_function
__author__ = "Guillaume"
__license__ = "MIT"
__copyright__ = "2015, ESRF"
import os
from math import sqrt
import threading
import six
import numpy
from . import _distance
except ImportError:
_distance = None
from . import transformations
def delta_expand(vec1, vec2):
"""Create a 2d array with the difference vec1[i]-vec2[j]
:param vec1, vec2: 1d-array
:return v1 - v2: difference for any element of v1 and v2 (i.e a 2D array)
v1 = numpy.ascontiguousarray(vec1)
v2 = numpy.ascontiguousarray(vec2)
v1.shape = -1, 1
v2.shape = 1, -1
v1.strides = v1.strides[0], 0
v2.strides = 0, v2.strides[-1]
return v1 - v2
class SASModel:
Tools for Dummy Atoms Model manipulation
def __init__(self, molecule=None):
:param molecule: if str, name of a pdb file, else if 2d-array, coordinates of atoms of a molecule
if isinstance(molecule, (six.text_type, six.binary_type)) and os.path.exists(molecule):
self.atoms = molecule if molecule is not None else [] # initial coordinates of each dummy atoms of the molecule, fourth column full of one for the transformation matrix
self.header = "" # header of the PDB file
self.rfactor = None
self.radius = 1.0 # unused at the moment
self.com = numpy.array([])
self._fineness = None
self._Rg = None
self._Dmax = None
self.inertensor = []
self.can_param = []
self.enantiomer = None # symmetry used on the molecule
self._sem = threading.Semaphore()
def __repr__(self):
return "SAS model with %i atoms" % len(self.atoms)
def read(self, filename):
Read the PDB file,
extract coordinates of each dummy atom,
extract the R-factor of the model, coordinates of each dummy atom and pdb file header.
:param filename: name of the pdb file to read
header = []
atoms = []
with open(filename) as fd:
for line in fd:
if line.startswith("ATOM"):
x = float(line[30:38])
y = float(line[38:46])
z = float(line[46:54])
atoms.append([x, y, z])
if line.startswith("REMARK 265 Final R-factor"): # very dependent of the pdb file format !
self.rfactor = float(line[43:56])
self.header = header
atom3 = numpy.array(atoms)
self.atoms = numpy.append(atom3, numpy.ones((atom3.shape[0], 1), dtype="float"), axis=1)
def save(self, filename):
Save the position of each dummy atom in a PDB file.
:param filename: name of the pdb file to write
nr = 0
self.atoms = numpy.delete(self.atoms, 3, 1)
with open(filename, "w") as pdbout:
for line in self.header:
if line.startswith("ATOM"):
if nr < self.atoms.shape[0]:
line = line[:30] + "%8.3f%8.3f%8.3f" % tuple(self.atoms[nr]) + line[54:]
line = ""
nr += 1
def centroid(self):
Calculate the position of the center of mass of the molecule.
:return self.com: 1d array, coordinates of the center of mass of the molecule
mol = self.atoms[:, 0:3]
self.com = mol.mean(axis=0)
return self.com
def inertiatensor(self):
calculate the inertia tensor of the protein
:return self.inertensor: inertia tensor of the molecule
if len(self.com) == 0:
self.com = self.centroid()
mol = self.atoms[:, 0:3] - self.com
self.inertensor = numpy.empty((3, 3), dtype="float")
delta_kron = lambda i, j: 1 if i == j else 0
for i in range(3):
for j in range(i, 3):
self.inertensor[i, j] = self.inertensor[j, i] = (delta_kron(i, j) * (mol ** 2).sum(axis=1) - (mol[:, i] * mol[:, j])).sum() / mol.shape[0]
return self.inertensor
def canonical_translate(self):
Calculate the translation matrix to translate the center of mass of the molecule on the origin of the base.
:return trans: translation matrix
if len(self.com) == 0:
self.com = self.centroid()
trans = numpy.identity(4, dtype="float")
trans[0:3, 3] = -self.com
return trans
def canonical_rotate(self):
Calculate the rotation matrix to align inertia momentum of the molecule on principal axis.
:return rot: rotation matrix det==1
if len(self.inertensor) == 0:
self.inertensor = self.inertiatensor()
w, v = numpy.linalg.eigh(self.inertensor)
mat = v[:, w.argsort()]
rot = numpy.zeros((4, 4), dtype="float")
rot[3, 3] = 1
rot[:3, :3] = mat.T
det = numpy.linalg.det(mat)
if det > 0:
self.enantiomer = [1, 1, 1]
self.enantiomer = [-1, -1, -1]
mirror = numpy.array([[-1, 0, 0, 0], [0, -1, 0, 0], [0, 0, -1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]], dtype="float")
rot = numpy.dot(mirror, rot)
return rot
def canonical_parameters(self):
Save the 6 canonical parameters of the initial molecule:
x0, y0, z0, the position of the center of mass
phi, theta, psi, the three Euler angles of the canonical rotation (axis:x,y',z'')
rot = self.canonical_rotate()
trans = self.canonical_translate()
angles = transformations.euler_from_matrix(rot)
shift = transformations.translation_from_matrix(trans)
self.can_param = [shift[0], shift[1], shift[2], angles[0], angles[1], angles[2]]
def calc_invariants(self, use_cython=True):
Calculate the invariants of the structure:
* fineness, ie. average distance between an atoms and its nearest neighbor
* radius of gyration of the model
* diameter of the model
:return invariants: 3-tuple containing (fineness, Rg, Dmax)
if _distance and use_cython:
return _distance.calc_invariants(self.atoms)
size = self.atoms.shape[0]
D = delta_expand(self.atoms[:, 0], self.atoms[:, 0]) ** 2 + delta_expand(self.atoms[:, 1], self.atoms[:, 1]) ** 2 + delta_expand(self.atoms[:, 2], self.atoms[:, 2]) ** 2
Rg = sqrt(D.sum() / 2.0) / size
Dmax = sqrt(D.max())
d12 = (D.max() * numpy.eye(size) + D).min(axis=0).mean()
fineness = sqrt(d12)
return fineness, Rg, Dmax
def fineness(self):
if self._fineness is None:
with self._sem:
if self._fineness is None:
self._fineness, self._Rg, self._Dmax = self.calc_invariants()
return self._fineness
def Rg(self):
if self._Rg is None:
with self._sem:
if self._Rg is None:
self._fineness, self._Rg, self._Dmax = self.calc_invariants()
return self._Rg
def Dmax(self):
if self._Dmax is None:
with self._sem:
if self._Dmax is None:
self._fineness, self._Rg, self._Dmax = self.calc_invariants()
return self._Dmax
def dist(self, other, molecule1, molecule2, use_cython=True):
Calculate the distance with another model.
:param self,other: two SASModel
:param molecule1: 2d array of the position of each atom of the first molecule
:param molecule2: 2d array of the position of each atom of the second molecule
:return D: NSD between the 2 molecules, in their position molecule1 and molecule2
if _distance and use_cython:
return _distance.calc_distance(molecule1, molecule2, self.fineness, other.fineness)
mol1 = molecule1[:, 0:3]
mol2 = molecule2[:, 0:3]
mol1x = mol1[:, 0]
mol1y = mol1[:, 1]
mol1z = mol1[:, 2]
mol1x.shape = mol1.shape[0], 1
mol1y.shape = mol1.shape[0], 1
mol1z.shape = mol1.shape[0], 1
mol2x = mol2[:, 0]
mol2y = mol2[:, 1]
mol2z = mol2[:, 2]
mol2x.shape = mol2.shape[0], 1
mol2y.shape = mol2.shape[0], 1
mol2z.shape = mol2.shape[0], 1
d2 = delta_expand(mol1x, mol2x) ** 2 + delta_expand(mol1y, mol2y) ** 2 + delta_expand(mol1z, mol2z) ** 2
D = (0.5 * ((1. / ((mol1.shape[0]) * other.fineness * other.fineness)) * (d2.min(axis=1).sum()) + (1. / ((mol2.shape[0]) * self.fineness * self.fineness)) * (d2.min(axis=0)).sum())) ** 0.5
return D
def dist_after_movement(self, param, other, symmetry):
The first molecule, molref, is put on its canonical position.
The second one, mol2, is moved following the transformation selected
:param param: list of 6 parameters for the transformation, 3 coordinates of translation and 3 Euler angles
:param symmetry: list of three constants which define a symmetry to apply
:return distance: the NSD between the first molecule and the second one after its movement
if not self.can_param:
can_param1 = self.can_param
molref_can = self.transform(can_param1, [1, 1, 1]) # molecule reference put on its canonical position
mol2_moved = other.transform(param, symmetry) # movement selected applied to mol2
distance = self.dist(other, molref_can, mol2_moved)
return distance