Eiger2Crysalis ============== Purpose: -------- Convert a stack of images acquires with an Eiger detector (HDF5, format `eiger` or `lima`) into a CrysalisPro project CrysalisPro is a single-crystal data reduction program developped by Mathias Meyer and gracefully made available free of charge by Rigaku. The Crysalis project directory is populated with: - a set of Esperanto files, corresponding to the different frames of the HDF5 file - a set-file, ascii format, with the description of the detector (mostly unused) - a ccd-file, binary format, with the description of the mask of the detector - a par-file, ascii format, with the description of the sample, goniometer, source, ... - a run-file, binary format, with the description of the scans (sometimes called sweep in MX) The directory can directly be opened with CrysalisPro. Usage: ------ eiger2crysalis [-h] [-V] [-v] [--debug] [-l] [-o OUTPUT] [-O OFFSET] [-D DUMMY] [--dry-run] [--calc-mask] [-e ENERGY] [-w WAVELENGTH] [-d DISTANCE] [-b BEAM BEAM] [-p POLARIZATION] [--alpha ALPHA] [--kappa KAPPA] [--phi PHI] [--omega OMEGA] [--theta THETA] [--rotation ROTATION] [--transpose] [--flip-ud] [--flip-lr] [IMAGE ...] Positional arguments: +++++++++++++++++++++ IMAGE File with input images Options: ++++++++ **-h**, **--help** show this help message and exit **-V**, **--version** output version and exit **-v**, **--verbose** show information for each conversions **--debug** show debug information **-l**, **--list** show the list of available formats and exit Main arguments: +++++++++++++++ **-o** OUTPUT, **--output** OUTPUT output directory and filename template, for example `{basename}/crysalis/scan_1_{index}.esperanto` **-O** OFFSET, **--offset** OFFSET index offset, CrysalisPro likes indexes to start at 1, Python starts at 0. The default is 1 **-D** DUMMY, **--dummy** DUMMY Set masked values to this dummy value Optional behaviour arguments: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ **--dry-run** do everything except modifying the file system **--calc-mask** Generate a fine mask from pixels marked as invalid. By default, only treats gaps (faster) Experimental setup options: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ **-e** ENERGY, **--energy** ENERGY Energy of the incident beam in keV **-w** WAVELENGTH, **--wavelength** WAVELENGTH Wavelength of the incident beam in Angstrom **-d** DISTANCE, **--distance** DISTANCE Detector distance in millimeters **-b** BEAM BEAM, **--beam** BEAM BEAM Direct beam in pixels x, y **-p** POLARIZATION, **--polarization** POLARIZATION Polarization factor (0.99 by default on synchrotron) Goniometer setup: +++++++++++++++++ **--alpha** ALPHA Goniometer angle alpha value in deg. Constant, angle between kappa and omega. **--kappa** KAPPA Goniometer angle kappa value in degrees or formula f(index) ``-80 + 2*index`` **--phi** PHI Goniometer angle phi value (inner-most rotation) in degrees or formula f(index) ``-180+0.7*index`` **--omega** OMEGA Goniometer angle omega value (outer-most rotation) in degrees or formula f(index) ``-180+0.5*index`` **--theta** THETA Goniometer angle theta value (angle of the detector arm) in degrees or formula f(index). ``-50+5*index`` **Nota:** only one angle can vary during a given scan. Image preprocessing: ++++++++++++++++++++ Images are patched onto the center of a square frame, and transformation are applied in this order: **--rotation** ROTATION Rotate the initial image by this value in degrees. Must be a multiple of 90??. By default 180 deg (flip_up with origin=lower and flip_lr because the image is seen from the sample). **--transpose** Flip the x/y axis **--flip-ud** Flip the image upside-down **--flip-lr** Flip the image left-right Return code: ++++++++++++ - 0 means a success. - 1 means the conversion contains a failure, - 2 means there was an error in the arguments Nota: ----- Images are made square, so the beam center found in the eperanto image differs from the one entered. .. command-output:: eiger2crysalis --help :nostderr: