Source code for freesas.average

__author__ = "Guillaume"
__license__ = "MIT"
__copyright__ = "2015, ESRF"

import numpy
from freesas.model import SASModel

[docs]class Grid: """ This class is used to create a grid which include all the input models """ def __init__(self, inputfiles): """ :param inputfiles: list of pdb files needed for averaging """ self.inputs = inputfiles self.size = [] self.nbknots = None self.radius = None self.coordknots = [] def __repr__(self): return "Grid with %i knots"%self.nbknots
[docs] def spatial_extent(self): """ Calculate the maximal extent of input models :return self.size: 6-list with x,y,z max and then x,y,z min """ atoms = [] models_fineness = [] for files in self.inputs: m = SASModel(files) if len(atoms)==0: atoms = m.atoms else: atoms = numpy.append(atoms, m.atoms, axis=0) models_fineness.append(m.fineness) mean_fineness = sum(models_fineness) / len(models_fineness) coordmin = atoms.min(axis=0) - mean_fineness coordmax = atoms.max(axis=0) + mean_fineness self.size = [coordmax[0],coordmax[1],coordmax[2],coordmin[0],coordmin[1],coordmin[2]] return self.size
[docs] def calc_radius(self, nbknots=None): """ Calculate the radius of each point of a hexagonal close-packed grid, knowing the total volume and the number of knots in this grid. :param nbknots: number of knots wanted for the grid :return radius: the radius of each knot of the grid """ if len(self.size)==0: self.spatial_extent() nbknots = nbknots if nbknots is not None else 5000 size = self.size dx = size[0] - size[3] dy = size[1] - size[4] dz = size[2] - size[5] volume = dx * dy * dz density = numpy.pi / (3*2**0.5) radius = ((3 /( 4 * numpy.pi)) * density * volume / nbknots)**(1.0/3) self.radius = radius return radius
[docs] def make_grid(self): """ Create a grid using the maximal size and the radius previously computed. The geometry used is a face-centered cubic lattice (fcc). :return knots: 2d-array, coordinates of each dot of the grid. Saved as self.coordknots. """ if len(self.size)==0: self.spatial_extent() if self.radius is None: self.calc_radius() radius = self.radius a = numpy.sqrt(2.0)*radius xmax = self.size[0] xmin = self.size[3] ymax = self.size[1] ymin = self.size[4] zmax = self.size[2] zmin = self.size[5] x = 0.0 y = 0.0 z = 0.0 xlist = [] ylist = [] zlist = [] knots = numpy.empty((1,4), dtype="float") while (zmin + z) <= zmax: zlist.append(z) z += a while (ymin + y) <= ymax: ylist.append(y) y += a while (xmin + x) <= xmax: xlist.append(x) x += a for i in range(len(zlist)): z = zlist[i] if i % 2 ==0: for j in range(len(xlist)): x = xlist[j] if j % 2 == 0: for y in ylist[0:-1:2]: knots = numpy.append(knots, [[xmin+x, ymin+y, zmin+z, 0.0]], axis=0) else: for y in ylist[1:-1:2]: knots = numpy.append(knots, [[xmin+x, ymin+y, zmin+z, 0.0]], axis=0) else: for j in range(len(xlist)): x = xlist[j] if j % 2 == 0: for y in ylist[1:-1:2]: knots = numpy.append(knots, [[xmin+x, ymin+y, zmin+z, 0.0]], axis=0) else: for y in ylist[0:-1:2]: knots = numpy.append(knots, [[xmin+x, ymin+y, zmin+z, 0.0]], axis=0) knots = numpy.delete(knots, 0, axis=0) self.nbknots = knots.shape[0] self.coordknots = knots return knots
[docs]class AverModels(): """ Provides tools to create an averaged models using several aligned dummy atom models """ def __init__(self, inputfiles, grid): """ :param inputfiles: list of pdb files of aligned models :param grid: 2d-array coordinates of each point of a grid, fourth column full of zeros """ self.inputfiles = inputfiles self.models = [] self.header = [] self.radius = None self.atoms = [] self.grid = grid def __repr__(self): return "Average SAS model with %i atoms"%len(self.atoms)
[docs] def read_files(self, reference=None): """ Read all the pdb file in the inputfiles list, creating SASModels. The SASModels created are save in a list, the reference model is the first model in the list. :param reference: position of the reference model file in the inputfiles list """ ref = reference if reference is not None else 0 inputfiles = self.inputfiles models = [] models.append(SASModel(inputfiles[ref])) for i in range(len(inputfiles)): if i==ref: continue else: models.append(SASModel(inputfiles[i])) self.models = models return models
[docs] def calc_occupancy(self, griddot): """ Assign an occupancy and a contribution factor to the point of the grid. :param griddot: 1d-array, coordinates of a point of the grid :return tuple: 2-tuple containing (occupancy, contribution) """ occ = 0.0 contrib = 0 for model in self.models: f = model.fineness for i in range(model.atoms.shape[0]): dx = model.atoms[i, 0] - griddot[0] dy = model.atoms[i, 1] - griddot[1] dz = model.atoms[i, 2] - griddot[2] dist = dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz add = max(1 - (dist / f), 0) if add != 0: contrib += 1 occ += add return occ, contrib
[docs] def assign_occupancy(self): """ For each point of the grid, total occupancy and contribution factor are computed and saved. The grid is then ordered with decreasing value of occupancy. The fourth column of the array correspond to the occupancy of the point and the fifth to the contribution for this point. :return sortedgrid: 2d-array, coordinates of each point of the grid """ grid = self.grid nbknots = grid.shape[0] grid = numpy.append(grid, numpy.zeros((nbknots, 1), dtype="float"), axis=1) for i in range(nbknots): occ, contrib = self.calc_occupancy(grid[i, 0:3]) grid[i, 3] = occ grid[i, 4] = contrib order = numpy.argsort(grid, axis=0)[:, -2] sortedgrid = numpy.empty_like(grid) for i in range(nbknots): sortedgrid[nbknots - i - 1, :] = grid[order[i], :] return sortedgrid
[docs] def make_header(self): """ Create the layout of the pdb file for the averaged model. """ header = [] header.append("Number of files averaged : %s\n"%len(self.inputfiles)) for i in self.inputfiles: header.append(i + "\n") header.append("Total number of dots in the grid : %s\n"%self.grid.shape[0]) decade = 1 for i in range(self.grid.shape[0]): line = "ATOM CA ASP 1 20.00 2 201\n" line = line[:7] + "%4.i"%(i + 1) + line[11:] if not (i + 1) % 10: decade += 1 line = line[:21] + "%4.i"%decade + line[25:] header.append(line) self.header = header return header
[docs] def save_aver(self, filename): """ Save the position of each occupied dot of the grid, its occupancy and its contribution in a pdb file. :param filename: name of the pdb file to write """ if len(self.header) == 0: self.make_header() assert self.grid.shape[-1] == 5 nr = 0 with open(filename, "w") as pdbout: for line in self.header: if line.startswith("ATOM"): if nr < self.grid.shape[0] and self.grid[nr, 4] != 0: coord = "%8.3f%8.3f%8.3f" % tuple(self.grid[nr, 0:3]) occ = "%6.2f" % self.grid[nr, 3] contrib = "%2.f" % self.grid[nr, 4] line = line[:30] + coord + occ + line[60:66] + contrib + line[68:] else: line = "" nr += 1 pdbout.write(line)