FabIO-Convert ============= Purpose: -------- `fabio-convert` is a portable image converter based on FabIO library. It best work when converting single-frame files from one format to another. For multi-frame files, the best is to use the Python API. Usage: ------ fabio-convert [-h] [-V] [-v] [--debug] [-l] [-o OUTPUT] [-F FORMAT] [-f] [-n] [--remove-destination] [-u] [-i] [--dry-run] [IMAGE ...] Positional arguments: +++++++++++++++++++++ IMAGE Input file images Options: ++++++++ **-h**, **--help** show this help message and exit **-V**, **--version** output version and exit **-v**, **--verbose** show information for each conversions **--debug** show debug information Main arguments: +++++++++++++++ **-l**, **--list** show the list of available formats and exit **-o** OUTPUT, **--output** OUTPUT output file or directory **-F** FORMAT, **--output-format** FORMAT output format Optional behaviour arguments: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ **-f**, **--force** if an existing destination file cannot be opened, remove it and try again (this option is ignored when the **-n** option is also used) **-n**, **--no-clobber** do not overwrite an existing file (this option is ignored when the **-i** option is also used) **--remove-destination** remove each existing destination file before attempting to open it (contrast with **--force**) **-u**, **--update** copy only when the SOURCE file is newer than the destination file or when the destination file is missing **-i**, **--interactive** prompt before overwrite (overrides a previous **-n** option) **--dry-run** do everything except modifying the file system Return code: ++++++++++++ - 0 means a success. - 1 means the conversion contains a failure, - 2 means there was an error in the arguments .. command-output:: fabio-convert --help :nostderr: