Source code for dahu.factory

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Data Analysis RPC server over Tango: 

Factory for the loading of plugins

__authors__ = ["Jérôme Kieffer"]
__contact__ = ""
__license__ = "MIT"
__copyright__ = "European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Grenoble, France"
__date__ = "17/03/2020"
__status__ = "production"

import os
import os.path as op
import logging
from collections import OrderedDict
logger = logging.getLogger("dahu.factory")
from threading import Semaphore
from .utils import get_workdir, fully_qualified_name

import importlib.util

[docs]def load_source(module_name, file_path): "Plugin loader which does not pollute sys.module" spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(module_name, file_path) #module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) #spec.loader.exec_module(module) module = spec.loader.load_module( #Option: remove from sys.modules ... return module
dahu_root = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
[docs]class Factory(object): """ This is a factory, it instanciates a plugin from it name """ registry = {} modules = {} plugin_dirs = OrderedDict() # key: directory name, value=list of modules reg_sem = Semaphore() def __init__(self, workdir=None, plugin_path=None): """ @param workdir: place were we are allowed to write @param plugin_path: places where plugins are ... in addition to the content of DAHU_PATH" """ self._sem = Semaphore() self.workdir = workdir or "." # First the ones from environment if "DAHU_PLUGINS" in os.environ: for directory in os.environ["DAHU_PLUGINS"].split(os.pathsep): self.add_directory(directory) # Then the ones from configuration for directory in (plugin_path or []): self.add_directory(directory) # Finally the default one self.add_directory(os.path.join(dahu_root, "plugins"))
[docs] def add_directory(self, directory): abs_dir = os.path.abspath(directory) if not os.path.isdir(directory): logger.warning("No such directory: %s" % directory) return python_files = [] for i in os.listdir(abs_dir): j = op.join(abs_dir, i) if op.isfile(j) and i.endswith(".py"): python_files.append(i[:-3]) if op.isdir(j) and op.exists(op.join(j, "")): python_files.append(i)"Available modules in dahu from {directory}:{os.linesep}" + " ".join(python_files)) with self._sem: self.plugin_dirs[abs_dir] = python_files
[docs] def search_plugin(self, plugin_name): """ Search for a given plugins ... starting from the FQN package.class, """ if "." not in plugin_name: logger.error("plugin name have to be fully qualified, here: %s" % plugin_name) return splitted = plugin_name.split(".") module_name = ".".join(splitted[:-1]) for dirname, modules in self.plugin_dirs.items(): if module_name in modules and module_name not in self.modules: dst = op.join(dirname, module_name) if op.isdir(dst): fname = op.join(dst, "") elif op.isfile(dst+".py"): fname = dst+".py" else: raise RuntimeError("Unable to find module source for %s in %s"%(module_name, dirname))"load %s from %s",module_name, fname) mod = load_source(module_name, os.path.join(dirname, fname)) with self.reg_sem: self.modules[module_name] = mod
def __call__(self, plugin_name): """ create a plugin instance from its name @param plugin_name: name of the plugin as a string @return: plugin instance """ plugin_name = plugin_name.lower() if plugin_name in self.registry: return self.registry[plugin_name]() with self._sem: self.search_plugin(plugin_name) if plugin_name not in self.registry: logger.error("Plugin directories have been searched but plugin" " %s was not found" % plugin_name) else: return self.registry[plugin_name]()
[docs] @classmethod def register(cls, klass, fqn=None): """ Register a class as a plugin which can be instanciated. This can be used as a decorator @plugin_factor.register @param klass: class to be registered as a plugin @param fqn: fully qualified name @return klass """ if fqn is None: fqn = fully_qualified_name(klass) logger.debug("Registering plugin %s as %s" % (klass, fqn)) with cls.reg_sem: cls.registry[fqn] = klass return klass
plugin_factory = Factory(get_workdir()) register = plugin_factory.register