Source code for dahu.server

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# coding: utf-8
from __future__ import with_statement, print_function, absolute_import, division

Data Analysis RPC server over Tango: 

Tango device server
__author__ = "Jérôme Kieffer"
__contact__ = ""
__license__ = "MIT"
__copyright__ = "European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Grenoble, France"
__date__ = "09/07/2021"
__status__ = "production"
__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext'

import sys
import os
import json
import threading
import logging
import time
import types
import multiprocessing
import six
if six.PY2:
    from Queue import Queue
    from queue import Queue

logger = logging.getLogger("dahu.server")
# set loglevel at least at INFO
if logger.getEffectiveLevel() > logging.INFO:

import PyTango
from .job import Job, plugin_factory

    from rfoo.utils import rconsole
except ImportError:
    logger.debug("No socket opened for debugging -> please install rfoo")

[docs]class DahuDS(PyTango.LatestDeviceImpl): """ Tango device server launcher for Dahu server. """ def __init__(self, cl, name): PyTango.LatestDeviceImpl.__init__(self, cl, name) self.init_device() self.job_queue = Queue() # queue containing jobs to process self.event_queue = Queue() # queue containing finished jobs self.processing_lock = threading.Semaphore() self.stat_lock = threading.Semaphore() self.last_stats = "No statistics collected yet, please use the 'collectStatistics' method first" self.last_failure = -1 self.last_success = -1 self.statistics_threads = None self._serialize = False # self._ncpu_sem = threading.Semaphore(multiprocessing.cpu_count()) # start the two threads related to queues: process_job and event_queue t2 = threading.Thread(target=self.process_job) t2.start() t1 = threading.Thread(target=self.process_event) t1.start()
[docs] def get_name(self): """Returns the name of the class""" return self.__class__.__name__
[docs] def delete_device(self): logger.debug("[Device delete_device method] for device %s" % self.get_name())
[docs] def init_device(self): logger.debug("In %s.init_device()" % self.get_name()) self.set_state(PyTango.DevState.ON) self.get_device_properties(self.get_device_class()) self.set_change_event("jobSuccess", True, False) self.set_change_event("jobFailure", True, False) self.set_change_event("statisticsCollected", True, False)
[docs] def always_executed_hook(self): pass
[docs] def read_attr_hardware(self, data): logger.debug("In %s.read_attr_hardware()" % self.get_name())
[docs] def read_jobSuccess(self, attr): attr.set_value(self.last_success)
[docs] def read_jobFailure(self, attr): attr.set_value(self.last_failure)
[docs] def read_statisticsCollected(self, attr): attr.set_value(self.last_stats)
[docs] def read_serialize(self, attr): attr.set_value(bool(self._serialize))
[docs] def write_serialize(self, attr): self._serialize = bool(attr.get_write_value)
[docs] def getJobState(self, jobId): return Job.getStatusFromID(jobId)
[docs] def cleanJob(self, jobId): return Job.cleanJobFromID(jobId)
[docs] def listPlugins(self): """ List all plugin currently loaded .... with a brief description """ logger.debug("In %s.listPlugins" % (self.get_name())) res = ["List of all plugin currently loaded (use initPlugin to loaded additional plugins):"] plugins = list(plugin_factory.registry.keys()) plugins.sort() return os.linesep.join(res + [" %s : %s" % (i, plugin_factory.registry[i].__doc__.split("\n")[0]) for i in plugins])
[docs] def initPlugin(self, name): """ Creates a job with the given plugin """ logger.debug("In %s.initPlugin(%s)" % (self.get_name(), name)) err = None try: plugin = plugin_factory(name) except Exception as error: err = "plugin %s failed to be instanciated: %s" % (name, error) logger.error(err) if plugin is None or err: return "Plugin not found: %s, err" % (name, err) else: return "Plugin loaded: %s%s%s" % (name, os.linesep, plugin.__doc__)
[docs] def abort(self, jobId): """ Aborts a job @param jobId: ID of the job to stop """ pass
[docs] def quitDahu(self): logger.debug("In %s.quitDahu()" % self.get_name())"Quitting DahuDS") sys.exit()
[docs] def startJob(self, argin): """ Starts a job @param argin: 2-list [<Dahu plugin to execute>, <JSON serialized dict>] @return: jobID which is an int (-1 for error) """ logger.debug("In %s.startJob()" % self.get_name()) name, data_input = argin[:2] if data_input.strip() == "": return -1 job = Job(name, data_input) if job is None: return -1 self.job_queue.put(job) return
[docs] def process_job(self): """ Process all jobs in the queue. """ while True: job = self.job_queue.get() job.connect_callback(self.finished_processing) job.start() if self._serialize: job.join()
