Source code for freesas.autorg

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Functions for calculating the radius of gyration and forward scattering intensity."""

__authors__ = ["Jerome Kieffer"]
__license__ = "MIT"
__copyright__ = "2020, ESRF"
__date__ = "05/06/2020"

import logging
import numpy
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from ._autorg import (  # pylint: disable=E0401

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def auto_gpa(data, Rg_min=1.0, qRg_max=1.3, qRg_min=0.5): """ Uses the GPA theory to guess quickly Rg, the radius of gyration and I0, the forwards scattering The theory is described in `Guinier peak analysis for visual and automated inspection of small-angle X-ray scattering data` Christopher D. Putnam J. Appl. Cryst. (2016). 49, 1412–1419 This fits sqrt(q²Rg²)*exp(-q²Rg²/3)*I0/Rg to the curve I*q = f(q²) The Guinier region goes arbitrary from 0.5 to 1.3 q·Rg qRg_min and qRg_max can be provided :param data: the raw data read from disc. Only q and I are used. :param Rg_min: the minimal accpetable value for the radius of gyration :param qRg_max: the default upper bound for the Guinier region. :param qRg_min: the default lower bound for the Guinier region. :return: autRg result with limited information """ def curate_data(data): q = data.T[0] I = data.T[1] err = data.T[2] start0 = numpy.argmax(I) stop0 = numpy.where(q > qRg_max / Rg_min)[0][0] range0 = slice(start0, stop0) q = q[range0] I = I[range0] err = err[range0] q2 = q ** 2 lnI = numpy.log(I) I2_over_sigma2 = err ** 2 / I ** 2 y = I * q p1 = numpy.argmax(y) # Those are guess from the max position: Rg = (1.5 / q2[p1]) ** 0.5 I0 = I[p1] * numpy.exp(q2[p1] * Rg ** 2 / 3.0) # Let's cut-down the guinier region from 0.5-1.3 in qRg try: start1 = numpy.where(q > qRg_min / Rg)[0][0] except IndexError: start1 = None try: stop1 = numpy.where(q > qRg_max / Rg)[0][0] except IndexError: stop1 = None range1 = slice(start1, stop1) q1 = q[range1] I1 = I[range1] return q1, I1, Rg, I0, q2, lnI, I2_over_sigma2, start0 q1, I1, Rg, I0, q2, lnI, I2_over_sigma2, start0 = curate_data(data) if len(q1) < 3: reduced_data = numpy.delete(data, start0, axis=0) q1, I1, Rg, I0, q2, lnI, I2_over_sigma2, start0 = curate_data( reduced_data ) x = q1 * q1 y = I1 * q1 f = ( lambda x, Rg, I0: I0 / Rg * numpy.sqrt(x * Rg * Rg) * numpy.exp(-x * Rg * Rg / 3.0) ) res = curve_fit(f, x, y, [Rg, I0]) logger.debug( "GPA upgrade Rg %s-> %s and I0 %s -> %s", Rg, res[0][0], I0, res[0][1] ) Rg, I0 = res[0] sigma_Rg, sigma_I0 = numpy.sqrt(numpy.diag(res[1])) end = numpy.where(data.T[0] > qRg_max / Rg)[0][0] start = numpy.where(data.T[0] > qRg_min / Rg)[0][0] aggregation = guinier.check_aggregation( q2, lnI, I2_over_sigma2, 0, end - start0, Rg=Rg, threshold=False ) quality = guinier.calc_quality( Rg, sigma_Rg, data.T[0, start], data.T[0, end], aggregation, qRg_max ) return RG_RESULT( Rg, sigma_Rg, I0, sigma_I0, start, end, quality, aggregation )
[docs] def auto_guinier(data, Rg_min=1.0, qRg_max=1.3, relax=1.2): """ Yet another implementation of the Guinier fit The idea: * extract the reasonable range * convert to the Guinier space (ln(I) = f(q²) * scan all possible intervall * keep any with qRg_max<1.3 (or 1.5 in relaxed mode) * select the begining and the end of the guinier region according to the contribution of two parameters: - (q_max·Rg - q_min·Rg)/qRg_max --> in favor of large ranges - 1 / RMSD --> in favor of good quality data For each start and end point, the contribution of all ranges are averaged out (using histograms) The best solution is the start/end position with the maximum average. * All ranges within this region are averaged out to measure Rg, I0 and more importantly their deviation. * The quality is still to be calculated * Aggergation is assessed according a second order polynom fit. :param data: 2D array with (q,I,err) :param Rg_min: minimum value for Rg :param qRg_max: upper bound of the Guinier region :param relax: relaxation factor for the upper bound :param resolution: step size of the slope histogram :return: autRg result """ raw_size = data.shape[0] q_ary = numpy.empty(raw_size, dtype=DTYPE) i_ary = numpy.empty(raw_size, dtype=DTYPE) sigma_ary = numpy.empty(raw_size, dtype=DTYPE) q2_ary = numpy.empty(raw_size, dtype=DTYPE) lnI_ary = numpy.empty(raw_size, dtype=DTYPE) wg_ary = numpy.empty(raw_size, dtype=DTYPE) start0, stop0 = guinier.curate_data( data, q_ary, i_ary, sigma_ary, Rg_min, qRg_max, relax ) if start0 < 0: raise InsufficientDataError( "Minimum region size is %s" % guinier.min_size ) guinier.guinier_space( start0, stop0, q_ary, i_ary, sigma_ary, q2_ary, lnI_ary, wg_ary ) fits = guinier.many_fit( q2_ary, lnI_ary, wg_ary, start0, stop0, Rg_min, qRg_max, relax ) cnt, relaxed, qRg_max, aslope_max = guinier.count_valid( fits, qRg_max, relax ) # valid_fits = fits[fits[:, 9] < qRg_max] if cnt == 0: raise NoGuinierRegionError(qRg_max) # select the Guinier region based on all fits: start, stop = guinier.find_region(fits, qRg_max) # Now average out the Rg_avg, Rg_std, I0_avg, I0_std, good = guinier.average_values( fits, start, stop ) aggregated = guinier.check_aggregation( q2_ary, lnI_ary, wg_ary, start0, stop, Rg=Rg_avg, threshold=False ) quality = guinier.calc_quality( Rg_avg, Rg_std, q_ary[start], q_ary[stop], aggregated, qRg_max ) result = RG_RESULT( Rg_avg, Rg_std, I0_avg, I0_std, start, stop, quality, aggregated ) return result