Source code for dahu.job

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Data Analysis RPC server over Tango: 

Contains the Job class which handles jobs.
A static part of the class contains statistics of the class

__authors__ = ["Jérôme Kieffer"]
__contact__ = ""
__license__ = "MIT"
__copyright__ = "European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Grenoble, France"
__date__ = "01/09/2020"
__status__ = "production"

from threading import Thread, Semaphore
import time
import os
import sys
import gc
import six
import json
import logging
import traceback
logger = logging.getLogger("dahu.job")
from . import utils
from .factory import plugin_factory

# Python 2to3 compatibility
StringTypes = (six.binary_type, six.text_type)

[docs]class Job(Thread): """ Class Job * Each instance will be a job * Constructor takes an input data and generates the JobId * Each instance will gave a "getOutput" method with optional join * there could be a "join" method, waiting for the job to finish * Each instance will have a "execute" method and returning a JobId * Each instance will have a "setCallBack" method that stores the name of the external callback * provide status of a job * Each instance has an abort method which can be used to stop processing (or a server) Static part: * keeps track of all jobs status * leave the time to job to initialize * static class retrieve job-instance, status, small-log ... * does not manage workload of the computer, should be managed at the ExecPlugin level Used for the tango binding == class variables == dictPluginStatus[pluginName] = ["uninitialized"|"running"|"executed"|"failed"] dictJobs [JobId] = Job.Instance == static methods == getJob(JobId) RESERVED keywords from Thread: start, run, join, name, ident, is_alive, daemon start is overridden with a call to the factory to instanciate the plugin """ STATE_INEXISTANT = "inexistant" STATE_UNINITIALIZED = "uninitialized" STATE_STARTING = "starting" STATE_RUNNING = "running" STATE_SUCCESS = "success" STATE_FAILURE = "failure" STATE_ABORTED = "aborted" STATE = [STATE_UNINITIALIZED, STATE_STARTING, STATE_RUNNING, STATE_SUCCESS, STATE_FAILURE, STATE_ABORTED] _dictJobs = {} _semaphore = Semaphore() _global_start_time = time.time() _id_class = 0 _storage_dir = utils.get_workdir() if not os.path.isdir(_storage_dir): os.makedirs(_storage_dir) def __init__(self, name="plugin.Plugin", input_data={}): """ Constructor of the class Job :param name: name of the plugin to be instanciated :param input_data: Should be a dictionary or a JSON string representing that dictionary """ Thread.__init__(self) self._status = Job.STATE_UNINITIALIZED self._name = name if isinstance(input_data, StringTypes): if os.path.isfile(input_data): with open(input_data) as f: self._input_data = json.load(f) else: self._input_data = json.loads(input_data) else: self._input_data = dict(input_data) self._input_data["plugin_name"] = self._name with self.__class__._semaphore: self.__class__._id_class += 1 self._jobId = self.__class__._id_class self.__class__._dictJobs[self.__class__._id_class] = self self._input_data["job_id"] = self._jobId self.data_on_disk = False self._output_data = {} self._sem = Semaphore() self._plugin = None self._runtime = None self._start_time = time.time() # list of methods to be called at the end of the processing self._callbacks = [] def __repr__(self): if self._plugin is None: txt = "dahu job (thread) #%i using finished plugin (%s) %s" % ( self._jobId, self._name, self._status) else: txt = "dahu job (thread) #%i using plugin %s currently %s" % ( self._jobId, self._plugin.__class__.__name__, self._status) return txt
[docs] def start(self): """ We need to create the plugin before starting the new tread... """ self._status = self.STATE_STARTING try: self._plugin = plugin_factory(self._name) except Exception as error: self._log_error("plugin %s failed to be instanciated, raised: %s" % (self._name, error)) self._run_callbacks() else: if self._plugin is None: self._log_error("plugin %s failed to be instanciated." % self._name) logger.debug(plugin_factory.registry) else: # finally launch the new thread. Thread.start(self)
[docs] def join(self, timeout=None): if self._status in (self.STATE_RUNNING, self.STATE_STARTING): Thread.join(self, timeout)
[docs] def abort(self): """ Tell the job to stop ! Needs to be implemented into the plugin ! """ if self._status == self.STATE_RUNNING: with self._sem: self._status = self.STATE_ABORTED self._output_data[self._status] = utils.get_isotime() self._run_("abort")
[docs] def run(self): """ Defines the sequence of execution of the plugin 1) the the state to "running" 2) sets the input data to the plugin 3) run the set-up 4) run the process 4) run the tear-down: always runs tear-down ! 5) run the call-backs """ self._status = self.STATE_RUNNING self._plugin.input.update(self._input_data) self._run_("setup") if self._status != self.STATE_FAILURE: self._run_("process") self._run_("teardown") if self._status != self.STATE_FAILURE: self._output_data.update(self._plugin.output) if self._status == self.STATE_RUNNING: self._status = self.STATE_SUCCESS self._run_callbacks()
def _run_(self, what): """ run setup, process, teardown or abort ... :param what: setup, process or teardown @parma args: argument list to be passed to the method """ methods = {"process": self._plugin.DEFAULT_PROCESS, "setup": self._plugin.DEFAULT_SET_UP, "teardown": self._plugin.DEFAULT_TEAR_DOWN, "abort": self._plugin.DEFAULT_ABORT } assert what in methods name = methods.get(what) if name in dir(self._plugin): method = self._plugin.__getattribute__(name) if "__call__" in dir(method): # if what in self._input_data: # try: # method(self._input_data[what]) # except Exception as error: # self._log_error("Error %s while calling %s.%s with argument %s" % # (error, self._plugin.__class__.__name__, # what, self._input_data[what])) # else: try: method() except Exception as error: import traceback err_msg = [traceback.format_exc(limit=10), "" "Error %s while calling %s.%s" % (error, self._plugin.__class__.__name__, what)] self._log_error(os.linesep.join(err_msg)) else: logger.error("No such method %s in class %s" % (what, self._plugin.__class__.__name__)) def _run_callbacks(self): self._update_runtime() for cb in self._callbacks: if "__call__" in dir(cb): try: cb(self) except Exception as error: self._log_error("Error while calling %s: %s" % (cb, error)) def _log_error(self, msg): """ log an error message in the output """ exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info() err_msg = [msg, "%s: %s" % (exc_type, exc_value)] for line in traceback.extract_tb(exc_traceback): err_msg.append(" File \"%s\", line %d, in %s" % (line[0], line[1], line[2])) err_msg.append("\t\t%s" % line[3]) with self._sem: self._status = self.STATE_FAILURE if "error" not in self._output_data: self._output_data["error"] = err_msg else: self._output_data["error"] += ["*" * 50] + err_msg logger.error(err_msg) def _update_runtime(self): with self._sem: self._runtime = time.time() - self._start_time
[docs] def connect_callback(self, method=None): """ :param method: function or method to be called - back """ if method: with self._sem: if "__call__" in dir(method): self._callbacks.append(method) else: logger.error("Non callable callback method: %s" % method)
[docs] def clean(self, force=False, wait=True): """ Frees the memory associated with the plugin :param force: Force garbage collection after clean-up :param wait: wait for job to be finished """ logger.debug("In clean %s" % (self._plugin)) if wait and self.is_alive(): self.join() if self._plugin is not None: self._update_runtime() with self._sem: if self._plugin is not None: if self._plugin.input: self._input_data.update(self._plugin.input) if self._plugin.output: self._output_data.update(self._plugin.output) self._output_data["job_runtime"] = self._runtime dirname = os.path.join(utils.get_workdir(), "%04d" % (self._jobId // 1000)) with self._semaphore: if not os.path.exists(dirname): os.mkdir(dirname) base_path = os.path.join(dirname, "%05d_%s" % (self._jobId, self._name)) with open(base_path + ".inp", "w") as infile: json.dump(self._input_data, infile, indent=4) with open(base_path + ".out", "w") as infile: json.dump(self._output_data, infile, indent=4) self._plugin = None self.data_on_disk = base_path self._output_data = None self._input_data = None"Finished job #%s, %s with %s in %.3fs", self._jobId, self._name, self._status, self._runtime) if force: gc.collect()
synchronize = join ################################################################################ # Properties ################################################################################ @property def id(self): """ :return: JobId @rtype: integer """ return self._jobId @property def plugin(self): """ :return: the processing instance @rtype: python object """ return self._plugin @property def status(self): """ :return: status of the Job @rtype: string """ return self._status @property def input_data(self): """ Returns the job input data """ with self._sem: if self.data_on_disk: return json.load(open(self.data_on_disk + ".inp")) else: return self._input_data @property def output_data(self): """ Returns the job output data :param _bWait: shall we wait for the plugin to finish to retrieve output data: Yes by default. :type _bWait: boolean """ with self._sem: if self._status in [self.STATE_SUCCESS, self.STATE_FAILURE, self.STATE_ABORTED]: if self.data_on_disk: return json.load(open(self.data_on_disk + ".out")) else: return self._output_data else: logger.warning("Getting output_data for job id %d in state %s." % (self._jobId, self._status)) return self._output_data
[docs] def getName(self): return self._name
[docs] def setName(self, name): if self._name is None: self._name = name else: logger.error("Job.setName: One cannot rename a Job !!!")
name = property(getName, setName, " nickname of the job") ################################################################################ # Class methods ################################################################################
[docs] @classmethod def synchronize_all(cls): """ Wait for all jobs to finish. """ logger.debug("Job.synchronize_all class method ") listJob = list(cls._dictJobs.keys()) for jobid in listJob: job = cls._dictJobs[jobid] job.join() if len(cls._dictJobs) != len(listJob): logger.warning("Job.synchronize_all: New jobs have been launched while synchronizing")
[docs] @classmethod def synchronize_job(cls, jobId, timeout=None): """ Wait for all a specific jobs to finish. :param jobId: identifier of the job ... intg :param timeout: timeout in second to wait :return: status of the job """ logger.debug("Job.synchronize_job class method for id=%s (timeout=%s)", jobId, timeout) job = cls.getJobFromID(jobId) if job is None: res = cls.STATE_INEXISTANT else: job.join(timeout) res = job.status logger.debug("Job.synchronize_job(jobid=%s) ==> %s", jobId, res) return res
[docs] @classmethod def getStatusFromID(cls, jobId): """ Retrieve the job (hence the plugin) status :param jobId: the Job identification number :type jobId: int :return: the Job status @rtype: string """ if jobId < 0: jobId = len(cls._dictJobs) + jobId + 1 if jobId in cls._dictJobs: strRet = cls._dictJobs[jobId]._status else: strRet = "Unable to retrieve such job: %s" % jobId logger.warning(strRet) return strRet
getStatusFromId = getStatusFromID
[docs] @classmethod def getJobFromID(cls, jobId): """ Retrieve the job (hence the plugin) :param jobId: the Job identification number :return: the "Job instance", which contains the plugin and the status @rtype: a Python object, instance of Job. """ if jobId < 0: jobId = len(cls._dictJobs) + jobId + 1 if jobId in cls._dictJobs: return cls._dictJobs[jobId] else: logger.warning("Unable to retrieve such Job: %s" % jobId)
getJobFromId = getJobFromID
[docs] @classmethod def cleanJobfromId(cls, jobId, forceGC=True): """ Frees the memory associated with the top level plugin :param jobId: the Job identification number :type jobId: int :param forceGC: Force garbage collection after clean-up :type forceGC: boolean """ if jobId < 0: jobId = len(cls._dictJobs) + jobId + 1 if jobId in cls._dictJobs: job = cls._dictJobs[jobId] job.cleanJob(forceGC) strRet = "Job %s cleaned" % jobId else: strRet = "Unable to retrieve such Job: %s" % jobId logger.warning(strRet) return strRet
cleanJobfromID = cleanJobfromId
[docs] @classmethod def getDataOutputFromId(cls, jobId, as_JSON=False): """ Returns the Plugin Output Data :param jobId: job idenfier :type jobId: int :return: Job.DataOutput JSON string """ none = "" if as_JSON else {} output = None if jobId < 0: jobId = len(cls._dictJobs) + jobId + 1 if jobId in cls._dictJobs: job = cls._dictJobs[jobId] if job is not None: with job._sem: if job.data_on_disk: data = open(job.data_on_disk + ".out").read() if as_JSON: output = data else: output = json.loads(data) else: if as_JSON: output = json.dumps(job._output_data, skipkeys=True, allow_nan=True, indent=4, encoding="UTF-8") else: output = job._output_data else: output = "No such job: %s" % jobId return output or none
getDataOutputFromID = getDataOutputFromId
[docs] @classmethod def getDataInputFromId(cls, jobId, as_JSON=False): """ Returns the Plugin Input Data :param jobId: job idenfier :type jobId: int :return: Job.DataInput JSON string """ output = None none = "" if as_JSON else {} if jobId < 0: jobId = len(cls._dictJobs) + jobId + 1 if jobId in cls._dictJobs: job = cls._dictJobs[jobId] if job is not None: with job._sem: if job.data_on_disk: data = open(job.data_on_disk + ".inp").read() if as_JSON: output = data else: output = json.loads(data) else: if as_JSON: output = json.dumps(job._input_data, skipkeys=True, allow_nan=True, indent=4, encoding="UTF-8") else: output = job._input_data else: output = "No such job: %s" % jobId return output or none
getDataInputFromID = getDataInputFromId
[docs] @classmethod def getErrorFromId(cls, jobId): """ Returns the error messages from plugin :param jobId: job idenfier :type jobId: int :return: error message as a string """ out = cls.getDataOutputFromId(jobId) return os.linesep.join(out.get("error", [])).encode("UTF-8")
getErrorFromID = getErrorFromId
[docs] @classmethod def stats(cls): """ Retrieve some statistics and print them """ lout = [""] run_time = time.time() - cls._global_start_time keys = list(cls._dictJobs.keys()) keys.sort() output = [(k, cls._dictJobs[k]._name, cls._dictJobs[k]._status, cls._dictJobs[k]._runtime) for k in keys] total_jobs = max(1, len(keys)) lout.append("_" * 80) lout.append("%s\t|\t%s\t\t\t|\t%s\t|\t%s (sec)" % ("Id", "Name", "Status", "Run-time")) lout.append("_" * 80) wall_time = 0.0 sum_xy = 0.0 sum_x = 0.0 sum_xx = 0.0 for ajob in output: if ajob[3]: wall_time += ajob[3] sum_x += ajob[0] sum_xx += ajob[0] * ajob[0] sum_xy += ajob[0] * ajob[3] lout.append("%s\t|\t%s\t|\t%s\t|\t%s" % tuple(ajob)) lout.append("_" * 80) lout.append("Total execution time (Wall): %.3fs, Execution time: %.3fs. SpeedUp: %.3f" % (wall_time, run_time, wall_time / run_time)) lout.append("Average execution time (Wall/N): %.3fs, Average throughput: %.3fs" % (wall_time / total_jobs, run_time / total_jobs)) if len(keys) > 1: slope = (total_jobs * sum_xy - sum_x * wall_time) / (len(keys) * sum_xx - sum_x * sum_x) ord0 = (wall_time - slope * sum_x) / len(keys) else: slope = 0.0 ord0 = wall_time lout.append("Regression of execution time: ExecTime = %.3f + %f * NbJob" % (ord0, slope)) sout = os.linesep.join(lout) return sout