[docs] def finished_processing(self, job): """ callback: when processing is done @param job: instance of dahu.job.Job """ logger.debug("In %s.finished_processing id:%s (%s)" % (self.get_name(),, job.status)) # self._ncpu_sem.release() job.clean(wait=False) if job.status == job.STATE_SUCCESS: self.last_success = else: sys.stdout.flush() sys.stderr.flush() self.last_failure = self.job_queue.task_done() self.event_queue.put(job)
[docs] def process_event(self): """ process finished jobs on the tango side (issue with tango locks) """ while True: job = self.event_queue.get() if job.status == job.STATE_SUCCESS: self.push_change_event("jobSuccess", else: self.push_change_event("jobFailure",
# TODO one day # def getRunning(self): # """ # retrieve the list of plugins currently under execution (with their plugin-Id) # """ # return EDStatus.getRunning() # # def getSuccess(self): # """ # retrieve the list of plugins finished with success (with their plugin-Id) # """ # return EDStatus.getSuccess() # # def getFailure(self): # """ # retrieve the list of plugins finished with failure (with their plugin-Id) # """ # return EDStatus.getFailure()
[docs] def collectStatistics(self): """ Retrieve some statistics on all Dahu-Jobs @return: a page of information about Dahu-jobs """ self.statistics_threads = threading.Thread(target=self.statistics) self.statistics_threads.start()
[docs] def statistics(self): """ retrieve some statistics about past jobs. """ with self.stat_lock: fStartStat = time.time() self.last_stats = Job.stats() self.last_stats += os.linesep + "Statistics collected on %s, the collect took: %.3fs" % (time.asctime(), time.time() - fStartStat) self.push_change_event("statisticsCollected", self.last_stats)
[docs] def getStatistics(self): """ just return statistics previously calculated """ if self.statistics_threads: self.statistics_threads.join() return self.last_stats
[docs] def getJobOutput(self, jobId): """ Retrieve XML output form a job @param jobId: name of the job @return: output from a job """ return Job.getDataOutputFromId(jobId, as_JSON=True)
[docs] def getJobInput(self, jobId): """ Retrieve input from a job as JSON string @param jobId: identifier of the job (int) @return: JSON serialized input from a job """ return Job.getDataInputFromId(jobId, as_JSON=True)
[docs] def getJobError(self, jobId): """ Retrieve error message from a job as a string @param jobId: identifier of the job (int) @return: Error message """ return Job.getErrorFromId(jobId)
[docs] def waitJob(self, jobId): """ Wait for a job to be finished and returns the status. May cause Tango timeout if too slow to finish .... May do polling to wait the job actually started @param jobId: identifier of the job (int) @return: status of the job """ res = Job.synchronize_job(jobId) i = 0 while res == Job.STATE_UNINITIALIZED: if i > 10: break i += 1 time.sleep(0.1) res = Job.synchronize_job(jobId) return res
[docs]class DahuDSClass(PyTango.DeviceClass): # Class Properties class_property_list = { } # Device Properties device_property_list = { 'plugins_directory': [PyTango.DevString, "Dahu plugins directory", [] ], } # Command definitions cmd_list = { 'startJob': [[PyTango.DevVarStringArray, "[<Dahu plugin to execute>, <JSON serialized dict>]"], [PyTango.DevLong, "job id"]], 'abort': [[PyTango.DevLong, "job id"], [PyTango.DevBoolean, ""]], 'getJobState': [[PyTango.DevLong, "job id"], [PyTango.DevString, "job state"]], 'initPlugin': [[PyTango.DevString, "plugin name"], [PyTango.DevString, "Message"]], 'cleanJob':[[PyTango.DevLong, "job id"], [PyTango.DevString, "Message"]], 'collectStatistics':[[PyTango.DevVoid, "nothing needed"], [PyTango.DevVoid, "Collect some statistics about jobs within Dahu"]], 'getStatistics':[[PyTango.DevVoid, "nothing needed"], [PyTango.DevString, "Retrieve statistics about Dahu-jobs"]], 'getJobOutput': [[PyTango.DevLong, "job id"], [PyTango.DevString, "<JSON serialized dict>"]], 'getJobInput': [[PyTango.DevLong, "job id"], [PyTango.DevString, "<JSON serialized dict>"]], 'getJobError': [[PyTango.DevLong, "job id"], [PyTango.DevString, "Error message"]], 'listPlugins': [[PyTango.DevVoid, "nothing needed"], [PyTango.DevString, "prints the list of all plugin classes currently loaded"]], 'waitJob': [[PyTango.DevLong, "job id"], [PyTango.DevString, "job state"]], } # Attribute definitions attr_list = { 'jobSuccess': [[PyTango.DevLong, PyTango.SCALAR, PyTango.READ]], 'jobFailure': [[PyTango.DevLong, PyTango.SCALAR, PyTango.READ]], 'statisticsCollected': [[PyTango.DevString, PyTango.SCALAR, PyTango.READ]], 'serialize': [[PyTango.DevBoolean, PyTango.SCALAR, PyTango.READ_WRITE]], } def __init__(self, name): PyTango.DeviceClass.__init__(self, name) self.set_type(name); logger.debug("In DahuDSClass constructor")