__author__ = "Jerome Kieffer"
__license__ = "MIT"
__copyright__ = "2017, ESRF"
import numpy
from math import log
from .containers import GOF
from ._cormap import measure_longest
class LongestRunOfHeads(object):
"""Implements the "longest run of heads" by Mark F. Schilling
The College Mathematics Journal, Vol. 21, No. 3, (1990), pp. 196-207
See: http://www.maa.org/sites/default/files/pdf/upload_library/22/Polya/07468342.di020742.02p0021g.pdf
def __init__(self):
"We store already calculated values for (n,c)"
self.knowledge = {}
def A(self, n, c):
"""Calculate A(number_of_toss, length_of_longest_run)
:param n: number of coin toss in the experiment, an integer
:param c: length of the longest run of
:return: The A parameter used in the formula
if n <= c:
return 2 ** n
elif (n, c) in self.knowledge:
return self.knowledge[(n, c)]
s = 0
for j in range(c, -1, -1):
s += self.A(n - 1 - j, c)
self.knowledge[(n, c)] = s
return s
def B(self, n, c):
"""Calculate B(number_of_toss, length_of_longest_run)
to have either a run of Heads either a run of Tails
:param n: number of coin toss in the experiment, an integer
:param c: length of the longest run of
:return: The B parameter used in the formula
return 2 * self.A(n - 1, c - 1)
def __call__(self, n, c):
"""Calculate the probability for the longest run of heads to exceed the observed length
:param n: number of coin toss in the experiment, an integer
:param c: length of the longest run of heads, an integer
:return: The probablility of having c subsequent heads in a n toss of fair coin
if c >= n:
return 0
delta = 2 ** n - self.A(n, c)
if delta <= 0:
return 0
return 2.0 ** (log(delta, 2) - n)
def probaHeadOrTail(self, n, c):
"""Calculate the probability of a longest run of head or tails to occur
:param n: number of coin toss in the experiment, an integer
:param c: length of the longest run of heads or tails, an integer
:return: The probablility of having c subsequent heads or tails in a n toss of fair coin
if c > n:
return 0
if c == 0:
return 0
delta = self.B(n, c) - self.B(n, c - 1)
if delta <= 0:
return 0
return min(2.0 ** (log(delta, 2.0) - n), 1.0)
def probaLongerRun(self, n, c):
"""Calculate the probability for the longest run of heads or tails to exceed the observed length
:param n: number of coin toss in the experiment, an integer
:param c: length of thee observed run of heads or tails, an integer
:return: The probablility of having more than c subsequent heads or tails in a n toss of fair coin
if c > n:
return 0
if c == 0:
return 0
delta = (2 ** n) - self.B(n, c)
if delta <= 0:
return 0
return min(2.0 ** (log(delta, 2.0) - n), 1.0)
LROH = LongestRunOfHeads()
def gof(data1, data2):
"""Calculate the probability for a couple of dataset to be equivalent
Implementation according to:
:param data1: numpy array
:param data2: numpy array
:return: probablility for the 2 data to be equivalent
if data1.ndim == 2 and data1.shape[1] > 1:
data1 = data1[:, 1]
if data2.ndim == 2 and data2.shape[1] > 1:
data2 = data2[:, 1]
cdata = numpy.ascontiguousarray(data2 - data1, numpy.float64).ravel()
c = measure_longest(cdata)
n = cdata.size
res = GOF(n, c, LROH.probaLongerRun(n, c - 1))
return res