Source code for freesas.bift

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Bayesian Inverse Fourier Transform

This code is the implementation of
Steen Hansen J. Appl. Cryst. (2000). 33, 1415-1421

Based on the BIFT from Jesse Hopkins, available at:

Many thanks to Pierre Paleo for the auto-alpha guess

__authors__ = ["Jerome Kieffer", "Jesse Hopkins"]
__license__ = "MIT"
__copyright__ = "2020, ESRF"
__date__ = "04/12/2023"

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
from math import log, ceil
import numpy
from scipy.optimize import minimize
from ._bift import BIFT
from .autorg import auto_gpa, autoRg, auto_guinier, NoGuinierRegionError

[docs] def auto_bift(data, Dmax=None, alpha=None, npt=100, start_point=None, end_point=None, scan_size=11, Dmax_over_Rg=3): """Calculates the inverse Fourier tranform of the data using an optimisation of the evidence :param data: 2D array with q, I(q), δI(q). q can be in 1/nm or 1/A, it imposes the unit for r & Dmax :param Dmax: Maximum diameter of the object, this is the starting point to be refined. Can be guessed :param alpha: Regularisation parameter, let it to None for automatic scan :param npt: Number of point for the curve p(r) :param start_point: First useable point in the I(q) curve, this is not the start of the Guinier region :param end_point: Last useable point in the I(q) curve :param scan_size: size of the initial geometrical scan for alpha values. :param Dmax_over_Rg: In average, protein's Dmax is 3x Rg, use this to adjust :return: BIFT object. Call the get_best to retrieve the optimal solution """ assert data.ndim == 2 assert data.shape[1] == 3 # enforce q, I, err use_wisdom = False data = data[slice(start_point, end_point)] q, I, err = data.T npt = min(npt, q.size) # no chance for oversampling ! bo = BIFT(q, I, err) # this is the bift object if Dmax is None: # Try to get a reasonable guess from Rg try: Guinier = auto_guinier(data) except: logger.error("Guinier analysis failed !") raise # print(Guinier) if Guinier.Rg <= 0: raise NoGuinierRegionError Dmax = bo.set_Guinier(Guinier, Dmax_over_Rg) if alpha is None: alpha_max = bo.guess_alpha_max(npt) # First scan on alpha: key = bo.grid_scan(Dmax, Dmax, 1, 1.0 / alpha_max, alpha_max, scan_size, npt) Dmax, alpha = key[:2] # Then scan on Dmax: key = bo.grid_scan(max(Dmax / 2, Dmax * (Dmax_over_Rg - 1) / Dmax_over_Rg), Dmax * (Dmax_over_Rg + 1) / Dmax_over_Rg, scan_size, alpha, alpha, 1, npt) Dmax, alpha = key[:2] if bo.evidence_cache[key].converged: bo.update_wisdom() use_wisdom = True # Optimization using Bayesian operator:"Start search at Dmax=%.2f alpha=%.2f use wisdom=%s", Dmax, alpha, use_wisdom) res = minimize(bo.opti_evidence, (Dmax, log(alpha)), args=(npt, use_wisdom), method="powell")"Result of optimisation:\n %s", res) return bo